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Football in Numbers
Students use examples from current football events to practise with numbers in standard form.

Syrian refugee crises in numbers
PDF containing lots of facts and numbers in different forms relating to the Syrian refugee crises. Helps students to think critically about numbers they have heard in the news and understand what they really mean. Practise manipulating and comparing numbers.
Thanks for pointing out some typos! Resource has been updated.

Introduction to Area and Area of Rectangles
A powerpoint introduction to area, from the basic definitions of area to finding the area of combinations of rectangles.
Includes harder questions for differentiation and a final slide assessment question to check that the whole class has understood.
This was made as a 10 min activity to introduce the concept of area to year 7.

Ratio and Proportion Vocabulary Wordsearch and Crossword
This is a crossword and wordsearch with ratio and proportion vocabulary. Ratio and proportion is now 25% of the foundation paper and it is being used across questions in other topics so it's essential that students understand what they are being asked.
This resource would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise ratio and proportion vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.
If you find this resource useful please consider leaving a review and trying some of my paid vocabulary word searches and crosswords on other topics.

Algebra and equations vocabulary crossword
This is a crossword with algebra and equations vocabulary. It would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise algebraic vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.

Valentine's Venn Mystery with Venn diagrams and probability
This is a Valentine's themed lesson where the students must figure out who sent the mysterious Valentine's Day cards.
There are 18 cards representing different students who might have sent the Valentine's cards. I recommend getting the students to cut out the cards so that they can easily sort and rearrange the cards later as they solve the puzzles. This could be an independant starter.
The included powerpoint presentation works through an example of selecting students which fit the given criteria using Venn diagrams. This starts with a single circle and progresses to three circles so is ideal for students who have not met Venn diagrams before or are not comfortable with them. Each student name starts with a different letter so that it is easy to write the initials up on the board in the correct circles. Alternatively you could have your students bring up one of the cards they have cut out and blue tac it to the correct section of the diagram. I image this as a full class activity although you could have students copy the diagrams to their books and fill them in individually first.
There is also a set of questions for students to solve independently once they have been shown the idea of Venn diagrams. It is possible to solve the questions without using Venn diagrams and so you may want to ask any students who don't intuitively draw the diagrams to use them for some questions. The probability questions at the end will be generally be easier to keep track of by drawing diagrams.
Finally the presentation includes some independant extension activities for students who finish early so that you can help students who need more support.

Climate Change in Numbers
Some number rich information related to climate change followed by questions.
Percentages, estimation, ratios, number, standard form.
Start a discussion about climate change and how to understand information presented by the media.
GCSE maths.

Classroom rules poster
A simple set of classroom rules for new classes or new teachers. Four rules with images so that students remember them. Help students with behaviour by setting clear expectations.

Practice calculating areas while exploring the effect boundary changes can have on an election.
This is a full lessons work including a presentation which introduces the necessary ideas and gives whole class practice at working out areas and comparing areas. There is then a group activity where students divide up an pattern of red and blue areas to try to ensure that their team wins.

Introduction to Algebra using Pokemon go and Halloween
A series of questions where students pretend they are Pokemon trainers and calculate how many points they would get in different scenarios. This inspires the students to derive general rules using basic algebra.
This could be used either as an independant starter or as a group work activity.
The students in my school are obsessed with Pokemon go and so using the game mechanics motivates them to engage with the maths.
Answers are included.

Further Algebra Vocabulary Crossword and Wordsearch
This is a crossword with further algebra vocabulary. It would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise further algebra vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way and is suitable for higher tier students.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.

Circle and Measure Vocabulary Wordsearch and Crossword.
This is a crossword and word search with circle and measure vocabulary. It is aimed at higher tier students and would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise circle and measure vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.

Shape Vocabulary Crossword and Word Search
This is a crossword and word search with basic shape vocabulary (2D shapes). It is aimed at KS3 and lower tier KS4 students and would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise shape vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.

Further Shape Vocabulary Wordsearch and Crossword
This is a crossword and word search with further shape vocabulary (including 3D shapes). It is aimed at higher tier students and would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise further shape vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.

Number Vocabulary Crossword and Word Search
This is a crossword and wordsearch with number and factors vocabulary.
This resource would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise number and factors vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.

Geometric Drawing and Invariance Vocabulary Wordsearch and Crossword.
This is a crossword and word search with further shape and measure vocabulary (covering drawing, constructions, symmetry and translations). It is aimed at higher tier students and would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise shape and measure vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.

Mnemonics for learning students names
Get ready for September by learning these mnemonics for the 100 most popular names of 2004. Most of your new year 7 students will have names on this list (there is considerable overlap with the 2003 list).
We all know that learning students names quickly is key to good classroom management but for many of us it's difficult. By learning these visual mnemonics ahead of time it is much quicker and easier to learn to attach names to faces. Once you have a pre-prepared visual image like "Ben is climbing big ben" you can simply imagine your new student called Ben climbing big ben. Remembering his name is now as easy as remembering this image. Our brains are much better at processing and remembering visual information than names. It makes sense to take advantage of this to learn your students names quickly!
This resource contains a csv file with names in one column and mnemonics in another. Most flash card programs will allow you to import from this format to generate flashcards. For example Anki is free and allows you to import from csv.
These mnemonics are for the 100 most common British names of 2004, helping you to learn your new students names more quickly.

Easter treasurehunt using ratio, number, fractions, percentages
This is a fun end of term resource. Your students will cut out the puzzle pieces and put them in the correct order so that the answer from the first clue gives them the next clue until they have solved all the clues and found their treasure (chocolate eggs not included!).
Students will apply their knowledge of ratio, probability, percentages, fractions and number to solve the clues.
This would be a good activity to do in pairs and you could choose to give a small prize for the quickest team or to every team who solve all the clues.
There are two versions of this treasure hunt, an easy version and a harder one with bigger numbers to allow for differentiation. You could also ask extension questions for further challenge, e.g. Fibonacci numbers are briefly introduced and you could ask students to explore this pattern further.

Collecting and representing data vocabulary crossword
This is a crossword with data vocabulary. It would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise data vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.

Graphs vocabulary crossword and word search
This is a crossword with graphs vocabulary. It would be useful as
- revision
- lesson starter
- settling activity
- cover work
- end of term activity
- extension task
- literacy support for EAL or SEND students
- literacy across the curriculum
- assessment for learning or afl task
Contains printable pdf and answers for the crossword and wordsearch. For differentiation I have included a wordsearch and a crossword using similar vocabulary. The wordsearch is easier.
The learning objective is to introduce or revise graphs vocabulary in a fun and relaxing way.
This activity could be used at the start of a topic to introduce key vocabulary by having students fill out as much as they can independently and then check their answers and fill in the gaps using the answer sheet provided. Once students have all the answers they can save the crossword to refer to during the course as a useful list of vocab and definitions. This would help students with dyslexia to spell the vocab correctly and would enable all students with high language needs to refer back to the definitions as required to allow them to access later lessons. After filling in the crossword students could be asked to annotate the crossword with examples or mnemonics for the vocab to aid understanding and recall.
This activity could also be used for revision where students might complete several crosswords in a lesson or for homework. They would work at their own pace to identify areas where they need focus their revision.
This activity is for teachers, tutors, special needs teachers, teaching assistants, after school club organizers and parents or students looking for revision activities.