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I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.




I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.
Changing Transport Infrastructure

Changing Transport Infrastructure

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at the changing transport infrastructure of the UK. The lesson starts with a retrieval practice task. We then briefly consider what infrastructure means before looking at what the problems with the UK’s existing infrastructure is. The pupils create a mind map for this. We then look at projects that the UK is undertaking or has recently undertaken to improve transport connections. The pupils have a map of the UK to annotate using information slides that can be placed around the room, on tables or in groups. We look at a short video clip on Crossrail and the pupils answer questions about the impacts the project being over schedule and over budget has had on local people and the economy. There is a consolidation task which gives pupils a choice or questions to answer. We finish with a 6-mark practice question with some guidance on how to respond. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Rivers: Waterfalls and Gorges

Rivers: Waterfalls and Gorges

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at waterfalls and gorges and how they are formed through the processes of erosion. The starter is a retrieval practice grid filled in for the rivers work so far, but it’s editable. We then look at how underlying geology plays and important part in the formation of waterfalls, the pupils have some questions to answer and I sometimes get a pupil to teach this bit. We then look at how waterfalls develop, after some teacher exposition the pupils will have an outline diagram of a waterfall with some tasks to complete on the diagram. We then look at the formation of gorges and how they relate to waterfalls. This time the pupils use the diagram on the board to create one themselves. We finish with a sketch from photograph of High Force. After we have introduced the waterfall and given some detail on its formation the pupils will create a field sketch either in a blank box, or using a feint outline, which they can draw over the top of. They then label features etc. We finish with a 6-mark question similar to the 2019 May exam on physical processes and waterfalls/gorges. There is advice and guidance should the pupils need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice grid starter. Question answer session on how a waterfall starts to form. Blank outline actvity on the development of waterfalls over time. Diagram activity on the formation of a gorge. Worksheet activty on sketching High Force from a photograph. 6-mark GCSE question with guidance. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
The Somerset Levels Floods: 2014

The Somerset Levels Floods: 2014

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1A: In this lesson we look at the causes, effects of and responses to the Somerset Levels floods of 2014. The lesson has a multiple choice retrieval practice starter. We firstly introduce the location of the Somerset Levels and the pupils consider why the area may be prone to flooding, this could be just a discussion or they could annotate the map. They use sentence fragments to write a description of the location. We then look at the causes of the floods, for this the students complete a cloze exercise and highlight long and short term causes. There is a video clip to watch on what happened during the floods. The students then create a map to show the extent of the floods by colouring by numbers on a worksheet. They then look at the impacts and categorise them into social, economic and environmental. We then briefly look at dredging with an optional video clip before the students sort the responses out into immediate and long-term responses on a worksheet. We finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some guidance and structure provided for the students, there is also marking guidance provided. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Managing Floods at Banbury

Managing Floods at Banbury

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at how the Midlands town of Banbury has managed flood events through a flood alleviation scheme… There is a pre-populated retrieval practice starter grid at the beginning of the lesson. We begin by looking at the location of Banbury and the students construct a description of the location from sentence fragments. We then move onto the historical floods at Banbury and why it needed protection. There is a cloze exercise for the students to complete. We then look at the flood alleviation scheme and the students have a blank map of the area and they use grid references to locate and annotate on the map the feature of the scheme. We then complete a categorising activity on the benefits and issues of the scheme. There is also a 9-mark GCSE-style practice question with some guidance for the students on how to complete it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Rivers: Levees, Floodplains and Estuaries

Rivers: Levees, Floodplains and Estuaries

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at depositional features found in the lower course of a river. The starter is a a countdown retrieval practice quiz with dramatic countdown music! We start by looking at natural levees and how they are formed. The pupils create a sequence of diagrams to show their formation based on information on the board. They are provided with outline drawings to start with to save time. We then look at the formation of floodplains. The pupils create a diagram based on the instructions on the board without actually seeing the diagram, but there is an example if they are struggling and they are given an outline floodplain to start with. We then look at the formation of estuaries. The pupils annotate a photograph to show the different features of the estuary formed by deposition. We finish on a 4 mark question on the formation of floodplains that was in an exam in 2017. I usually model the answer after the pupils have had a go. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice grid starter. Formation of levees sequential diagram. Formation and features of a floodplain diagram activity with outline. Photo annotation for estuaries. 4-mark GCSE question with guidance. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Rivers: Meanders & Ox-bow Lakes

