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Concise German Grammar
A very concise German grammar, suitable and adaptable for the beginner or for brushing up the essential grammar. It includes practice examples for each topic covered. AQA or EDEXCEL
in Word
22 pages

AQA German A-Level Reading Texts: Deutschland und die EU
Authentic texts about Germany’s role in and attitude about the EU.
Collection of texts, with questions and exercises, translations German/English, and into German
17 Tasks; all tasks are numbered, and solutions are at the end of the resource, including all translations
Format: Windows Word and fully adaptable 12 pages (incl the 3 for answers)

Edexcel German A-Level (A2)Speaking practice booklet Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland &
GN 1-6 Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland & Politische und künstlerische Kultur im deutschen Sprachraum
This Speaking practice booklet covers the questions for the last 3 years of Topics GN 1-6 Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland & Politische und künstlerische Kultur im deutschen Sprachraum. The materialcovers all the 6 ub-topics and includes: web-links, excerpts ‘davon’ as well as extra questions for the teacher to facilitate a wider conversation on the topics. They help to dig a bit deeper into this very difficult
Format: Word 15 pages continuous, easy to adapt

Edexcel German A-Level (A2) Speaking practice booklet on Immigration and Integration
This Speaking practice booklet covers the questions for the last 3 years of Topics Immigration und Integration stimuli: GN,7,8 and 9. The material includes: web-links as well as extra questions for the teacher to facilitate a wider conversation on the topics. They help to dig a bit deeper into this very difficult topic that is not well covered in the textbook. Some translation sentences included, solution at end
It’s 16 page long, easy to edit and to share with students.
Format: Word

Edexcel German A-Level (A2) Speaking practice booklet on Wiedervereinigung
This Speaking practice booklet covers the questions for the last 3 years of the Wiedervereinigung stimuli: GN10,11 and 12
The material includes: web-links as well as extra questions for the teacher to facilitate a wider conversation on the topics.
It’s 20 page long easy to edit and to share with students.
Format: Word

Revised Edexcel Year 12/13 German A-Level Topic: Die Medien
This resource is intended to give extra material and information on the topic Medien.
The resource offers authentic texts with gap exercises, translations, open questions, vocab and answers at the end (including translations into German)
Tasks are now numbered and all at the end
Format: Windows Word and fully adaptable 10 pages (including the solutions)

Revised Edexcel Year 12/13 German A-Level Topic: Umwelt Environment
All tasks are now numbered and answers found at he end, I have also added a small section on energy and nuclear power for A2
This resource offers authentic texts (some unusual new ideas of solving the problem) with gap exercises, translations, open questions, vocab and answers at the end (including translations into German). It covers the wide variety of the Umweltproblem with reference to Germany
All answers and translations are at the end of the paper
Format: Windows Word and fully adaptable 15 pages

NEW GCSE Edexcel German Translation into German 35-40 short Translations in all Themes
Covering the the 5 Themes: School, Local Area, holiday and Travel, Future Aspirations, International and Global Dimensions, I have produced about 7-9 translations per topic. I have not yet done the translations into German myself but I am happy to supply them on demand. Eventually, I will add them but am short of time at the moment. Each translation covers various tenses and grammatical curiosities as indicated in the Edexcel sample.

New GCSE German Higher Level Speaking and Writing Practice
This resource has 28 slides of which 4 have a just writing stimulus; the others are all a picture stimulus and have matching writing task (80-90 words or more if you want). They cover the 5 topics. They could be used at Foundation of course with less demand on the vocabulary. Print out and set for homework or use in class. Suitable for both Edexcel and AQA
Format PowerPoint– easy to adapt - 28 Slides

NEW German Edexcel Foundation GCSE Revision
Revision for German Edexcel Foundation GCSE
This paper consists of basic revision exercises: a. Guide to Basic Writing 80-90 words - guides through the bullet points, lots of simple ideas in English to translate per bullet point to finally present an ‘essay’.
b. Basic grammar and structure revision: basic vowel change verbs, basic prepositions, simple verb,verb ideas, simple case situations, the question form, simple modal verb form, gern, - , asking questions in Oral, -all at basic level
c. simple guide to the picture essay of up to 40 words
just some work might be above foundation –diversification!
The pages at the moment run on but can easily be separated for each section
Format: Windows Word and fully adaptable 30+ pages

Revised Edexcel /AQA A-Level German Topic: Migration und Integration
All tasks are numbered and solutions are at the end of the resource, including all translations
Collection of texts, with questions and exercises, translations German/English, and into German
The work covers authentic texts on migration and integration and their problems as experienced through people in Germany and Austria. Useful links to information (2 audio), one authentic story printed out (3 pages) which may be useful for the very able or native speaker. All texts are authenticated and therefore can be found. One page at end: List of alphabetical German –English vocabulary.
2 Pages useful for AQA oral
Ideal addition to Textbook
Format: Windows Word and fully adaptable 22 pages

