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Hindu aims and duties
A powerpoint and worksheet discussing what aims and duties are and relating them to Hindu beliefs and puja.

Lesson about understanding the similarities and differences between Hindu children and themselves.

Kindness & Respect
A powerpoint looking at the definitions and examples of kindness and respect then finding examples of these in The Secret Garden.

Romans on a Rampage predictions
A power point to aid making predictions on the book ‘Romans on a Rampage’ by Jeremy Strong from looking at the front cover and reading the blurb.

Word of the week powerpoint
Power point used to introduce students to a new word of the week, each week. Includes description of the word to explain what it means to children. Power point to last the whole year!

Reflection prompts for growth mindset
Questions to ask children to enable reflection of both their learning and their personal qualities. Great for developing a growth mindset. Can be used as prompts for the teacher or as resources stuck on the end of lollipop sticks etc to discuss as a class.

Sentence types worksheet
A worksheet for children to identify whether a sentence is command, statement, question or exclamation.

a or an worksheet
A worksheet for children to understand when to use a or an by using vowels and consonants.

Identifying types of apostrophe
Worksheet where children have to identify the type of apostrophe that is needed in the sentence.

Year 6 maths time worksheet
Maths worksheet for year 6 pupils learning about time, including questions reading timetables.

Viking Culture Powerpoint
A powerpoint all about Viking Culture including; Viking homes, food, women and children, entertainment and games, the Valknut, Thorns Hammer and Viking art.