Rivers: Meanders & Ox-bow Lakes

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at how both meanders and ox-bow lakes are formed by both erosion and deposition. The starter is a retrieval practice grid filled in for the rivers work so far, but it’s editable. We then look at a diagram of the Mississippi flood plain and the pupils answer some questions about the archaic meanders that can be seen plotted on the diagram and how they might be formed. We then watch a short video clip on how river meanders get started. We then look at the cross section of a meander and its various features. The pupils get an outline drawing of a meander for them to colour in by numbers to start with, then label the various features on the cross section. The pupils seem to love this colourful neat diagram. The next thing we consider is riffles and pools, after discussing how they are formed the pupils create a diagram in their books for this one. We then watch a video clip on meander formation and there are some colourful diagrams to help teacher explanation. The pupils have a strip to stick in their books, there is a feint outline of the original meander to help them in their drawings. They then explain the process. We finish with a 6-mark question on the formation of ox-bow lakes with some guidance. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice grid starter. Question answer session on old Mississippi meanders diagram. Colour by numbers cross sectional diagram activity. Diagram activity on the formation of riffles and pools. Sequential diagram task on ox-bow lake formation. 6-mark GCSE question with guidance. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Sustainable Management of Tropical Rainforests

Sustainable Management of Tropical Rainforests

For AQA GCSE Geography. You need the Oxford AQA GCSE Geography Textbook for the new specification The lesson includes. Photo interpretation starter. Questioning activity Video clips Large A3 worksheet with a variety of different activities covering the required content. Plenary activity. All worksheets for photocopying included. Hope this helps. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
The North-South Divide

The North-South Divide

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at the evidence and reasons for a north-south divide in the UK. The lesson starts with a retrieval practice task. We then briefly look at a cartoon illustrating the economic differences between the North and South of England. After introducing the concept of a North-South divide the pupils create a ‘Road to the North South Divide’ in there books by annotating a road to show how the divide was established. We then use evidence from a data table to annotate a map showing the divide. The pupils then look at the strategies that have been adopted to re-balance the difference. They use information slides (LEP’s, enterprise zones and the Lancashire LEP) and video clips to make notes for Boris Johnson to address the public about he North-South Divide. Finally we answer an exam question with some guidance for the pupils on how to answer. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
A Post-Industrial Economy

A Post-Industrial Economy

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at the post-industrial economy and how it has changed the UK economy. The lesson starts with a quick retrieval practice quiz. We then introduce the idea of a post-industrial economy. The pupils then complete an information gathering exercise where they collect information on three sections of the economy that are behind these changes, development of IT technology, the services industry and finance and research and development. All the information is recorded in a A3 knowledge organiser. We then finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some guidance. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Hot Deserts: AQA Geography All Lessons Bundle

Hot Deserts: AQA Geography All Lessons Bundle

6 Resources
This is a six lesson bundle for the AQA GCSE Geography Specification for Hot Deserts. Each lesson is roughly one hour long and include a variety of activities, video clips and GCSE practice questions with guidance on how to answer them, The lessons use the examples of the Thar Desert and Badia in Jordan. Lesson titles include:- Environmental Characteristics Plant & Animal Adaptations Opportunities for Development Challenges of Development Causes of Desertification Reducing Desertification Hope this helps. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Changing Rural Landscapes in the UK

Changing Rural Landscapes in the UK

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at the changing rural landscapes of the UK. The lesson starts with a practice task. We then look at a cartoon which is showing rural-urban migration together with other geographical concepts. We then look at the reasons for people moving into rural areas. We then introduce two examples, one of rural population growth (South Cambridgeshire) and the other of rural population decline (Outer Hebrides). The pupils have a task worksheet to complete with various tasks for them to tackle. We finish with a 6-mark practice question with some guidance on how to respond. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
The Changing UK Economy

The Changing UK Economy

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we introduce the economy and how it has changed over time and why. The lesson starts with a quick retrieval practice quiz. We then introduce the idea of the economy with the pupils completing a Frayer model, we then look at where the UK is in international standings currently and where it might be in the future. We then look at the structure of the economy, we remind ourselves of the different sectors with a sorting task and then look at how the UK’s economy has changed over time. The pupils complete a worksheet and complete a pie chart. We then look at the main drivers in this change and the pupils use information sheets/slides to complete a worksheet. We then finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some guidance. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Weathering and Mass Movement

Coasts: Weathering and Mass Movement

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at the different types of weathering and mass movement. We start with a true or false retrieval practice quiz on wave types from the previous lesson. We then introduce the concept of weathering and proceed to look at mechanical, biological and chemical weathering. The pupils have a variety of annotation, drawing and question tasks to complete on the worksheet. Moving on to mass movement, the pupils get a second worksheet with 4 different slopes on. The pupils then are given information on each type of mass movement. They sketch the type of mass movement onto their slope and add labels. We finish with a simple GCSE-style question which I get the pupils to answer on a post-it note. In a nutshell lesson includes: True or False starter on wave types Weathering activity sheet with diagrams and questions. Mass movement ‘change the slope’ activity sheet. Video clips where appropriate GCSE-style question plenary Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Reducing The Gap: Fairtrade

