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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

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(based on 53 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
The Second Berlin Crisis 1958-1961

The Second Berlin Crisis 1958-1961

Edexcel GCSE History Superpower Relations and the Cold War Key Topic 2: Escalating Tensions Lesson 1 examines the second Berlin crisis, causes, events and consequences with detail on the summits which followed to try and de-escalate tensions between the USA and USSR Very detailed information on the powerpoint; no textbook or other resources needed- complete lesson which links to the next lesson; the Berlin Wall. Also includes 18 question retrieval quiz (answers on the slide for self/ peer assessment) on the entire topic 1: Origins of the Cold war.
The Nazi Police State

The Nazi Police State

Edexcel GCSE lesson on the Nazi Police state. Fully resourced comprehensive lesson- powerpoint, word doc tasks e.g. table to fill in and practice paper exam question 12 marker. Starter- anagram key words- Hitler’s rise to power and becoming dictator Source work- different elements of police state e.g. Gestapo, SS, Concentration Camps Includes a “tour” of Sachsenhausen- if you don’t feel confident explaining Sachsenhausen yourself there are video links to documentaries on youtube showing what sachsenhausen was like although I prefer to do it myself. Includes a model answer to 12 mark question on police state
The Cold War Arms Race

The Cold War Arms Race

Edexcel GCSE (Can be used by other boards) lesson on the Arms Race Key Topic 1: Lesson 5 the Arms Race and escalating tension between East and West This one follows my lesson on the First Berlin Crisis 1948 Causes and consequences of the Arms Race between USA and USSR- also includes leadership changes from Stalin-Khrushchev and Truman-Eisenhower and a brief bit of contextual info on Korea (Korea is not explicitly a part of this spec but is useful to see what is going on). Also has links to a video to demonstrate the destructive power of Hydrogen bomb compared to Atomic bomb used in Japan. Also includes a brief bit on the Geneva summit 1955 and a guided “Write a narrative account anaysing key events of Berlin Crisis” question with model answer.
Bloody Sunday  and Causes of 1905 revolution

Bloody Sunday and Causes of 1905 revolution

Lesson made for OCR Russia ALevel 1894-1941 but can be adapted or used for other specs/ GCSE. This follows on from my previous lessons on Russia in 1894, Opposition to the Tsar and the RUsso-Japanese War however can be used as a stand alone lesson provided your students have prior knowledge of problems in Russia prior to 1905 etc. Includes all slides, video clip from Battleship Potemkin, card sort, analysis sheet, primary sources and analysis of why Mirsky’s appointment was significant, why Banqueting Campaigns were significant and why the Bloody Sunday protest was significant. This is 2 hour lesson- part 1 of my 1905 Revolution causes work.
Socialism- Introduction and Origins

Socialism- Introduction and Origins

Alevel Politics Lesson for Edexcel (can also be used for AQA or Sociology, Civics, Philosophy etc) -Ideologies Socialism lesson 1- Looks at origins of Socialism and the context of the Industrial Revolution as well as earlier examples. Robert Owen, Marx and Engels, Revolutionary Socialism and Evolutionary Socialism/ Social Democracy For a 2 hour lesson plus homework to research thinkers.
The Problems of the Provisional Government

The Problems of the Provisional Government

Two-hour lesson plus homework for OCR ALevel (can be used for other courses/ specs) on the Problems of Dual Power for the Provisional Government, lacking Legitimacy and Soviet Order #1, the war and issues of National Minorities demanding independence as well as ALexander Kerensky and the Kerensky offensive. Does not cover Lenin/ April theses and the increasing popularity of the Bolsheviks or Causes of Oct Rev…that info is all in my Causes of October Revolution lessons.
American Politics Historical Context

American Politics Historical Context

Introductory lesson for USA Government and Politics- this is a US history lesson to give context to some of the issues in the USA such as gun control, abortion rights, party politics, Trumpism/ Populism etc. Designed for Edexcel Alevel Politics but will work as an intro overview for USA History or any American politics module.
WWI The Chain of Evacuation

WWI The Chain of Evacuation

Edexcel GCSE History Medicine Through Time WWI Site Study This lesson examines the problems faced with the Chain of Evacuation Why was the Chain of Evacuation Problematic and how was it improved? All resources included no need for textbooks/ any other resources.
WWI Medicine Gas Attacks

WWI Medicine Gas Attacks

This lesson looks at gas attacks through the skill of source evaluation of utility. Tasks designed for students to develop their skills in evaluating sources. All info included alongside video clips. Also includes model answers to the 8 mark how useful question
Women in Nazi Germany

Women in Nazi Germany

Edexcel GCSE lesson for Key Topic 4: Nazi policies towards Women. This lesson includes lots of information about Nazi policies towards women including enough detail to easily reach grade 9 level- can be amended for lower ability learners e.g. just by telling them to only look for 4-5 policies on the sheet to use in their answers. Also includes a whole section 3a-3d exam questions on women to practice skills and a part modelled “how useful” are these sources question for students to emulate for the next source and some sentence starters to help them to deal with interpretations e.g. “Interpretation 1 argues” In my experience students really struggle with these questions and don’t always know how to handle them and need plenty of modelling.
Russian Revolutions Revision

