Pokemon Go! Evolution, Adaption and Classification Classroom Display
This display uses Pokemon to help explain the biological topics of evolution, adaptation and classification. In the game Pokemon go, Pokemon evolve, are adapted to their surroundings and are classified into groups depending on their powers and abilities. I have used this to related Pokemon to science and create this unique display. As Pokemon is quite popular at the moment this display has drawn the students attention and they have taken great interest in it. Attached are a number of pictures of the display to show what it should look like and all the resources I created in order for you to replicate it.
JUSTICE LEAGUE Science- Classroom Display
This display examines and explains the Science behind the Justice League’s superhero powers, what superhero powers may actually be possible in the future, and what superhero technology already exists.
How does Batman train?
How much does the Flash need to eat?
The real life lasso of truth.
Real life Cyborgs
Is Superhuman strength possible
And many more superhero science questions answered
With DC’s The Justice League movie being released recently this is relevant and of interest to the students. I researched and wrote all the text myself for this display. Its one I really enjoyed putting together. Everything needed to make the display is attached as well as pictures of what the completed display should look like
A variety of Biology KS3 and KS4 Practicals
A variety of KS3 and KS4 biology practicals. Many of which are required practicals for the AQA spec. For each practical there is technicians notes which contains everything you need to set up the practical and the method, a colourful student sheet with a simplified method to help students carry out the practical (this can be printed off and laminated for students or put on the board) and anything else needed to carry out the practical.
. Agar Jelly Cube Diffusion
. Food Tests
. Investigating the effect of pH on the enzyme Amylase
. Investigating the effect of temperature on Milk Decay
. Microbiology- Testing the effectiveness of antiseptics on bacteria
. Model blood making-
. Osmosis in Potatos
. Photosynthesis in pondweed
. Reebop making- get students to make a baby marshmallow reebop to help teach meiosis and genetic inheritance
. Preparing an onion slide for microscope viewing
. Viewing the stomata of a leaf under a microscope
. DNA Kiwi- extracting the DNA from a kiwi
Risk Assessments need to be carried out before each activity
Plants Guardians of the Galaxy Groot Classroom Display
Plants Guardians of the Galaxy Groot themed Classroom Display
Includes everything you need to recreate this display- just print out and put up!
Includes photos of what the finished display should look like
. Structure of a leaf
. Structure of a plant
. Plant cells
. Osmosis
. Transpiration
.Transport in plants
Big Groot- print out A3 and piece together
Plant Cell- print out A3
text, Pictures, equation, arrow and labels- print out A4
STEM Club- Science Scavenger Hunt
A science themed scavenger hunt for STEM Clubs or fun science lessons
Science questions are hidden around school and students are challenged to find the questions and answer them correctly
OPERATION Display- The human body
I created this display based upon the board game ‘Operation’ to rely information based around human biology. The display includes information about-
• The Eye
• The Circulatory System
• The Respiratory System
• The Immune System
• The Nervous System
• The Hormanal System
• The Blood
Includes all the components needed to make this display
-the operation man
- Pictures of organs (Lungs, Heart, Pacemaker, Eye, Blood Vessel, Stent, Statins, Bones, Diaphragm, Pancreas, Reflex Arc)
- Title and Text
-Operation buzzer
- All other features
- photos of what the finished display should look like
All components of this display have been hand made by me and scanned
STEM club schemes of work bundle
Twelve themed schemes of work that can be used in STEM clubs or for fun science lessons. All practical lessons.
Each scheme of work contains a number of lessons based around that theme that can be carried out over a number of weeks.
for each lesson in each scheme of work there is a lesson plan which lists all equipment needed,how to set up and how to carry out the activity. and a colouful student instruction sheet which can be printed off and laminated or displayed on the board
once upon a STEM
star wars STEM
christmas STEM
easter STEM
colour and fun themed STEM
STEM the science of food
valentines themed STEM
Cosmetics themed STEM
STEM practical challenges
STEM Scavenger hunt
Borax free slime recipes
Bubble themed scheme of work
Halloween themed STEM Scheme of work
Human Digestive system Interactive Classroom Display
Interactive Human Digestive system classroom display
Students are to complete the digestive system by sticking the digestive tract organs onto the human boy in the correct place.
Includes everything you need to make the display. Human body and organs are all handmade by me. All organs are velcroed onto the human body. To make this display you will need to print out all the attachments in colour and stick velcro onto the back of all the organs and the counterpart velcro onto the human body. Place an envelope in the corner of the display containing all the organs and label organs. (* Note it can be usual to print out and velcro multiple copies of the organs incase they get lost/go missing).
Attached are plenty of photos of the display demonstrating how to put it together.
A fun and usual classroom display!
Situated Vacancies Classroom Display- Why do I need STEM?
Classroom Display
This display comprises of job adverts for jobs you need STEM relate qualifications for to show students why they need to do well in STEM subjects. Job adverts range from Vet to builder.
The job adverts state what qualifications you need for the job, what character traits you need and what salary you can expect to receive
Includes everything you need to make the display, title, job adverts and photos showing how the finished display should look. Rather than using backing paper, the background of this display is made from job adverts taken from newspapers.
Sci-fi Science Classroom Display Bundle, Justice League, Star Wars and Pokemon Go Display
Sci Fi Science Classroom Display Bundle
Justice League- The science Display
This display examines and explains the Science behind the Justice League’s superhero powers, what superhero powers may actually be possible in the future, and what superhero technology already exists.
Stars Wars- The Science Display
Classroom display that explains the Science behind Star wars.
Many areas of Star Wars Science covered, including
Real life light sabers
Is Jedi Mind Control possible?
The Furture of cloning
Is Light Speed a possibility>
Using the Force
and many more!
Pokemon Go! Evolution, Adaptation and Classification Display
STEM Club: Activity- STEM of the living dead- Zombie Apocalypse Survival Scheme of Work
STEM of the Living Dead
A zombie apocalypse Survival Scheme of Work that can be done over a number of weeks in a STEM club or fun science practical lesson
A variety of science and STEM related activities for students teaching them survival skills. For each activity there is a lesson plan detailing the equipment needed, how to set up and method and student instruction sheets. As well as zombie warning posters that can be displayed around the classroom and corridors to add effect
Activities include
Water Purification
Growing Food
Shopping for Food
Making a battery
Zombie alarm
Morse Code
Making Nylon
Building a shelter
Growing the zombie virus
Scavenger Hunt
Catapult for zombie cure