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LJ Create STEM Shop

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We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.




We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.
Earth Systems - Rocks

Earth Systems - Rocks

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at rocks. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how rocks are formed. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 30 slides covering: • Igneous Rock • Sedimentary Rock • Metamorphic Rock
Force and Motion - Acceleration

Force and Motion - Acceleration

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at acceleration. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Analyse motion in one direction, using the concept of acceleration. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 23 slides covering: • Acceleration • Equations of Motion • Average Acceleration • Instantaneous Acceleration • Equation of Constantly Accelerated Motion • Acceleration Due to Gravity • Measuring “g”
Scientific Methodology - Planning Descriptive Investigations

Scientific Methodology - Planning Descriptive Investigations

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at planning descriptive investigations. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Find out how to plan descriptive investigations. Main Skills: Interpret written text, make decisions and predict outcomes. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 30 slides covering: • Investigations • Descriptive Investigations • Planning • Habitat Investigation • Equipment • Using a Journal • Collecting Data • Writing a Report
Scientific Methodology - Evaluation of Scientific Explanations

Scientific Methodology - Evaluation of Scientific Explanations

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at evaluation of scientific explanations. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how to evaluate scientific explanations. Main Skills: Interpret written text, diagrams, charts and graphs, make decisions and predict outcomes. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 40 slides covering: • Evaluation Methods • Using Empirical Evidence • Using Logical Reasoning • Using Experimental Testing • Observational Testing • Examining All Sides of Evidence
Waves and Vibrations - Doppler Effect

Waves and Vibrations - Doppler Effect

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at the Doppler effect. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the Doppler effect. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams, and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 22 slides covering: • Doppler Effect • Example Calculation • Relative Velocity • Red Shift
Heat Energy - Conduction of Thermal Energy

Heat Energy - Conduction of Thermal Energy

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at conduction of thermal energy. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate how heat is transferred by conduction. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 20 mins 20 slides covering: • Heat • Transfer of Heat • Conduction • Conduction in Solids • Conduction in Liquids and Gases • Conductors • Insulators
Earth Systems - Natural Hazards

Earth Systems - Natural Hazards

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at natural hazards. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how science can be used to make predictions of natural hazards and reduce their effects. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 29 slides covering: • Natural Hazards • Predicting Natural Hazards • Volcanic Hazards • Studying Volcanoes • Decade Volcanoes • Volcano Monitoring • Mitigation • Evacuation • Other Natural Hazards
Earth Systems - Natural Catastrophes

Earth Systems - Natural Catastrophes

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at natural catastrophes. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how natural events and human activities create catastrophic events. Identify the impact of catastrophic events on ecosystems. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 20 slides covering: • Natural Hazards • Floods • Tsunami • Earthquake • Hurricane • Where Do Natural Hazards Happen? • Effects of Natural Hazards • Natural Disasters • Why Study and Monitor Hazards? • Human Activity
Earth Systems - Water and Earth

Earth Systems - Water and Earth

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at water and Earth. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how water affects materials and processes on Earth. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 20 slides covering: • Water and the Rock Cycle • Water and Weathering • Physical Weathering • Chemical Weathering • Water and Erosion • Water Erosion - Run-off • Water Erosion - Ground Water • River Erosion • River Transportation • River Energy • Deposition
Scientific Methodology - Analysis of Scientific Explanations

Scientific Methodology - Analysis of Scientific Explanations

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at the analysis of scientific explanations. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how to analyse scientific explanations to identify the key factors. Main Skills: Interpret written text, make decisions and predict outcomes. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 41 slides covering: • Scientific Explanations • Analysis • Analytical Methods • Empirical Evidence • Logical Reasoning • Experimental Testing • Observational Testing • Examining All Sides of Evidence
Earth Systems

Earth Systems

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at Earth systems. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how Earth systems interact. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • Atmosphere • Hydrosphere • Geosphere • Biosphere • Earth Systems • Interactions • Water and Atmospheric Interactions • Albedo • Ice • Feedback • Snowball Earth • Earth System Feedback
Force, Mass and Acceleration

