This is the second in a series of Who Wants to be a Millionaire commas review. This quiz deals with the following comma types:
When the group of words begins with who, which, whose or whom and isn’t essential to the sentence.
When the first word of the group of words ends in ed or ing.
when the group of words is used as a description of something already mentioned in the sentence.
This is the first in a series of commas quizes in the style of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’. This first one deals with the following commas types:
To separate items in a list
In a term of address
Yes, no, please or thank you as part of a spoken answer
To separate question tags from the rest of a sentence
A very detailed presentation on the presentation of the Duke in the play. This is available as pdf or a powerpoint and includes pointers, followed by teacher notes and critics’ quotations. It was produced for edexel but is suitable for other specifications
A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
This is one of 6 flashcards I have made for students to fully revise the characters of ‘An Inspector Calls’. These cards can be printed and laminated or printed straight onto card. They are organised into paragraph ideas so that students aren’t simply learning quotations but are learning mini essays on these central characters.
This is one of 6 flashcards I have made for students to fully revise the characters of ‘An Inspector Calls’. These cards can be printed and laminated or printed straight onto card. They are organised into paragraph ideas so that students aren’t simply learning quotations but are learning mini essays on these central characters.
This is one of 6 flashcards I have made for students to fully revise the characters of ‘An Inspector Calls’. These cards can be printed and laminated or printed straight onto card. They are organised into paragraph ideas so that students aren’t simply learning quotations but are learning mini essays on these central characters.
This is one of 6 flashcards I have made for students to fully revise the characters of ‘An Inspector Calls’. These cards can be printed and laminated or printed straight onto card. They are organised into paragraph ideas so that students aren’t simply learning quotations but are learning mini essays on these central characters.
This is one of 6 flashcards I have made for students to fully revise the characters of ‘An Inspector Calls’. These cards can be printed and laminated or printed straight onto card. They are organised into paragraph ideas so that students aren’t simply learning quotations but are learning mini essays on these central characters.
A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
A series of lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
A series of lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
A series of lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
A series of lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
This is one of 6 flashcards I have made for students to fully revise the characters of ‘An Inspector Calls’. These cards can be printed and laminated or printed straight onto card. They are organised into paragraph ideas so that students aren’t simply learning quotations but are learning mini essays on these central characters.
This is a set of 6 revision flashcards on all the central characters of this play. They are organised in a format that provides not just key quotations but paragraph suggestions so that students are learning essay plans as well as quotations. They should cover all you need for these key characters.
A detailed collection of essay plans with either a powerpoint or pdf version, covering the comparison of The Great Gatsby and pre 1900 poems from the AQA English Literature specification. This includes context and ideas/close textual analysis for essay preparation on the theme of the following titles: