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Madarun's Shop

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Native speaker, practising teacher of French from KS3, GCSE to A Level. Specialist in French Grammar. My resources feature Grammar & the new AQA exams at GCSE and AS/A Level.




Native speaker, practising teacher of French from KS3, GCSE to A Level. Specialist in French Grammar. My resources feature Grammar & the new AQA exams at GCSE and AS/A Level.
New GCSE French - Intérêt local, national, international - Le bénévolat (2016+)

New GCSE French - Intérêt local, national, international - Le bénévolat (2016+)

This PowerPoint helps to cover the sub-theme on ‘Le bénevolat’ under the ‘Local, national, international and global areas of interest’ topic (Social issues). It includes activities such as verb conjugation, translations , a role play, a photo card, vocabulary, a discussion, reading comprehension and written tasks. It is an ideal resource to introduce or revise several aspects of the topic area. A total of 15 slides Typo corrected on 21/11/16
New GCSE French - Identity & Culture - Passe-temps / Loisirs / Sport (2016+)

New GCSE French - Identity & Culture - Passe-temps / Loisirs / Sport (2016+)

This PowerPoint helps to cover the sub-theme on ‘Leisure / Pastimes / Sport’ under the ‘Identity and Culture’ topic. It includes activities such as translations , a role play, a photo card, vocabulary, a discussion, reading comprehension and written tasks. It is an ideal resource to introduce or revise several aspects of the topic. A total of 14 slides.
New GCSE French -Intérêt local, national, international-Inégalités / Pauvreté(2016+)

New GCSE French -Intérêt local, national, international-Inégalités / Pauvreté(2016+)

This PowerPoint helps to cover the sub-theme on ‘Inequality and poverty’ under the ‘Local, national, international and global areas of interest’ topic (Social issues). It includes activities such as verb conjugation, key vocabulary, translations , a role play, photo card activities, a discussion, reading comprehension and written tasks. It is an ideal resource to introduce or revise several aspects of the topic area.
New GCSE French - Le règlement et l'uniforme (My studies: Life at school)(2016+)

New GCSE French - Le règlement et l'uniforme (My studies: Life at school)(2016+)

This PowerPoint helps to cover the sub-theme on ‘My studies: Life at school’ under the ‘Current and future study and employment’ theme focusing specifically on school rules and the uniform. It includes activities such as verb conjugation, vocabulary, translations , a role play, photo card activities, reading comprehension and written tasks. It is a resource designed to introduce or revise several aspects of the topic area. A total of 35 slides TYPO corrected
La famille en voie de changement / The changing nature of family / AS  Level French / New  / 2016+

La famille en voie de changement / The changing nature of family / AS Level French / New / 2016+

This PowerPoint will help you introduce the new theme of the new yllabus (2016+) ‘La famille en voie de changement’ (The changing nature of family). It covers the three sub themes with a range of activities (Translations, Gap fills, quizzes, speaking and writing practice, finishing with a ‘Kahoot’ activity) with answers. The three sub themes are: - Grands-parents, parents et enfants – soucis et problèmes - Monoparentalité, homoparentalité, familles recomposées - La vie de couple – nouvelles tendances A total of 28 slides (See preview for overview) Speaking Preparation & Practice for the topic "Famille en voie de changement " https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/famille-en-voie-de-changement-speaking-preparation-practice-as-level-french-2016-aqa-new-11363110 ‘Le rôle du bénévolat’: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/le-r-le-du-b-n-volat-the-place-of-voluntary-work-as-level-french-new-aqa-2016-11358773
New GCSE French - Ma vie scolaire (My studies: Life at school) (2016+)

New GCSE French - Ma vie scolaire (My studies: Life at school) (2016+)

This PowerPoint helps to cover the sub-theme on ‘My studies: Life at school’ under the ‘Current and future study and employment’ theme. It includes activities such as verb conjugation, key vocabulary, translations , a role play, photo card activities, a discussion, a literary extract, reading comprehension and written tasks. It is a resource designed to introduce or revise several aspects of the topic area. A total of 22 slides
La cybersociété / Cybersociety / Quels dangers la cybersociété pose-t-elle / AS French 2016+

