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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

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(based on 47 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
WWI Medicine Improvements to Medicine

WWI Medicine Improvements to Medicine

Edexcel GCSE Medicine Through Town WWI Medicine on the Western Front Lesson looking at the developments in medicine during and throughout WWI Includes: Plastic Surgery–Harold Gillies Neurosurgery–Harvey Cushing Shell Shock- Seale Hayne Shrapnel Wounds- Carel Dakin method, debridement etc Blood Transfusions Xrays Thomas Splint Fully resourced does not require textbooks or any additional info other than the video links (supplied) and slides.
WWI Western Front Medicine Exam Technique

WWI Western Front Medicine Exam Technique

Powerpoint with explanation of how to answer the Edexcel GCSE Paper 1: Medicine through Time questions which can be really difficult for students so they need lots of practice and lots of examples. Includes example answers for all 3 question types.
WWI The Chain of Evacuation

WWI The Chain of Evacuation

Edexcel GCSE History Medicine Through Time WWI Site Study This lesson examines the problems faced with the Chain of Evacuation Why was the Chain of Evacuation Problematic and how was it improved? All resources included no need for textbooks/ any other resources.
Medicine WWI Medicine Ill Health in Trenches

Medicine WWI Medicine Ill Health in Trenches

Edexcel GCSE Medicine Through Time This lesson looks at causes of/ symptoms of ill health and injuries in the trenches linked to weapons studied in lesson 1-- Battles. This source based lessons has students looking at evidence / information to find out about specific illlness/ injuries and the issues around it. Also has a match up exercise on who treated the sick? RAMC and FANYs looking at their roles on the Western front. Includes a retrieval quiz for the battles of WWI
Medicine Through Time WWI Western Front Battles

Medicine Through Time WWI Western Front Battles

This introductory lesson looks at the context of WWI and the new advances in weaponry as well as the key Battles of WWI. Very developed and detailed resources for students including video clips of documentaries about battles and key features such as the blood bank at Cambrai, the underground hospital at Arras etc. Examines the nature of Trench warfare and Attritional warfare as well as tactics such as Creeping Barrage to minimise injuries in the battles.
Detente SALT I Helsinki Accords Apollo Soyuz

Detente SALT I Helsinki Accords Apollo Soyuz

GCSE History Superpower Relations in the Cold War Edexcel but can be used for any spec This 3 lesson bundle is very detailed and includes loads of info and tasks on Detente, SALT 1, Helsinki Accords and the APollo Soyuz mission Also Why did Detente fail? SALT 2 and its failure. Includes analysis of events and also an SEND reduced content worksheet. Also includes an 8 mark model answer but as a “find and fix” the errors exercise to test student knowledge and understanding. No textbooks necessary or any other info all included.
Superpower Relations Cold War Key Topic 2

Superpower Relations Cold War Key Topic 2

5 Resources
This is a bundle of my lessons for Edexcel GCSE Superpower Relations in the Cold War 1945-1991 Key Topic 2: Crises oof the cold War Includes: -The Berlin Crisis 1958-1961 -The Berlin Wall and impact -The Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs Invasion -THe Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 -The Prague Spring 1968 causes events and consequences Includes a range of exam questions of all 3 question types and model answers. Total Cost would be £21 individually Here is a link to my Key Topic 1 Bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-cold-war-superpower-relations-topic-1-12813074
Lesson 5 and 6 The Prague Spring 1968

Lesson 5 and 6 The Prague Spring 1968

Edexcel GCSE History Superpower Relations 1945-1991 Key Topic 2: Cold War Crises These two lessons (rolled into one powerpoint) are based on the causes, events and consequences of the Prague Spring 1968. Powerpoint is fully explained with activities, all information included so no need for textbooks. Includes: video overview of the Prague Spring with question sheet (link provided on sheet) Sources tasks: events of the rising Note making tasks on the events of the rising/ Soviet Invasion- can also be done from textbook if you have it. Exam question and model answer
The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Edexcel GCSE Superpower relations Key Topic 2: Cold War Crises Lesson 4 The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 This lesson follows my lesson on the Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs invasion It examines the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev’s defence of sending missiles to Cuba and Kennedy’s decision making as well as the divisive advice from the Hawks and Doves in foreign and defence policy. The consequences of Cuban Missile Crisis are also covered alongside an 8 mark write a narrative account question. Also includes a gap fill model answer to the Explain two consequences of the Bay of Pigs invasion question including an SEND version with words to use to make it easier.
The Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs

The Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs

Edexcel GCSE lesson Superpower Relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 This lesson is an in depth examination of the consequences of the Cuban REvolution of 1959 on US policy towards Cuba including Kennedy’s policy; the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961. It looks at why the Bay of Pigs failed and why it had such serious consequences for international relations and USA Part of Key Topic 2: Escalating Tensions in the Cold War this is my third lesson (follows on from the Berlin Crisis and Berlin Wall) Also includes a model answer for 8 mark question Explain two consequences of… Includes all resources and info needed- textbooks are not necessary.
The Berlin Wall and consequences

