Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context.
Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include:
-Individual Lessons
-Full Schemes of work
-Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes
-Revision Plans
All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons.
Welcome to my TES shop, here you will find Computing and ICT related items which will be of use throughout the secondary context.
Feel free to have a browse of the resources available, which include:
-Individual Lessons
-Full Schemes of work
-Mock Exam Papers & Mark Schemes
-Revision Plans
All resources are available at a very reasonable price and have be used effectively to teach lessons.
Here you will find the resources to complete Unit 19 in the level 3 Cambridge Technicals.
All of the Learning Objectives have been covered and the lessons contain notes from the chief moderator from OCR.
The assignment which has been used has also been checked using the Assignment Checking service from OCR. (Service is £30 per assignment)
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.1 Systems Architecture which includes:
the purpose of the CPU
Von Neumann architecture:
MAR (Memory Address Register)
MDR (Memory Data Register)
Program Counter
common CPU components and their function:
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
CU (Control Unit)
the function of the CPU as fetch and execute instructions stored in memory
how common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance:
clock speed
cache size
number of cores
embedded systems:
purpose of embedded systems
examples of embedded systems.
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.1 Algorithms
computational thinking:
algorithmic thinking
standard searching algorithms:
binary search
linear search
standard sorting algorithms:
bubble sort
merge sort
insertion sort
how to produce algorithms using:
using flow diagrams
interpret, correct or complete algorithms.
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.2 Memory which includes:
the difference between RAM and ROM
the purpose of ROM in a computer system
the purpose of RAM in a computer system
the need for virtual memory
flash memory.
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks which includes:
types of networks:
LAN (Local Area Network)
WAN (Wide Area Network)
factors that affect the performance of networks
the different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-to-peer network
the hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network:
wireless access points
NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
transmission media
the internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks:
DNS (Domain Name Server)
the cloud
the concept of virtual networks
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.3 Storage which includes:
the need for secondary storage
data capacity and calculation of data capacity requirements
common types of storage:
solid state
suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application, and the advantages and
disadvantages of these, using characteristics:
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.6 Systems Security which includes:
forms of attack
threats posed to networks:
people as the ‘weak point’ in secure systems (social engineering)
brute force attacks
denial of service attacks
data interception and theft
the concept of SQL injection
poor network policy
identifying and preventing vulnerabilities:
penetration testing
network forensics
network policies
anti-malware software
user access levels
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.7 Systems Software which includes:
the purpose and functionality of systems software
operating systems:
user interface
memory management/multitasking
peripheral management and drivers
user management
file management
utility system software:
encryption software
data compression
the role and methods of backup:
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.5 Network topologies, protocols and layers which includes:
star and mesh network topologies
frequency and channels
the uses of IP addressing, MAC addressing, and protocols including:
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
POP (Post Office Protocol)
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
the concept of layers
packet switching.
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Check out my shop to save on buying multiple sheets!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.3 Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols
1.3.1 Networks and topologies ¨ Types of network:
o LAN (Local Area Network)
o WAN (Wide Area Network)
¨ Factors that affect the performance of networks
¨ The different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-topeer network
¨ The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a
Local Area Network:
o Wireless access points
o Routers
o Switches
o NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
o Transmission media
¨ The Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks:
o DNS (Domain Name Server)
o Hosting
o The Cloud
o Web servers and clients
¨ Star and Mesh network topologies
1.3.2 Wired and wireless networks, protocols and layers ¨ Modes of connection:
o Wired
• Ethernet
o Wireless
• Wi-Fi
• Bluetooth
¨ Encryption
¨ IP addressing and MAC addressing
¨ Standards
¨ Common protocols including:
o TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
o HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
o HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
o FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
o POP (Post Office Protocol)
o IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
o SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
¨ The concept of layers
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.4 Network Security
1.4.1 Threats to computer systems and networks ¨ Forms of attack:
o Malware
o Social engineering, e.g. phishing, people as the ‘weak point’
o Brute-force attacks
o Denial of service attacks
o Data interception and theft
o The concept of SQL injection
1.4.2 Identifying and preventing vulnerabilities
¨ Common prevention methods:
o Penetration testing
o Anti-malware software
o Firewalls
o User access levels
o Passwords
o Encryption
o Physical security
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
1.5 Systems Security
The purpose and functionality of operating systems:
o User interface
o Memory management and multitasking
o Peripheral management and drivers
o User management
o File management
1.5.2 Utility software
¨ The purpose and functionality of utility software
¨ Utility system software:
o Encryption software
o Defragmentation
o Data compression
The complete revision set for OCR Computer Science. For all topics:
Computer systems
• Systems Architecture
• Memory
• Storage
• Wired and wireless networks
• Network topologies, protocols
and layers
• System security
• System software
• Ethical, legal, cultural and
environmental concerns
Computational thinking, algorithms
and programming
• Algorithms
• Programming techniques
• Producing robust programs
• Computational logic
• Translators and facilities of
• Data representation
included are 100’s of practice questions related to each topic!
