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Little Ideas Grow Big

Specialising in Technological and Applied Studies, with a focus on Food Technology, Hospitality and Textiles, all resources have been tried and tested in my classroom over the past 10 years. I have also tutored numerous students in a wide range of subjects and have developed a range of resources to assist in their learning. Any resource that I have created that has helped me help my students will be added to my shop so that I can help you, help your students.

Specialising in Technological and Applied Studies, with a focus on Food Technology, Hospitality and Textiles, all resources have been tried and tested in my classroom over the past 10 years. I have also tutored numerous students in a wide range of subjects and have developed a range of resources to assist in their learning. Any resource that I have created that has helped me help my students will be added to my shop so that I can help you, help your students.
This VS That Food Nutrition Quiz

This VS That Food Nutrition Quiz

This THIS VS THAT quiz game is a great nutrition revision resource for senior Food/PE students or it can be a fun filler lesson for a junior class. Students are given the choice of two options along with a question such as which has more caffeine per 100ml? the Red Bull energy drink or the can of Coca-Cola. Students need to note down their answer on the worksheet along with their reasoning. Vote as a class and go with majority rules to click on the answer. Was the majority correct? Did they make a lucky guess or do they need to brush up on their nutrition understanding? Is their favourite food as healthy for them as they think it is? There are 20 questions comparing items from total fat content to energy, caffeine, carbohydrates, iron, protein and sugar. At the end of the quiz on the back of the worksheet, there are some extension questions for students to work through. The zip file contains the worksheet and the slide presentation in PPT and PDF format. All options in both the PPT and PDF are hyperlinked directly to the answers which makes it easy for the class to see how right or wrong they were!
Restaurant and Food Review Informative Writing Task

Restaurant and Food Review Informative Writing Task

Nowadays most people use online reviews from websites such as TripAdvisor or Yelp to help them decide whether they should visit a particular restaurant or decide which meal they should try (or avoid!). With this 12 page Restaurant and Food Review task, students learn to write informative pieces based on their real world experiences of local restaurants, cafes or take-away shops (or even mum’s cooking if need be!). They will identify the differences between poorly written and quality written reviews, learn the importance of following a specific structure, brainstorm and draft their responses before providing their final review ready to share with the world. This task is easily adapted to any food situation and could even be used as a great intro to a cultural food feast where students write their reviews of the meals on offer to encourage and recommend their favourite to their peers!
Update Hospitality Knowledge: Salmonella Outbreak Comprehension

Update Hospitality Knowledge: Salmonella Outbreak Comprehension

It’s important to stay abreast of things happening in the Hospitality industry in order to meet Vocational criteria such as Source & Use Information on the Hospitality Industry. It also helps students to show their understanding of the industry to potential employers and in exams. This comprehension task is on the Salmonella food poisoning outbreak in Australia in 2019. Students are given two articles to read through and in conjunction with their knowledge of food poisoning bacteria and any additional research, respond to the questions in as much detail as they can.
Cooking Verbs Ice-Breaker

Cooking Verbs Ice-Breaker

Needing a quick and easy but fun ice-breaker for a new cooking class? Look no further than these Cooking Verbs cards! Cut out and laminate each card (it makes it so easy to store and use for the next class or the next year), hand one card to each student, set a timer for 2 minutes and get students to race around trying to find their match. These cards match the cooking verb to a picture example of the verb, so they’re great to use as an ice-breaker task, a revision game at the end of the term or they can even be used as a match-up game for support/life skills or ESL students. To make the task a little more challenging, set a new 2 minute timer and have each pair brainstorm as many foods that link to their verb as they can (e.g. GRATE = carrot, apple, pear, onion, zucchini). The pair with the most correct, wins. There are 12 verbs for a class of 24 plus space to add your own!
Foodborne Illness Pathogens Report Task

Foodborne Illness Pathogens Report Task

Foodborne Illness or food poisoning is caused by bacteria and viruses getting into the food we eat. It can also be caused by toxins. This task provides students with a unique way to present their information - in a report card format. Students are asked to use the websites provided as well as their own research to locate the required information. For bacterial food poisoning, students need to identify the symptoms, typical food vehicles for transmission, treatment and prevention methods. For viral food poisoning, students are asked to use their research skills to find the missing information and for toxin related food poisoning, students are given all the identifying information except for the name and incubation periods. Depending on the level of your students, this task works well individually or for small groups and can be a wonderful revision activity for older students studying for their exams.
HACCP Poster and CCP Decision Tree

HACCP Poster and CCP Decision Tree

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) can be a complicated procedure for students to understand. This poster outlines the seven HACCP steps in an easy to understand manner with examples. Print the poster in A4 or A3 size and display around the kitchen or theory room for students to utilise when necessary. Once hazard identification has been completed the next step is to decide the Critical Control Points (CCP). This can be tricky, so included with the poster is a colourful CCP Decision Tree to help students work out if the hazards they’ve identified need a control measure to be applied in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce food safety hazards to an acceptable level.
Textiles Think-Tac-Toe

Textiles Think-Tac-Toe

This Think-Tac-Toe game board provides three different levels of tasks for students to work through. Green tasks are labelled easy, orange tasks are moderate and red tasks are more in-depth and difficult. Students need to choose three tasks to make a tic-tac-toe row. The way the tasks are structured on the game board means students are unable to choose three easy tasks, they must select a range. Tasks include making a textiles related find-a-word to writing a fictional story around the ‘fibre to fabric’ theme to comparing and contrasting WW1 style clothing repair and mending. Scaffolds for all activities are included and can be allocated to students once they decide which tasks they want to work through. A perfect activity for a sequence of lessons left with a casual or relief teacher or for fun non-practical related lessons once the practical projects have been completed.