All of my resources have been used in my own classroom. My resources are designed to be easy to use and understand by anyone. I use a student friendly font and backgrounds designed to reduce glare so that all students can access the materials.
All of my resources have been used in my own classroom. My resources are designed to be easy to use and understand by anyone. I use a student friendly font and backgrounds designed to reduce glare so that all students can access the materials.
In this lesson students explore the reasons why homesteaders built sod houses. Students work in groups to design houses which are suited to the Great Plains. All resources and a lesson plan provided for an hour's lesson. This lesson was planned for an Appraisal observation and contains a range of activities to keep students engaged and motivated. Images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for re-use".
These are quizzes that I use with my form each week. I tend to keep a score of the teams points each week and award a winner at the end of each half term. I will hope to upload a new pack of quizzes regularly. The topics are wide-ranging as often I ask the students for a focus for the week. The answers are provided on a separate sheet. Print, distribute and mark. Easy! Please comment :-) Images are acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for reuse".
This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores Lambert Simnel. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603.
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores Perkin Warbeck. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603.
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores Henry VII’s parliament. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603.
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores rebellion under Henry VII. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603.
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores Henry VII’s control of the nobility. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores Henry VII’s councils and court. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603.
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
These are quizzes that I use with my form each week. I tend to keep a score of the teams points each week and award a winner at the end of each half term. I will hope to upload a new pack of quizzes regularly. The topics are wide-ranging as often I ask the students for a focus for the week. The answers are provided on a separate sheet. Print, distribute and mark. Easy! Please comment :-) Images are acquired through a search engine filtered to "labelled for reuse".
This lesson was designed for a high ability Y6 class who were exploring a topic on Rivers and Flooding. It would be suitable for KS3 students also. In this lesson students explore the landforms created by river processes. In particular, they explore meanders and oxbow lakes. This lesson was supported by the Geog 1 textbook but could be supported by another relevant geography textbook should you not have this. I hope that this saves you some time :-) Images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use.
Designed for a Year 8 class, this lesson explores the Great Fire of London and encourages students to understand why it got so out of control. The concept you spin to students is that they have been selected to travel back in time to investigate the historical event. When they are in 1666, they gather evidence to then create a hypothesis. Excellent for AG&T, exploration and student-led learning. Also supplied are some sticker templates because giving students name badges always improves the status of the activity you are trying to engage them in :-) All images required through a search engine labelled for reuse. The Sky Academy clip attached is provided for use in schools. Comments are appreciated.
This Tarsia puzzle covers the theme of the medieval warfare 1250-1500. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision, intervention sessions and KS3 history. The puzzle was designed to support the Warfare through time, c1250-present unit.
A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class’s confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
This Tarsia puzzle covers the theme of the Spanish Armada. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision, intervention sessions and KS3 history.
A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class’s confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
This Tarsia puzzle covers the topic of the Medieval Medicine 1250-1500. This puzzle is suitable for the first topic of Medicine Through Time. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision and intervention sessions.
A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class’s confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
This Tarsia puzzle covers the theme of the context of Russia by 1917, just before the revolution. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision, intervention sessions and KS3 history. The puzzle was designed to support the Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917-1941 unit.
A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class’s confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
This Tarsia puzzle covers the theme of the Bolsheviks in power from 1917-24. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision or quick A-level recaps. It can be used for intervention sessions and revision. The puzzle was designed to support the Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917-1941 unit.
A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class’s confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!
This lesson can be used to teach KS3 Elizabeth’s religious problems. All resources required for an hour’s lesson and a range of tasks included. All images acquired from a search engine filter to “labeled for reuse”
This lesson focuses on Henry VII’s reign. In particular it explores the aftermath of the Battle of Bosworth. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603.
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
This lesson focuses on Edward VI’s reign. In particular it explores the legacy that Henry VIII left his son, Edward. It has been planned for the AQA History A-level 1C which explores the Tudors: England, 1485-1603. It could easily be adapted to suit any of the A-level specifications.
The resources are designed for one lesson lasting one hour. My students all have their own copies of Tillbrook’s The Tudors: England 1485-1603 by Oxford University Press, this is sometimes referred to.
All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. All resources have been taught to my own classes.
This Tarsia puzzle covers the topic of the Christian Beliefs. This puzzle was planned for the AQA spec for Religious Studies but can be used for other exam boards. Great for 9-1 GCSE revision and intervention sessions.
A Tarsia puzzle requires students to match up sides of triangles to form a hexagonal shape. They are brilliant for revision and get students to think hard. I use these at the starts of ends of lessons and they can take 10-20 minutes depending on your class’s confidence in the material. All materials are provided here including student instructions, student puzzle pieces and teacher answers. All images have been acquired through a search engine filtered to labelled for re-use. Enjoy!