A variety of predominantly KS3 resources for a variety of topics. All assessments I have created are entirely free and will save you a huge amount of time, so please feel free to download them all and adapt them to suit you! Hope you find them helpful!... Mr Williams.
A variety of predominantly KS3 resources for a variety of topics. All assessments I have created are entirely free and will save you a huge amount of time, so please feel free to download them all and adapt them to suit you! Hope you find them helpful!... Mr Williams.
My entire half terms work for KS3 Africa. Atlases are essential for these resources. Taught in the order of:
1. Where is Africa?
2. Perceptions of Africa.
3. The colonisation of Africa.
4. Population densities of Africa.
5. Physical features of Africa.
6. Opportunities in Lagos.
7. Squatter Settlements in Lagos.
8. Assessment.
EXTRA: The Big Fat Africa RECAP (Use any time after Lesson 5 - Delete biome related questions at the end of the quiz)
EXTRA: Alphabetical - Africa worksheet. Best suited to be used earlier in the SOW (Atlases needed).
A lesson for the topic of Deserts. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. BUILT AROUND AQA 1-9 GCSE. In this lesson, the pupils will play a recap game of 'Blockbusters' based on the two previous lessons in this bundle, before looking at the Sahel as a more specific example of an area suffering from Desertification. The Blockbusters game is an excellent activity which I would suggest adapting for any topic at all! Spellings homework included.
A lesson for the topic of Settlements. The lesson explores dispersed, nucleated and linear settlements and how different groups of people may be affected by settlement change. Ideal for Years 7 to 9. Previously taught by myself in a 1hr lesson.
A lesson for the topic of Africa. Ideal for Years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. This lesson looks at the social and economic positives surrounding the city of Lagos in Nigeria. The pupils will answer two questions based around the first 2-3 minutes of the video in the presentation, before creating a mind-map in their books based on the information given to them. From this information, the pupils will be challenged to rank the opportunities from 1-7, explaining why they have ranked them in such order. This offers the opportunity to create a plenary where the pupils debate their rankings.
My entire half-terms work for the topic of Rivers. Based on the AQA 1-9 GCSE. Taught in the order of:
1. Fluvial Processes.
2. River Profiles.
3. Upper course: Interlocking Spurs and Rapids.
4. Upper course: Waterfalls and Gorges.
5. Middle course: Meanders and Oxbow Lakes.
6. Lower course: Levees and Floodplains.
7. River information poster ACTIVITY.
No assessment included but there is plenty enough content to make a short assessment if that is required.
My entire half terms of work for KS3 Coasts. Taught in the order of:
1. The two types of waves.
2. Rock type and erosion.
3. How does a stump form?
4. Longshore Drift.
5. Spits.
6. Coast Management AND Hard & Soft Engineering.
7. Holderness Coast (Potential of double lesson)
8. Assessment
An introductory lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, the pupils will firstly become familiar with what tourism and a tourist are. The activities of the lesson are a group of quizzes involving real-life geographical places, where the pupils must rank them in order of their appropriate tourism-related value; these games have always been highly engaging for the pupils I have taught, especially for any pupil who has visited the places included in the lesson (Disneyland, Times Square, Eiffel Tower etc). The main activity of the lesson involves sorting characteristics of certain types of holidays.
A lesson for the topic of tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, pupils will be exploring mass tourism and more specifically, the economic and environmental gains and losses that come as a result of it. The first main activity will see the pupils colour code a sheet with a key based on mass tourism categories, before using this information to write a short speech about mass tourism, giving their opinion on it in the process.
My entire half-terms work for KS3 Tourism. Taught in the order of:
1. The different types of tourism.
2. UK tourism choropleth map.
3. Why do tourists go to Blackpool?
4. Mass Tourism.
5. Positives and negatives of tourism in Blackpool.
6. Improving Blackpool
7. Tourism in an LIC: Kenya.
8. Negative factors affecting tourism.
9. Impacts of tourism in Iceland.
10. Managing tourism in the Lake District (Potential for double lesson)
No assessment for this work, but plenty of content available to create a short assessment if need be.
