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key stage 2/ks2 End of the Year/Transition/2019 Quiz
A fun-filled quiz which can be used either with your own class at the end of the year or with your new class as part of transition.
9 rounds in total with at least 10 questions in each. Rounds include:
General knowledge
Science and Nature
Films and
Key Stage 2/KS2 Reasoning Paper Reminders/Revision
This is an updated version of a PPT, which is packed full of over 50 slides, containing all of the subject knowledge/facts/info that pupils need to go over in the last few days before SATs tests. Ideal for last minute revision and in between papers during SATs week itself.
Year 2 (Key Stage 1 KS1) or Year 6 (Key Stage 2 KS2) Leavers' Song/Assembly 2019
I’ve re-written the lyrics to Lewis Capaldi’s 'Someone You Loved’
It’s easy to sing and a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Tissues will definitely be needed for this one! Enjoy. Only teaser verses have been included on the preview. Full versions are included!
JUST ADDED - a more upbeat song by Sigrid - Don’t Feel Like Crying
End of year - Key Stage 2/KS2 Leavers Assembly Song Bundle
Four song ideas for leavers’ assemblies. All lyrics rewritten to fit a school/year 6 context. Tried and tested in previous years - very successful and enjoyed by the year group (all songs required parental tissues at hand!)
Songs included are:
Seven Years Old by Lukas Graham
Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
Hold by the River by James Bay
2002 by Anne Marie
Coming Soon-Look out for more song ideas to use with your summer 2019 leavers!
KS2/Key Stage 2 Plastic Pollution - Persuasive texts/writing PLANNING and RESOURCES
Complete Key Stage 2 unit of work/scheme covering the global issue of plastic pollution. This persuasive writing unit covers a range of genre including letters, posters, descriptions and stories. It also covers several SPAG areas e.g. modal verbs and expanded noun phrases. Most resources have been provided with links/references to any resources not given. Includes 66 documents covering a potential 4-5 week unit of work - which is fantastic value for money! This will definitely save you lots of planning time. Extra ideas have been given at the end of the planning document to extend this to a full half term of work.
Year 3 & Year 4 Viking Myths & Legends Sagas Planning & Resources
What’s included:
*Lesson plan (2-2.5 weeks of lessons)
*Main teaching SMART Notebook presentation (76 slides)
*Accompanying worksheets and activities, plus a writing checklist, Non-chron WAGOLL and writing planning sheet
Learning objectives covered:
*Make inferences - reading comprehension using film (The Saga of Bjorn from The Literacy Shed) covering questions strands: true or false, put in order, retrieval, vocabulary and inference
*Punctuate a paragraph correctly (dictation)
*Design a Norse mythical creature
*Adverbials of time, place and manner
*Write a non-chronological report
*Identify and use pronouns (including possessive pronouns)
Vary openers using DADWAVERS
Plan and write a Norse myth/saga
Side note: We are studying Vikings in history and also began reading Viking Boy (Tony Bradman) as a class read before starting this unit of work (some parts - very few - were censored/missed out due to violence! I always read ahead in advance of reading aloud to the class) but overall they absolutely loved it. Additionally, it helped increase subject-specific knowledge about different Viking topics such as Viking way of life, Gods and the Valkyries.
Y5/Y6 The Day The Crayons Quit - PLANNING and RESOURCES
A lesson plan with 13 lessons and associated resources, including the main teaching Power Point. You can now also buy our comprehensive planning, resources and extra ideas for the follow-up book The Day the Crayons Came Home. Look for the author LittleDude2011
Objectives covered in this unit are:
Prediction and inference
Vocabulary - using words in context/finding meaning
Using a dictionary
Locating and summarising information
Reading - retrieval
Writing - a letter
Punctuating speech
Reading - what’s the question?
Relative clauses
Subjunctive form
Persuasive writing
Leavers' Assembly Song for 2018
I have rewritten the lyrics to the song 2002 by Anne-Marie for this year.
Hope this is useful for people. I know by experience that the Year 6 children like to use something current for their assembly.
Spaces highlighted where school name/head name should be inserted. Enjoy!!
Romeo and Juliet Lesson Observation
Lesson plans, PPT and resources to support an observation based around the play Romeo and Juliet.
Includes a lead in lesson for the day before observation.
TEACHER FOCUS: Reading Comprehension Skills-using the text as evidence to support ideas regarding characters.
KEY LO: To write in a way which shows children understand a key Shakespearean character and a particular time period.
Children will create a lonely heart advert for Romeo. Writing produced was great and the children really enjoyed the task. Can provide evidence for greater depth writing as the children can shift between formality at the beginning and later in the advert.
Special educational needs SEND IEP template/Pupil Learning Passport
The file included is an updated/new IEP template which is renamed ‘Pupil Learning Passport’. It is used successfully in conjunction with face-to-face parental meetings once per term. We allocated 20-25 minutes each for the Autumn term parental meetings and 10-15 minutes each for the Spring and Summer term meetings, although longer may be needed depending on the nature of the outcomes, progress made as well as the individual circumstances surrounding the pupil .