Russian Revolutions Revision

Tired of mixing up revolutions? This resource is designed to support ALevel/ GCSE students in differentiating between the 3 revolutions in Russia. It is a colour code match up of information for the 1905, Feb 1917 and Oct 1917 revolutions. Includes: Long term causes, short term causes/ sparks, aims, leadership and support, events, impact on government etc. Also includes answers.
Anglo Saxon Resistance

Anglo Saxon Resistance

Edexcel GCSE History: Anglo Saxon and Norman England Key Topic 2 Lesson covering Anglo Saxon rebellions against William This fully resourced lesson has everything you need to teach the rebellions against William. In reality it will take two lessons to do it properly and properly tell the stories of the Saxons who fought back. Covers the rebellions of Edwin and Morcar, Edgar Aethling and King Sweyn and Hereward the Wake.
Nazi Control of the Church

Nazi Control of the Church

Lesson for Edexcel GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany This lesson looks at Nazi policies towards the Church including why the Church was a threat as well as support from members of the church such as Ludwig Muller. The lesson examines and evaluates Nazi policies to control the Church- weighing up successes overall. Includes colour code activity, discussion tasks, guided note making and justification of arguments. Includes interpretation evidence for the debate at the end.
Tudor Rebellions The Tyrone Rebellion

Tudor Rebellions The Tyrone Rebellion

The Background to and Causes of the Tyrone Rebellion ALevel OCR- Tudor Rebellions. The 9 Years War Irish History This is one of the Depth studies- a likely exam question since the focus has largely been on the Pilgrimage of Grace and the Western Rebellion up til now. This work will take several one hour lessons - it recaps the prior Irish rebellions such as Desmond and Geraldine since the legacy of these was one of the reasons. Looks at Tyrone’s demands as well as the motivations of Hugh Roe O’Donnell and Hugh Maguire.
The Godwins and Rising against Tostig

The Godwins and Rising against Tostig

Two lessons for GCSE Edexcel Anglo Saxon and Norman England House of Godwin and rise to power and the Rising against Tostig Includes exam question (12 marker) and model answer Fully resourced with powerpoints and worksheets
How did William Establish Control

How did William Establish Control

Edexcel GCSE: ANglo Saxons and Normans Can be used/ adapted for other exam boards. Topic 2- looking at the ways in which William established control- this is a lesson created to save teaching time by covering a lot of content in 1 lesson with students splitting the workload and then teaching each other the content. Includes retrieval quiz for topic 1 Anglo Saxons and all resources necessary- if you don’t have the textbooks all info is on the slides which can be printed and handed out to relevant groups.
Tudor Rebellions Tyrone Rebellion-Threat

Tudor Rebellions Tyrone Rebellion-Threat

OCR Alevel Tudor Rebellions -The Tyrone Rebellion Irish History the 9 Years War Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603 This is a depth study and requires lots of detail for the exam as it will be used for an interpretation on one of the key themes -This lesson examines how threatening the Tyrone Rebellion Students use the timeline and all their notes so far to explain threat posed to the government and make a threat “blob” diagram Then work through the slides- includes retrieval practice of content from my previous lessons on causes and nature of the rebellion. Includes a lot of information- suitable for a non specialist/ new to Tudor Rebellions teachers- saves you all the hard work of planning!
The Munich Putsch

The Munich Putsch

Edexcel GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany (can be used for ANY exam board and adapted up/ down for KS3/ KS5) Lesson examines the Munich Putsch in Germany and how Hitler tried to seize power plus analysis and evaluation of the impact and why it could be argued to be a success or a failure for the Nazis. Includes a true or false retrieval starter, retrieval task on how Hitler became the leader of the DAP and made it the NSDAP. Video task / questions on the events of the Munich Putsch. Reminder of the 25 point programmed and why it appealed to many in Germany Analysis of CAUSES of Munich Putsch Description of events and why it failed Homework analysis and evaluation task about whether it hurt or helped the Nazi Party.
Edexel Weimar and Nazi Germany Exam Skills

Edexel Weimar and Nazi Germany Exam Skills

Includes a time saving mock feedback sheet for the 2021 paper 3 exam and Model answers for the 2021 Germany paper 3 for Edexcel Two versions 1 for grade 7-9 students and another for grade 4-6 (and below!) students. Other model answers included. Also includes a powerpoint and work sheet on exam skills for improvement of these skills using some sources and interpretations from the textbook. Based on the information in the examiners reports on best practice technique.
Tudor Rebellions Tyrone Rebellion Nature

Tudor Rebellions Tyrone Rebellion Nature

OCR Alevel but can be used for other specifications Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603 Thematic History- Tudor Rebellions Irish History - The 9 Years War -the Tyrone Rebellion This lesson examines the Nature of the Tyrone Rebellion for ALevel History OCR Tudor Rebellions Includes retrieval tasks - blockbuster as well as information needed to complete the tasks and analyse the rebellion in more detail.