An introductory lesson for the topic of Rivers. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. BASED ON AQA 1-9 GCSE. In this lesson, pupils will be exploring and defining the types of erosion and transportation that shape our rivers. The main activity see's the pupils complete a cross-curricular maths (graph-based) activity based on the Hjulstrom Curve.
A lesson for the topic of Natural Hazards. Ideal for Years 7 to 9. Previously taught by myself in a 1hr lesson. This lesson looks more specifically at earthquakes, with the main activity being the pupils designing their own Richter Scale. Main activity can also be adapted to a comic strip if the teacher chooses to do so.
A lesson for the topic of Natural Hazards. Ideal for Years 7 to 9. Previously taught by myself in a 1hr lesson. This lesson looks at the case study of the Asian Tsunami in 2004. Pupils are expected to complete a timeline using the cut outs provided in this pack for the main activity of the lesson. A research based homework is included with an accompanying information sheet.
An introductory lesson for the topic of Africa. Ideal for Years 7 to 9. Previously taught by myself in a 1hr lesson. You will need atlases or a map of Africa with capital cities on it for this lesson. Pupils must be able to identify Africa as a continent firstly, before geographically describing its location. The main activity of the lesson allows the pupils to use an atlas to hunt for answers using clues and links to previous answers sequentially around their blank map of Africa. Highly recommend using the 'countries of the world song' during the lesson (link included in presentation), always works as a mood lifter for KS3 pupils!
My entire half-term of work for Natural Hazards. Taught in the order of:
1. What is a natural hazard?
2. Plate Margins.
3. Earthquakes.
4. Gorkha Earthquake 2015.
5. Tsunami's.
6. The Asian Tsunami 2004.
7. Volcanoes.
8. Assessment.
Extra: Make your own Earthquake-proof building.
A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. This lesson leads the pupils to explore a variety of factors that affect development including conflict, corruption, natural hazards and food prices to name a few; the pupils will use information sheets to answer a set of questions about the factors. The final activity uses Haiti as an example of how a natural hazard can affect development in a domino effect, where pupils must complete the worksheet with the sentences written in the correct areas of the columns. Includes a homework related to the lessons learning.
My entire half terms work for KS3 Development. These lessons are designed around the new AQA 1-9 GCSE but adapted for KS3. Taught in the order of:
1. World Development.
2. Measuring Development.
3. Demographic Transition Model.
4. Factors influencing development.
5. Uneven development.
6. Industrial development and investment.
7. Aid and Fairtrade.
8. Borrowing and Debt Relief.
9. Assessment
A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, the pupils will firstly make a case for the five cities within the U.K that they believe have the most tourists visit. The pupils will then be probed to discuss reasons as to why London makes the most money from tourism in the UK, before the main activity of completing 2 choropleth maps and answering a set of questions comparing the results.
A practical and fun lesson for the topic of Natural Hazards, perfect for end of term! Ideal for Years 7 to 9. Previously taught by myself in a 1hr lesson. This is a 4 slide presentation to ease the flow of the practical. Be prepared for mess, use A3 sheets on tables to avoid the marshmallows sticking to them. The materials needed for this lesson are listed on the presentation (the cover image for this package). This lesson is always a winner with KS3 students. Groups of 4 work best, give time to plan before the practical exercise.
An end of term assessment for the topic of Africa. Completely FREE. The assessment is written around the lessons that are available on my page, but can be adapted to suit other lessons on the topic. Mark scheme included. If you are to use this in line with the other 'KS3 Africa' lessons I have made, remove question 7 (the Hot Deserts question).
A double-lesson activity for the topic of Rivers. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 2hr double lesson. Completely FREE. A good activity for spare lessons when teaching the topic of Rivers.