Pupil Learning Passports (PLPs) can be used for SEND, LAC and disadvantaged pupils.
What does it do?
Outlines personal details and SEND category/categories
Links to SEND ranges
Outlines the pupil’s strengths, achievements and interests ( pupil discussions are held once a year prior to the first parental meeting).
Outlines external agencies involved
Outlines background information (status, medical and external agencies)
Incorporates pupil voice - ‘barriers to learning’ and ‘I learn best when’
States outcomes and learning targets (Autumn, Spring and Summer)
Outlines provision (intervention, resources, strategies and what I can do at home to help
Tracks attainment and progress data
Reviews outcomes
Incorporates parent views
Includes details of transition
Why is it more effective?
One document that is updated each term for one year and the follows the pupil into future year groups
One document that tracks pupil progress for their whole school career from Reception to Y6, or whenever they join your school
In-line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015, incorporating parent and pupil voice and views
Sections are written in conjunction with the pupil
It combines IEPs and Pupil Passports removing the need for two separate documents
Links directly to SEND Provision Map
Saves teachers time having ‘tick box’ options in various sections
All relevant information needed for referrals is in one place
All relevant information in one place to ensure all staff involved with the child is aware of provision, needs, resources and strategies
Acts as a transition document (class to class/teacher to teacher, across Key stages and to new schools)
Overall, it replaces a lot of singular documents and creates one meaningful and multi-purpose document for SEND pupils.
Y5/6 Stormzy Reading lesson & resources (Ofsted/interview/observation)
What’s included:
Lesson plan for lesson 1 (used in observation)
Smart notebook main teaching presentation for lesson 1
Lesson 1 resources sheets
Lesson 2 - extension of lesson 1. True or false questions and ‘find and copy a word or phrase’ questions.
Lesson 3 - song lyric comprehension and questions
The first lesson comprises of a number of short activities and a main independent activity based on inference.
Short activities - predict, vocabulary, retrieve (true or false) and retrieve (match up).
Main (independent activity) - inference activity worksheet.
There are also differentiated activities for SEND pupils - all worksheets included.
The second lesson is a shorter lesson which is an extension of lesson 1.
The third lesson is questions on the song ‘Blinded by your grace’(Stormzy)
Please note: Lesson 1 and 2 uses the Stormzy biography text that can be found in on Twinkl)
2017 Key Stage/KS1 SATs Maths and SPAG Revision Bundle
Get these fantastic KS1 resources at a fraction of the cost for the rest of this year. Although great for last-minute revision, these teaching tools are a brilliant investment for all-year-round consolidation of key skills.
Djembe rhythm patterns (to accompany assembly script and PPT)
Fantastic repertoire of rhythms, which has been put together to result in a class performance for a whole school assembly. Tried and tested!
Djembe Drumming Assembly Script
Full script to go with an assembly based around the djembe drum alongside a performance. Please see free resources for drumming rhythm patterns. Also included is adaptable quiz.
2017 Key Stage 2/KS2 SATS SPAG Revision Bundle
Produced by Year 6 teachers, these fantastic resources help to consolidate all SPAG terms required for the KS2 tests. Included in the PPTs are several example questions for last minute preparation.
Although perfect for the last couple of weeks, these resources can be used all-year-round and are therefore a great investment!
2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 SATS Arithmetic Paper Bundle
Essential last minute revision resources for the arithmetic paper. Developed by Year 6 teachers, resources include top tips for solving arithmetic paper questions as well as example questions to consolidate methods. Train your Brain activities include multiplying /dividing by 10/100/100, doubling and halving key numbers and times tables.
2017 KS2/Key Stage 2 SATS Spelling Revision Bundle
These resources have been developed by Year 6 teachers to aid with last minute spelling revision as well as all-year-round spelling work. The lists include all words from the statutory year 5 and 6 lists as well as other key areas for consolidation including homophones, plurals and silent letters. The spelling races are great fun and a more engaging way to re-cap spellings.
2017 Key Stage 2/KS2 SATS Maths Revision Bundle
As fellow year 6 teachers we have developed these 6 essential revision aids for the last few days before Key stage 2 SATs tests. Includes fact mats to fill in, PPT with all key facts and knowledge for reasoning tests and PPT consolidating exam technique and annotation skills. Although perfect for the last couple of weeks, these resources can be used all-year-round and are therefore a great investment!
Key Stage 2/KS2 Year 6 Maths revision mats
Ideal for last-minute maths revision. 7 PDF files containing questions relating to key facts needed for new curriculum maths tests. My class have been filling in 1 or 2 daily just to keep their maths facts/knowledge fresh in their minds.
Mats include:
-conversions of units
-properties of 2D and 3D shapes
-fraction/decimal/ percentage equivalents
-fractions of amounts
-types of line
-7 and 8 times tables
Written Multiplication Resource Sheets - Dream Hotel
Find lesson plan and main teaching SMART Notebook in our paid section.