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C'est genial
Studio 1 Module 2 Unité 2 - Giving opinions and reasons + agreeing and disagreeing using Studio 1 book pages 30-31 with Y7

Mes matieres
Studio 1 Module 2 Unité 1 - Talking about school subjects and asking questions using Studio 1 book pages 28-29 with Y7

Comment je me vois
Studio 1 Module 1 Unité 3 - Describing yourself and understanding adjective agreement (singular) using Studio 1 book pages 12-13 with Y7

Mon kit de survie
Studio 1 Module 1 Unité 2 - Talking about your survival kit with avoir (je/tu/il/elle) using Studio 1 book pages 10-11 with Y7

Mon autoportrait
Studio 1 Module 1 Unité 1 - Talking about likes and dislikes with regular ER verbs (je, tu, il/elle) using Studio1 book pages 8-9 with Y7

Un oeil sur le monde
U oeil sur le monde - Talking about what makes you tick using Studio AQA GCSE French Higher Module 8 Point de départ page 160-161

Studio AQA GCSE French Module 5 Revisions
Revisions of Module 5 using Studio AQA GCSE Higher pages 112-117

Un cumpleanos muy especial
Viva 3 Modulo 1 Unidad 4 - Talking about a birthday with the preterite using Viva 3 Red book pages 14-15 with Y9

La lecture
Studio 2 Module 1 Unité 3 - Talking about books with -ir and -re verbs in the present tense using Studio 2 Red book pages 12-13 with Y8

J'ai une passion pour le cinema
Studio 2 Module 1 Unité 2 - Talking about films with avoir and etre verbs in the present tense using Studio 2 Red book pages 10-11 with Y8

La télé
Studio 2 Module 1 Unité 1 - Talking about television programmes with -er verbs in the present tense using Studio 2 Red book pages 8-9 with Y8

Cartelera de cine
Viva 3 Modulo 1 Unidad 2 - Talking about films with the near future using Viva 3 Red book pages 12-13 with Y9

Mi semana
Viva 3 Modulo 1 Unidad 2 - Talking about your week with regular verbs in the present tense using Viva 3 Red book pages 10-11 with Y9

Cosas que me molan
Viva 3 Modulo 1 Unidad 1 - Talking about things you like with irregular verbs in the present tense using Viva 3 Red book pages 8-9 with Y9

El comercio justo
Viva 3 Modulo 4 Unidad 1 - Talking about fair trade and expressing your point of view using Viva 3 Red book pages 80-81 with Y9

Mis derechos
Viva 3 Modulo 4 Unidad 1 - Talking about children’s rights and using the verb poder using Viva 3 Red book pages 78-79 with Y9

Te gustan las ciencias
Homework to reinforce the vocabulary to give opinions about school subjects with Y7 using “ME GUSTA + nouns". Good companion to Viva 1 pages 56 and 57

Te gustan las ciencias
Lesson (but enough material for two lessons) to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary to give opinions about school subjects with Y7 using “ME GUSTA + nouns". Good companion to Viva 1 pages 56 and 57

Que hay en tu instituto
Lesson starter to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary to describe your school with Y7 using “HAY un/una/unos/unas…”. Good companion to Viva 1 pages 58 and 59

Que hay en tu instituto
Lesson (but enough material for two lessons) to introduce and reinforce the vocabulary to describe your school with Y7 using “HAY un/una/unos/unas…”. Good companion to Viva 1 pages 58 and 59