Buy now save ££££’s!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.5 – Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
2.5.1 Languages
Characteristics and purpose of different levels of programming language:
o High-level languages
o Low-level languages
The purpose of translators
The characteristics of a compiler and an interpreter
2.5.2 The Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Common tools and facilities available in an Integrated
Development Environment (IDE):
o Editors
o Error diagnostics
o Run-time environment
o Translators
A complete set of revision sheets for J277 OCR Computer Science. Includes all of the topics for the first unit J277/02: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
2.1 Algorithms
2.2 Programming fundamentals
2.3 Producing robust programs
2.4 Boolean logic
2.5 Programming languages and Integrated
Development Environments
With over 100 practice questions to test your students!!!
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.3 Producing Robust Programs
¨ Defensive design considerations:
o Anticipating misuse
o Authentication
¨ Input validation
¨ Maintainability:
o Use of sub programs
o Naming conventions
o Indentation
o Commenting
¨ The purpose of testing
¨ Types of testing:
o Iterative
o Final/terminal
¨ Identify syntax and logic errors
¨ Selecting and using suitable test data:
o Normal
o Boundary
o Invalid/Erroneous
¨ Refining algorithms
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.4 – Boolean logic
Simple logic diagrams using the operators AND, OR and NOT
Truth tables
Combining Boolean operators using AND, OR and NOT
Applying logical operators in truth tables to solve problems
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
Here you will find easy to follow revision sheets which will help your students to recap the topic:
2.2 – Programming fundamentals
¨ The use of variables, constants, operators, inputs, outputs and
¨ The use of the three basic programming constructs used to
control the flow of a program:
o Sequence
o Selection
o Iteration (count- and condition-controlled loops)
¨ The common arithmetic operators
¨ The common Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT
The use of data types:
o Integer
o Real
o Boolean
o Character and string
o Casting
The use of basic string manipulation
¨ The use of basic file handling operations:
o Open
o Read
o Write
o Close
¨ The use of records to store data
¨ The use of SQL to search for data
¨ The use of arrays (or equivalent) when solving problems, including
both one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional arrays (2D)
¨ How to use sub programs (functions and procedures) to produce
structured code
¨ Random number generation
The revision sheets include exam questions at the end of each topic to help the students recap their revision and apply it to a question.
A simple resource to teach the students about sequencing and flow charts at KS3, it includes all the terminology needed as well as the correct way to develop a flow chart using the correct symbols. Also included is a task related to the use of a "Big Trak" which was used to programme a sequence of instructions.
I used this for 2 lessons to get the students used to the ideas of flow charts and sequencing prior to programming.
**If Big Traks are unavailable you can also switch this task to something like Flowol as the resource will have already given insight into flow charts
Two resources that cover digital safety for KS3 students, these two resources take the students through staying safe online (social media) as well as emails.
The students are to discuss the topic and then use their researching skills to complete the tasks that are set.
Both are eye catching and easy to follow! Enjoy!