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Geography Teachers Resources

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A selection of Geography lessons. I'm a Geography teacher originating from the Lake District currently teaching at an International School in Bangkok with experience teaching Geography, Global Perspectives and English.




A selection of Geography lessons. I'm a Geography teacher originating from the Lake District currently teaching at an International School in Bangkok with experience teaching Geography, Global Perspectives and English.
Farming and Water Usage

Farming and Water Usage

This lesson investigates the use of water in farming. It includes an analysis of table data regarding water usage per crop, growing crops in the desert, problems with growing crops in the desert, a comprehension task based on a reading activity and YouTube link on why the Aral Sea has shrunk and finally solutions to water based problems in which students have to provide a solution - a solution sheet is there to support too. This will take 2 periods.
Why do Rivers Bend? (Meanders & Ox-bow Lakes)

Why do Rivers Bend? (Meanders & Ox-bow Lakes)

A lesson aimed at KS3 focusing on the formation of meanders and ox-box lakes, there are activities involving the labeling of river cross sections, a gap fill on the formation of a meander and step by step formation of an ox-bow lake and using google Maps to find ox-bow lakes on the Mississippi.
How Sustainable is Your Diet?

How Sustainable is Your Diet?

This lesson investigates the impact of our diet. It starts with a video of Amazonian deforestation and the ‘fishbone’ effect, students then complete a gap fill activity on how agriculture is affecting the environment, students then answer questions relating the recent forest fires in California to the increase in almond farming, using graphs students compare the effects of various milks then analyse their diet; completing a table using a BBC diet calculator. Finally students explain how sustainable their diet is and what changes they could make to ensure it is more sustainable.
Agriculture Introduction

Agriculture Introduction

This lesson is an introduction to a unit on agriculture focusing on the key idea of inputs, processes and outputs. Students add inputs, processes and outputs to a diagram of a farming example. The rest of the lesson focuses on the differences between commercial and subsistence and intensive and extensive farming using comparison tables and a whiteboard activity where students have to name the type of farming.
The Future of Pandas

The Future of Pandas

This lessons investigates why panda numbers are low and how China is boosting their numbers. There is a document with panda facts that students use to answer why reproductive rates are low, they then describe graphs and maps of their numbers and ranges with peer assessment. Using a BBC article and a YouTube clip they answer how china has increased their numbers. Finally they have to agree or disagree with a Chris Packham statement where he said Pandas should go extinct.
The Deep Ocean

The Deep Ocean

This lesson investigates how the ocean varies depending on depth and students label a diagram of he ocean with relevant information provided by a YouTube video. After this students research and add extra facts to their diagram either from a relevant textbook or the internet. Finally there are several questions checking their knowledge of the zones.
Ocean Unit

Ocean Unit

10 Resources
Suitable for KS3 it includes 9 lessons and 1 assessment which should take around 11-15 periods. Lessons include introduction to oceans the deep ocean coral reefs importance of ocean ocean pollution fishing & whaling Shark Fun Soup - with 2 possible assessment tasks on letter writing and poster making Sustainable Ocean Ocean Assessment
Where should we Build a Farm?

Where should we Build a Farm?

This lesson investigates the factors involved in where to build a farm. Most of the lesson revolves around a carousel activity and then there are questions checking their knowledge followed by OS map skills related to justifying a suitable location for building a farm.
Farming Modernisation

Farming Modernisation

This lesson investigates how farming has modernised. The lesson starts by looking at the 3 sectors; primary, secondary and tertiary and students plot data onto triangular graphs. Students look at the use of fallow land and how and why it should be used. Students then have a range of images on the slides which can be printed off and then they explain how farming has changed over time.
Using GIS to understand the erosion of the Holderness Coast

Using GIS to understand the erosion of the Holderness Coast

This lesson uses GIS with step by step instructions so that students can measure the erosion of the coast and then plot this on a graph using Google Sheets. This is done by overlapping a historic map with current satellite imagery and measuring the difference. This can be attempted by a student who has never used ArcGIS before.
Oil Palm (Why are Orangutans Going Extinct?) using GIS

Oil Palm (Why are Orangutans Going Extinct?) using GIS

This lesson investigates the increase in palm oil use. The lessons starts with the stimulus of the banned Iceland RangTan video and then students can do one of two tasks: 1. Use the website ‘Global Forest Watch’ to describe the changes in forest cover in Sumatra and Borneo or 2. Do an in dept investigation into deforestation and land use change using ArcGIS with step y step instructions. Students then answer questions using a text as a source of information regarding what palm oil is, the problems it causes and possible solutions.
Agriculture KS3

Agriculture KS3

9 Resources
This unit of work looks at various issues involved in agriculture. The unit starts looking at types of farming and where farms should be located. It then progresses to look at environmental issues surrounding, soil, water, our diet, palm oil and finally technological development in farming
Why are Plants so Important for nature?

Why are Plants so Important for nature?

This lesson investigates food webs through various activities starting with a think, pair, share activity then a gap fill activity of trophic layers and terminology followed by a table with trophic layers in which students are given species which they must then place in the correct column, a key terms matching exercise, 4 questions about food webs, students then draw their own food web with given organisms and then finally answer the inquiry question.
Latitude & Longitude

Latitude & Longitude

This lesson goes through the basics; including a gapfill on background information, comprehension questions related to the gapfill worksheet and a YouTube video, latitud i s explained through diagrams and then there is a plotting exercise in which natural disasters of the 21st Century and major news stories are plotted on a map also includes answers.
The Importance of Oceans

The Importance of Oceans

This lesson looks at the importance of ocean sin terms of the hydrological cycle, carbon storage, oxygen production and thermohaline circulation (ocean currents).
Africa's Natural Wealth

Africa's Natural Wealth

This lesson focuses on Africa’s mineral wealth and how that doesn’t always translate to financial wealth. This includes an image analysis task, gap fill, categorising factors in terms of social, economic and environmental factors.
The History of Africa

The History of Africa

A brief history of Africa focusing on colonialism. Image analysis focusing on the scramble for Africa, a tarsia of key terms, a reading activity with comprehension questions and a modern focus on the DRC and how colonialism is still impacting it today.
Africa's Climate & Ecosystems

Africa's Climate & Ecosystems

This lesson focuses on the reasons for the climate of Africa (Hot & dry and hot & wet). This is followed by climate graph interpretation questions. The difficulties of living in a hot and dry and environment and animal adaptations.
Bwindi National park Ecotourism

Bwindi National park Ecotourism

An opinion based lesson in which student learn the facts regarding big ape tourism in Bwindi national Park and come to a decision whether ecotourism is a sustainable model to develop and protect the area. Activities include a mind mapping exercise, gap fill, YouTube video, and a stakeholder carousel activity, these are then presented to other students.
Why are people living in Slums?

Why are people living in Slums?

This lesson focuses on the process of urbanisation and the resulting slums it produces focusing on Makoko in Nigeria. Activities include reading a diary entry, answering questions about it, pushes and pull table, key term check, video links and student opinion writing base dupon the conditions in Makoko.