Reducing The Gap: Fairtrade

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at how trade and in particular Fairtrade can help reduce the development gap. The lesson has a retrieval practice starter based around Ordnance Survey symbols. We firstly introduce what tariffs and quotas are and the pupils fill in a table where they decide if the statement applies to a tariff or a quota. The pupils complete a cloze exercise on what free trade is and we then look at the benefits of being in a trading group or trade bloc. We introduce Fairtrade and there is a video clip, we then look at Uganda and coffee farmers in the country who participate in a Fairtrade scheme and community project. The pupils complete a guided reading exercise and there is also a video for this. We finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some guidance and structure provided for the students. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
AQA GCSE: The Urban World & Lagos Case Study All Lessons

AQA GCSE: The Urban World & Lagos Case Study All Lessons

10 Resources
Complete bundle for the AQA GCSE Geography 2016 specification Unit 2a The Urban World using Lagos, Nigeria, as a case study. All lessons have a variety of differentiated activities, skills tasks, video clips. exam-style questions with guidance and photocopying/printing ready worksheets and handouts. The order of the lessons is Urbanisation: An Increasingly Urban World Megacities: The Emergence of Megacities Introducing Lagos Growing Lagos Social Challenges in Lagos Economic Challenges In Lagos Improving Lagos’ Environment Squatter Settlements in Lagos Urban Planning in Lagos I hope this saves you valuable planning time! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Tectonic Hazards: AQA GCSE Geography 6  Lesson Bundle

Tectonic Hazards: AQA GCSE Geography 6 Lesson Bundle

6 Resources
Some activities in this bundle require the blue Oxford AQA GCSE textbook for the new 2016 specification This bundle has all the lessons required to teach the Tectonic Hazards section of unit 1A. The activities are varied and differentiated. Each lesson has a GCSE-style exam question with guidance for the students if needed. All worksheets in a format ready for printing. Some lessons do use the Oxford textbook as I have found this is the best way to teach it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. Order of the lessons is :- The Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes Physical Processes at Plate Boundaries The Effects of Earthquakes Responses to Earthquakes Living With The Risk From Tectonic Hazards Reducing the Risk From Tectonic Hazards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Glaciation: Glacial Erosional Landforms

Glaciation: Glacial Erosional Landforms

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the latest specification Unit 1B: In this lesson we look at the types of erosional landforms you find in glaciated landscapes. The starter is just a quick coast-themed retrieval practice quiz which has been left blank so you can add your own questions. We start by looking at the erosive power of glaciers and how corries form in highland areas. The pupils create a sequential diagram to show how a corrie forms from small nivation hollows. We then look at aretes and pyramidal peaks with examples of each and then look at how erosion has created a variety of further highland erosional features when the pupils annotate a diagram of a highland glaciated area. We finish with a 6 mark GCSE-style exam question with guidance on how to answer it. The lesson also uses some video clips to help the pupils visualise these features. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Nigeria: A Newly-Emerging Economy. All Lessons

Nigeria: A Newly-Emerging Economy. All Lessons

8 Resources
AQA GCSE Geography lessons on the Nigeria: A Newly-emerging Economy section. The lessons feature differentiated tasks, examination style questions and video clips, where appropriate. There is one lesson that needs the AQA textbook, but could easily be adapted to use without it. The lesson titles include: Nigeria: A Newly-emerging Economy (NEE) Introduction Exploring Nigeria Nigeria in the Wider World Balancing a Changing Industrial Structure The Impacts of TNC’s The Impacts of International Aid Managing Environmental Issues Quality of Life in Nigeria Hope the lessons help https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Urban Change in the UK: Transport and Urban Greening in London

Urban Change in the UK: Transport and Urban Greening in London

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2A: In this lesson we look at how London’s transport strategy and urban greening have improved the quality of life for people living in London. We start with a retrieval practice grid based on previous learning from this section. We then look at the green transport strategies London is adopting. Using an information sheet the pupils fill in sections on an A3 worksheet. We next look at Crossrail, the pupils consider the reasons why Crossrail was needed and the arguments for and against Crossrail before answering some questions on how it will improve quality of life in London. We move onto urban greening, using a video clip we consider the benefits of urban greening and then the pupils create a “London Eye” pie chart which they annotate to show how London is a green city and how it is continuing its urban greening. Once we have completed the diagram we tackle a 6-mark question on how environmental change have led to an increase in the quality of life for people in a HIC city. The pupils do have some help with some points to get them going if they need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter A3 worksheet on transport in London and Crossrail Two urban greening activities. Video clips where appropriate GCSE-style question with guidance Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Environmental Impacts of Industry

Environmental Impacts of Industry

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at the environmental impacts of quarrying in the UK. The lesson starts with a quick true or false retrieval practice quiz with sound effects. We then look at a photo of a quarry and the pupils think about all the impacts the quarry may be having on the physical environment. There are possible answers on the next slide. We then look at ways that industry might be able to become more sustainable. The pupils have hexes and are asked to develop the points further by explaining their potential impacts. There are suggestions on the following slide. We then look at quarrying and Torr Quarry as an example. The pupils have an info sheet and a knowledge organiser to complete with questions relating to Torr Quarry and Quarrying. There is also a video clip on quarry restoration to help with this section. We finish with a 4-mark practice question with some guidance on how to respond. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer