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Geography Teachers Resources

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A selection of Geography lessons. I'm a Geography teacher originating from the Lake District currently teaching at an International School in Bangkok with experience teaching Geography, Global Perspectives and English.




A selection of Geography lessons. I'm a Geography teacher originating from the Lake District currently teaching at an International School in Bangkok with experience teaching Geography, Global Perspectives and English.
Ocean Unit

Ocean Unit

10 Resources
Suitable for KS3 it includes 9 lessons and 1 assessment which should take around 11-15 periods. Lessons include introduction to oceans the deep ocean coral reefs importance of ocean ocean pollution fishing & whaling Shark Fun Soup - with 2 possible assessment tasks on letter writing and poster making Sustainable Ocean Ocean Assessment
Oil Palm (Why are Orangutans Going Extinct?) using GIS

Oil Palm (Why are Orangutans Going Extinct?) using GIS

This lesson investigates the increase in palm oil use. The lessons starts with the stimulus of the banned Iceland RangTan video and then students can do one of two tasks: 1. Use the website ‘Global Forest Watch’ to describe the changes in forest cover in Sumatra and Borneo or 2. Do an in dept investigation into deforestation and land use change using ArcGIS with step y step instructions. Students then answer questions using a text as a source of information regarding what palm oil is, the problems it causes and possible solutions.
Life in a Slum Dharavi, India

Life in a Slum Dharavi, India

This lesson should take at least 2 lessons and looks Dharavi, the slum where Slumdog Millionaire was filmed and set in. The lesson investigates push and pull factors involved in rural to urban migration, the results of this, the conditions in a slum and then students research the history of Dharavi to produce a storyboard. the 2nd part to the lesson looks at how Dharavi can be improved.
What is an Ecosystem?

What is an Ecosystem?

This lesson goes through key terminology and gets students to appreciate the range of ecosystems there are. This works as an introductory lesson to a new unit.


8 Resources
7 lessons which goes from the basics of defining tourism, tourism increase, positives & negatives of tourism, Butler’s model, the decline of UK seaside towns, the rejuvenation of a seaside creative task, sustainable tourism and creating a sustainable resort. This should take around 10 lessons. This is more suitable for the high end of KS3 and GCSE classes.
Coral Reefs

Coral Reefs

This lesson investigates what coral is, where it grows, the benefits of it and the threats it faces.
Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism

This lesson looks at the definition of sustaianable tourism and has a reading activity with 3 examples, students then create their own sustainable resort/ holiday based on making it economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. A great lesson towards the end of a unit on tourism.


6 Resources
These 6 lessons are most appropriate for GCSE classes and include key terminology, locations of agriculture, improving farming techniques, the Green Revolution and organic vs GMO opinion based lesson after investigating evidence.
Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina

This lesson investigates why Hurricane Katrina was so devastating and the effects of it. This can be used as a case study. There is a fact collecting exercise that uses two YouTube videos as sources of information.
Dark Tourism

Dark Tourism

This lesson introduces dark tourism, provides examples of it and then has instructions for students to produce an informative poster on the subject together with a mark scheme. The main task is researched based and works best if students choose separate locations. In the past students have done locations such as Alcatraz, Robben island, the Cambodian Killing Fields, Pompeii, Death Railway, the wreck of the Titanic, 9/11 memorial and many more
The Deep Ocean

The Deep Ocean

This lesson investigates how the ocean varies depending on depth and students label a diagram of he ocean with relevant information provided by a YouTube video. After this students research and add extra facts to their diagram either from a relevant textbook or the internet. Finally there are several questions checking their knowledge of the zones.
Agriculture KS3

Agriculture KS3

9 Resources
This unit of work looks at various issues involved in agriculture. The unit starts looking at types of farming and where farms should be located. It then progresses to look at environmental issues surrounding, soil, water, our diet, palm oil and finally technological development in farming
IGCSE Geography Knowledge Organisers

IGCSE Geography Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers for 11 units for IGCSE Geography, these could eaily be used for GCSE too. I have posted both Publisher and PDF files. All Knowledge Organisers come with a copy with gaps to fill and another copy with large chunk missing for revision practice.
The Future of Farming

The Future of Farming

This lesson investigates developing technology and methods of increasing production. Includes plant based meat, lab grown meat, vertical and rooftop farming and the farming of the oceans. Source material includes diagrams, YouTube videos and texts. This should take 2 periods.
Tourism Butler's Model

Tourism Butler's Model

A lesson that goes through each stage of Butler’s Model showing how a tourist location changes through time. Activities include listen and draw partner activity, adding labels to Butler’s model, drawing different stages on Butler’s model and a quick whiteboard quiz as a plenary.
Why are tropical deserts hot and dry?

Why are tropical deserts hot and dry?

This lesson investigates tropical & sub tropical deserts and the reasons for them being hot and dry; ocean currents, latitude, ITCZ and how different factors such as altitude and proximity to a coast affects them. This should take 2 lessons.