Detailed summary of Books 1 to 5 of Virgil’s Aeneid. 9 pages total. Focus on plot, imagery and important Homeric or Augustan parallels. Useful for revision.
Step-by-step, easy to follow guide on how to approach a Latin translation. Helpful tool for pupils who get in a muddle with the word order. I tend to use this with 13+ or Y8-9 pupils.
I compiled a list of vocab which pupils I was tutoring for Latin 13+ regularly found confusing or mixed up in translations - this proved extremely helpful.
Attached a copy with English meanings and a Latin-only copy that can be used as a vocab test.
6 page document (3033 words) containing detailed bullet-pointed notes on various important debates about the Iliad’s origins. Sections: the composition of the Iliad, the debate on whether its techniques appear ‘literary’ or are compatible with oral composition, and whether the Iliad depicts a real historical society.
Detailed examples from the text to support potential arguments, and references to different schools of thought and influential scholars such as Parry.
Latin crossword practising vocab, verb conjugation and noun cases. Created for pupils revising for 13+ entrance exams (also appropriate for end of year9/beginning year10).
A Latin crossword, inspired by the style in the The Times on Saturdays.
Clues are a mixture of literature, vocab, history and Harry Potter (some mildly cryptic, others straightforward translation).