Force, Mass and Acceleration

A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at force, mass and acceleration. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Look at the relationship between the acceleration of an object, its mass and the force acting upon it. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 33 slides covering: • Acceleration and Force • Acceleration and Mass • The Unbalanced Force Equation • Types of Force • Force of Gravity • Spring Forces • Push and Pull Forces
Effects of Force

Effects of Force

A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at the effects of force. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Identify the effects of force. Explore the forces that affect objects and their motion. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 22 slides covering: • What is a Force? • Measuring a Force • Effects of Force • Gravity • Everyday Types of Force • Types of Force
Circular Motion

Circular Motion

A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at circular motion. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Analyse accelerated motion in two dimensions using circular examples. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 23 slides covering: • Acceleration • Uniform Circular Motion • Average Velocity • Direction of Centripetal Acceleration • Magnitude of Centripetal Acceleration • Centripetal Acceleration and Rotation
Geological Time

Geological Time

A presentation suitable for Grades 6 to 8, looking at geological time. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how evidence from rock strata can tell us about the history of the Earth. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • Time • Rock Records • Dating Rocks • Relative Dating • The Principle of Uniformitarianism • The Principle of Original Horizontality • The Principle of Superposition • Principle of Cross Cutting • The Principle of Inclusion • Principal of Faunal Succession • Fossils • Relative Dating • Absolute Dating • Geological Time • Precambrian • Cretaceous Period • The End of the Cretaceous Period • Quaternary Period
Ground and Surface Water

Ground and Surface Water

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at ground and surface water. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore sources of ground and surface water. Identify the effects of human activity on ground and surface water. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 35 slides covering: • Water and Life • Fresh Water • Surface Water • Run-off • Watershed • Ground Water • Aquifers • The Water Table • Water Quality • Water Pollution • Effects of Water Pollution
Human Impacts on Earth System Relationships

Human Impacts on Earth System Relationships

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at human impacts on Earth system relationships. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how humans are impacting Earth system relationships. Main Skills: Interpret written text, diagrams, and graphs. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 23 slides covering: • Human Impacts on Earth Systems • A Warming World • Atmospheric Climate Change • Impacts on the Hydrosphere • Sea Level Rise • Coral Bleaching • Deforestation and Earth Systems • Impact on the Hydrosphere - Ocean Acidification • Impact on the Biosphere - Ocean Acidification • Computer Modelling
Forces and the Laws of Motion

Forces and the Laws of Motion

A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at forces and the laws of motion. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Use the laws of motion to calculate forces. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 37 slides covering: • Newton’s First Law of Motion • Newton’s First Law of Motion - Inertia • Newton’s Second Law of Motion • Using Newton’s Second Law • Newton’s Third Law of Motion • Putting it all Together
Earth's Energy Balance

Earth's Energy Balance

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at Earth’s energy balance. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the concept of the Earth’s energy balance. Recognize how changes in the Earth’s Energy Balance affect the global climate. Main Skills: Interpret written text, diagrams, and graphs. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 32 slides covering: • Energy • Energy Balance • Atmosphere Gases • The Greenhouse Effect • Upsetting the Earth’s Energy Balance • Radiative Forcings • Earth’s Energy Balance • Radiative Forcings - The Sun • Radiative Forcings - Atmospheric Aerosols • Radiative Forcings - Volcanoes • Radiative Forcings - Greenhouse Gases • Radiative Forcings - Surface Albedo • Forcings and Feedback • Feedback and Water • Earth’s Energy Balance
Formation of Crustal Features

Formation of Crustal Features

A presentation suitable for Grades 6 to 8 looking at the formation of crustal features. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Relate plate tectonics to the formation of crustal features. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 30 slides covering: • Tectonic Plates • Plate Movement • Boundary Events • Plate Boundary Types • Convergent Boundaries • Oceanic Trenches • Divergent Boundaries • Sliding Boundaries • Rift Zones and Valleys