Year13 Edexcel / AQA German History of the Wiedervereinigung and All GN10,11,12 so far researched
A short history of how the Wiedervereinigung came about and how two important people contributed to this event in history. The 18 pages include information on the historic, eventful days and months before the Mauerfall, with gaps and questions, as well as personal and historic details of Brandt and Gorbatchow. Texts for translation into German referring to time before the change. (includes text on Joachim Sauer). Option to translation into English. All gaps and translations now at the end, with gaps left in the exercise texts, so a booklet can be produced with separate answers if required.
I have added 19 pages of research and extra teacher question for all Edexcel GN10,11,12 questions so far
Format Windows Word – easy to adapt -total of 39 pages

Revised & Enhanced New A- Level Edexcel/AQA German topic: Die Medien
This short resource offers gap exercises, translations, open questions, vocab and answers at the end (including translations into German). Includes reference to Austria and Switzerland. I have added 2 items
on social media problems.
17 tasks, all answers and all translations at the end
Useful for both oral and reading work
Format: Windows Word, fully adaptable - 11 pages

REVISED New AQA German A-Level Aspects of German-speaking society Familie im Wandel
This source covers KITA, childcare, changes in family life, e.g different family forms, marriage, including Austria and Switzerland.
It includes activities such translation into and out of German, question and answer, gaps. Answers and ALL translations are at the end of the paper. they are numbered and in order
Good as a booklet
Format Windows Word – easy to adapt - 15 pages

NEW AQA German A-Level-Topic: Das Berliner Leben vor und nach dem Krieg
This PowerPoint resource contains information on Berlin of the time between the wars and after; The Golden Twenties, the bomb damage and Trümmerfrauen , it also has texts on Berlin now, with its cultural and tourist attractions. Passages have questions, are stimulus to further writing, or are for translation into both languages. It’s by no means a definitive piece but in addition to material in the text book should easily cover the topic. The two books mentioned may encourage students to read them. At the end of the resource are the answers and translation.
The resource can be used for the oral preparation or for general introduction to the topic.
The PowerPoint resource contains 19 pages and is fully adaptable

NEW AQA German A-Level 23 Oral Stimulus Cards
The Stimulus Cards are all in a group of 23 separate slides so can either be individually printed out or shown on the board. They cover all the topics. At the bottom of most there are links to Austria and Switzerland for a very quick idea of how ‘it is’ in the other German speaking countries.
Digital world has 4, but Family and Jugendkultur only one each
PowerPoint, easy to change or adapt.

Updated NEW Year 12/13 Edexcel German: Das Musikleben in Deutschland und im deutschen Sprachraum
This resource offers gap exercises, translations, open questions, vocab and answers at the end (including translations into German). It covers as much about the music scene as is feasible, including links to ‘famous’ singers, it does not include the classical music scene, though there is the odd reference to it.
German Translations and other answers are given throughout or at the end.
Useful for both oral and reading work
Format: Windows Word, fully adaptable - 17 pages

Updated NEW Edexcel /AQA A-Level German Texts and exercises : Feste und Traditionen
Revised NEW Edexcel /AQA A-Level German Topic: Feste und Traditionen
Now with all answers and translations at the end of the paper, tasks are numbered and but not open questions, though there are possible answers also at the end
collection of texts, with questions and exercises, translations German/English, translations into German are included at the end
The work covers New Year (not Christmas), 1 Mai, Reformationstag, Karneval und Oktoberfest, and general information on festival and customs(2) and one article on Switzerland
ideal addition to Textbook
Format: Windows Word and fully adaptable 14 pages
Corrected mistakes and includes completed translation into German

UPDATED Year 12/13 New Edexcel German A- Level about 73 Translations into English and German
Topic: All Topics for AS and A-level Level
All topics covered NOW INCLUDES finished translation INTO German
Format Windows Word – easy to adapt
On average there 5 translation per sub topic altogether 55 pages

Year 12 New Edexcel German ASLevel Oral Task1 and Task2 for all 6 Topics
Topic: All Topics for AS Level
Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland
Politische und künstlerische Kultur in Deutschland
Format Windows Word – easy to adapt
29 pages, average 5 oral per topic; 3 sub- topics for task 1 (Text 1 and Text 2) and 3 sub-topics for Task 1 with all 4 questions
Task 2 with 2 bullet points and 2 questions