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Grammar Wall Display
Grammar Wall Display
Gladiator Advert Year 3 & Year 4
Hope it saves some people some time and feel free to adapt to suit.
VIPERS Display
VIPERS Display
How to train your dragon PPT planning
How to train your dragon PPT planning
Stone age to Iron age History planning year 3 & 4
Stone age to Iron age History planning year 3 & 4.
Recipe for a perfect summer
Great resource to be used for all age groups.
Recipe for a perfect summer plan
Recipe for a perfect summer plan
Maths working wall printables
suitable for LKS2 and UKS2
Year 6 leavers song .We are 6
Once you click past the first slide, it should scroll through in time to the song.
Edited to add: from six the musical. Original song here: https://youtu.be/PW44501rjWw?si=c_ggDAAmfdvk1v-c
Roald dahl Year 5 guided reading activity
I thought this sheet might be an early morning activity or a short guided reading sessions in pairs after break.
Visual Timetable Whole School
Visual Timetable Whole School
Place Value Display KS2
Place Value Display KS2
Maya Tribal dance planning Year 5
Maya Tribal dance planning Year 5
Year 5 planning Titanic Arts
Year 5 planning Titanic Arts
Circulatory system planning Year 6
Circulatory system planning Year 6
Fractions planning year 6
Here is my re-jigged fractions planning for Year 6. As fractions run on from division, I’ve started by looking at fractions of amounts and then building on existing knowledge from there, making sure to constantly relate things back to previous learning. This has worked brilliantly with even the least confident children.
Ancient Rome Homework ideas
Ancient Rome Homework ideas
Recipe for a perfect summer paper
This resource can be used with my other resource ,recipe for a perfect summer .
Recipe for a perfect summer WAGOLL
Recipe for a perfect summer WAGOLL