The Berlin Wall and consequences

GCSE Edexcel Superpower Relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 This lesson follows my lesson on the Second Berlin Crisis and examines why the Wall was built and what the consequences were on Berlin/ Germany, USA, USSR and International Relations. Fully resourced, does not need textbooks - any reference to the textbook- has all the necessary information on the following slides/ animations pull it up but obviously you can use the textbooks if you have them- or print the info on the slides for students to do that task independently. Very detailed; enough material for Grades 9-1.
The Second Berlin Crisis 1958-1961

The Second Berlin Crisis 1958-1961

Edexcel GCSE History Superpower Relations and the Cold War Key Topic 2: Escalating Tensions Lesson 1 examines the second Berlin crisis, causes, events and consequences with detail on the summits which followed to try and de-escalate tensions between the USA and USSR Very detailed information on the powerpoint; no textbook or other resources needed- complete lesson which links to the next lesson; the Berlin Wall. Also includes 18 question retrieval quiz (answers on the slide for self/ peer assessment) on the entire topic 1: Origins of the Cold war.
The Cold War Superpower Relations Topic 1

The Cold War Superpower Relations Topic 1

6 Resources
Edexcel GCSE: I made these lessons to save time as I had to teach the entire Unit 2A in just 18-20 lessons. I have managed to squish each key topic down into 6 lessons with exam questions generally being sat as homework. These lessons worked surprisingly well despite only having 6 lessons! It does require some printing however if you are organised you could have your repro dept print all the sheets into a booklet with alternative pages for notes. Includes the whole of key topic 1: Origins of the Cold War. Lesson 1: Peace Conferences WWII and the Grand Alliance Lesson 2: Escalating tensions and breakdown of Grand Alliance Lesson 3: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon Lesson 4: The first Berlin Crisis-Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift Lesson 5: The Nuclear Arms Race Lesson 6: The Hungarian Rising/ Revolution and Soviet invasion Exam questions included: Explain two consequences of the Yalta Conference (includes model answer) Write a narrative account analysing key events of the Berlin Crisis 1948 (8 marks) includes modelling End of topic key content quiz- 18 questions
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948- 1949

The Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948- 1949

Edexcel GCSE lesson on the first Berlin Crisis 1948-1949 From Unit of work on Superpower Relations This is lesson 4 in my unit of work key topic 1: Origins of the Cold War Examines Causes and Consequences of the First Berlin Crisis, includes previously classified documents from the Truman library
Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine

Edexcel GCSE lesson (can be used for any board) Detailed and complete lesson on TRuman Doctrine and Marshall Plan and the consequences including the formation of Comecon and Cominform and the division of Europe into 2 alliances. This is lesson 3 in my Cold War Unit for Key Topic 1: Origins of the Cold War. Includes all info// detail on slides, no need for textbooks or any other resource.
The Cold War Arms Race

The Cold War Arms Race

Edexcel GCSE (Can be used by other boards) lesson on the Arms Race Key Topic 1: Lesson 5 the Arms Race and escalating tension between East and West This one follows my lesson on the First Berlin Crisis 1948 Causes and consequences of the Arms Race between USA and USSR- also includes leadership changes from Stalin-Khrushchev and Truman-Eisenhower and a brief bit of contextual info on Korea (Korea is not explicitly a part of this spec but is useful to see what is going on). Also has links to a video to demonstrate the destructive power of Hydrogen bomb compared to Atomic bomb used in Japan. Also includes a brief bit on the Geneva summit 1955 and a guided “Write a narrative account anaysing key events of Berlin Crisis” question with model answer.
The Hungarian Revolution/ Rising 1956

The Hungarian Revolution/ Rising 1956

GCSE Edexcel (can be used for any board) lesson on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. This is my 6th lesson in the unit on the Cold War for the key topic 1: Origings of the Cold War. It follows lesson 4 (Berlin Crisis ) and lesson 5 (the Arms Race) Examines the causes, events and consequences including the impact on relations and views on USA/ USSR etc. Fully resourced does not require textbooks or any other materials.
Lenin's Russia

Lenin's Russia

6 Resources
Full set of lessons on Lenin’s Russia -Bolshevik problems/ establishing Bolshevik rule -The Causes of the Civil War -Why did the REds win the Civil War -How did the Bolsheviks consolidate rule- source lesson -The Kronstadt mutiny, Tambov Rising and the New Economic Policy (NEP) -Evaluation of how successful Lenin was.
How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

Lesson on the Red Terror, the Cheka, Political Decrees, Murder of Romanovs, War Communism and Gulags This is a source based lesson for students to do in groups. It examines the various methods Bolsheviks used to consolidate their power and control. To complement my lessons on the Civil War- this has more in depth analysis of War Communism, Propaganda, the Cheka etc as well as in depth work on murder of the Romanovs. No powerpoint- just a big A3 template, a card sort and lots of sources
How successful was Lenin as ruler?

How successful was Lenin as ruler?

OCR History lesson for ALevel course Russia 1894-1941 but can be adapted to any Alevel course with Lenin or simplified down for GCSE. -Lesson evaluates Lenin’s successes and failures. Ideally will be taught at the end of my unit on Lenin but includes all the relevant evidence via a card sort activity and info sheet to be used as a stand alone lesson.