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KS3 Introduction to Christianity SOL
An introduction to Christianity used with Year 7. Activities, worksheets and powerpoints.
Lesson 1 - An introduction
Lesson 2 - The Trinity
Lesson 3 & 4 - Christian creation story
Lesson 5 - The life of Jesus
Lesson 6 & 7 - New Testament Parables
Lesson 8 - The Last Supper
Lesson 9 - Jesus’ crucifixion
Lesson 10 - Jesus’ resurrection
Spirited Arts Competition 2019 SOL for 'Questions, Questions'
A SOL designed to work alongside NATRE’s Spirited Arts Competition topic - "Questions, Questions’. Lessons included:
What is the Spirited Arts competition - review of previous winners
Where is God? (Looking at architecture
Who is God? (Looking at the Hindu beliefs of different gods)
Pilgrimage (Looking at the Buddhist pilgrimage to Bodhgaya)
Expression of faith (Holi festival)
Competition instructions
Formal written work, sentence structures and what is needed for the competition.
Religious Festivals
A unit of work looking at different religious festivals, some of the festivals aren’t known by everyone.
Holi (Hinduism)
Chotrul Duchen (Buddhism)
Hannukah (Judaism)
Holla Mohalla (Sikhism)
Advent (Christianity)
Laylat-al-Qadr (Islam)
KS3 SOL on 'Do we have a choice?'
SOL for KS3 on Free will and do we truly have a choice. Lessons cover people in history and the choices they made and how they are altruistic, religious views, examples of good and bad use of free will (Manchester Bombings), deontological ethics. An assessment and scheme of marking is included as well.
KS3 Life After Death SOL
A SOL for Year KS3 on the religious beliefs in life after death looking into the Christian, Muslim and Hindu beliefs. Baseline assessment tests and end of unit assessment with marking scheme included.
Moral dilemmas/ critical thinking
A SOL for Y9, an introduction to GCSE RS and teaching how to critically think. Lessons include morality, ethics and medical ethics. Focuses on literacy and differentiation newspaper articles.
KS3 Buddhism SOL
A SOL suitable for Y7-Y9. Fully resourced SOL with worksheets and PowerPoints.
L1: Who was the Buddha?
L2: Eightfold Path
L3: Five Precepts and a Deep Marked Task
L4: Buddhist Monks
L5: Meditation
L6: Buddhist pilgrimage and a Deep Marked Task
KS3 SOL on 'What is the Holocaust?'
A SOL on the Holocaust looking at the Jewsih responses, the laws that were made, the impact the Holocaust had on the Jewish faith, why might someone question their faith in God. Assessment included with a SOL outline
Culture vs. Faith
All resources, powerpoints, worksheet and literacy provided
L1: Face and head coverings
L2: Religious Expression DMT
L3 Arranged marriage
L4: Rites of passage
L5: Diet - Judaism
L6: Diet - Islam
L7 Jewish Sabbath
The problem of evil and suffering
All resources, powerpoints, worksheets and literacy included. SOL made from scratch.
L1: Where does evil come from?
L2: Natural and moral evil
L3: What is Morality DMT
L4: Hobbes and Locke
L5: Epicurus’ theory
L6: Diogene’s theory
Moral dilemmas and critical thinking
All resources, worskheets, powerpoints, literacy provided for the lessons.
L1: What is morality?
L2 What does it mean to be utilitarian?
L3: What does it mean to be ethical?
L4: What is Euthanasia?
L5: A Short Stay in Switzerland?
L6: Moral and ethical decision making
L7: Critical Thinking