La cybersociété / Cybersociety / Quels dangers la cybersociété pose-t-elle / AS French 2016+

This PowerPoint helps to cover aspects of the theme about Cybersociety (2016+) - La cybersociété. It focuses on the second sub theme - Quels dangers la cybersociété pose-t-elle? - with the following activities: translations, questions for discussions, photo-based discussions, vocabulary and writing practice. A total of 14 slides See also: - Qui sont les cybernautes / l’avenir https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/cybersoci-t-cybersociety-qui-sont-les-cybernautes-et-l-avenir-as-french-aqa-2016-11370865 - Comment la technologie facilite la vie quotidienne? https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/la-cybersoci-t-cybersociety-comment-la-technologie-facilite-le-quotidien-french-as-aqa-new-11368621
Le rôle du bénévolat / The place of voluntary work/ AS Level French / New/ 2016

Le rôle du bénévolat / The place of voluntary work/ AS Level French / New/ 2016

This PowerPoint will cover the new theme of the new syllabus (2016+) - Le rôle du bénévolat (The place of voluntary work) It covers the three sub themes with a range of activities (Translations, Gap fills, quizzes, a song, video-based comprehension exercises, speaking and writing practice) The three sub themes are: - Qui sont et que font les bénévoles ? - Le bénévolat – quelle valeur pour ceux qui sont aidés ? - Le bénévolat – quelle valeur pour ceux qui aident ? A total of 43 slides.
AQA French GCSE - 15 Photo cards - Foundation Level / Tier with questions (New) (Speaking) (2016)

AQA French GCSE - 15 Photo cards - Foundation Level / Tier with questions (New) (Speaking) (2016)

This PowerPoint is a set of 15 Photo cards for the Foundation Tier - 5 photos for each of the three themes that are required to study at GCSE Level. It also includes the mark scheme for the Photo card with 3 questions seen by students plus an extra two questions hidden for the teacher only to see. This has been made and tailored for the New GCSE French with AQA Specifications 2016+. The GCSE French AQA required prescribed themes are: Theme 1: Identity and Culture Theme 2: Local, National, International and Global areas of interest Theme 3: Current and Future Study and Employment SEE PREVIEW!
La cybersociété /AS Level French / AQA New / 2016

La cybersociété /AS Level French / AQA New / 2016

3 Resources
This bundle covers the three sub themes of the Cybersociety topic through a variety of activities and texts. 1) Comment la technologie facilite le quotidien 2) Qui sont les cybernautes? 3) Quels dangers la cybersociété pose-t-elle ? French/ AS/ AQA /New / 2016
Famille: Grand-parents, parents - Soucis et problèmes  AS Level / French / New

Famille: Grand-parents, parents - Soucis et problèmes AS Level / French / New

This PowerPoint covers the second subtheme of ‘La famille en voie de changement’ with the following topics: Grands-parents, parents et enfants: Soucies et problèmes (Translations, Discussions, a gap fill on generation gap, preparation for the Speaking component with stimulus cards and questions for discussions with the markscheme). Update 11 Oct 2016: Additional slides providing support and advice on how to ask questions. (question words & structures) & typo corrected.
Quelle attitude envers la criminalité / Français / New / A level /French (2017)

Quelle attitude envers la criminalité / Français / New / A level /French (2017)

This PowerPoint (25 slides) helps to cover different aspects on the following topic: How criminals are treated and attitude towards crime. Activities include: Vocabulary, text and comprehension exercise, a gap fill, translations and discussions. Thème: Comment on traite les criminels Quelle attitude envers la criminalité? New A level French
GCSE Translations with Answers- GCSE Foundation Level / Tier (French)

GCSE Translations with Answers- GCSE Foundation Level / Tier (French)

A set of 12 TRANSLATIONS with ANSWERS aimed at Foundation Level with the new AQA Specifications. There are 4 translations per theme. Answers are included for each translation. The 3 prescribed themes are: Theme 1: Identity and Culture Theme 2: Local, National, International and Global areas of interest Theme 3: Current and Future Study and Employment More resources here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/madarun