3 resources:
1. a simple presentation showing how to to say the different floors of the house and then a reminder slide about using à + definite article - to say on the first floor etc.
2. An ICT task - that should take a single lesson to create a word search on rooms of the house - also encourages dictionary use - to look up and add more. If more needed to fill the lesson - students could make a power point of the rooms and label in French. The word searches they make could then be swapped around and used as a starter in the next lesson.
3. Ready made word search on rooms of the house in French. Words go in all directions - including backwards. Includes searching for the definite article. Good as a homework / starter or simply vocabulary consolidation.
Puzzle 1 requires you to translate these phrases into German and fit them into the puzzle:
1 I have a wash
6 I have a shower
7 I have a bath
8 I watch TV
9 I do my homework
10 I get up
11 I go to school
12 I eat my dinner
2 I go to bed
3 I get dressed
4 I go home
5 I have breakfast
6 I get undressed
Puzzle 2 - has the German phrases and asks for the English translation to be fitted into the crossword
Good as consolidation work / a starter or homework
2 puzzles that require students to search for the school subjects in French - one has the solution puzzle also.
1 puzzle that has 'mes affaires' - supports Métro 1 - also with the solution puzzle
1 puzzle and the solution on the classroom instructions - introduced in Métro 1
1 puzzle on school life including: L'école maternelle = nursery school / l'école primaire = primary school le collège = secondary school / un carnet de correspondance = student planner/diary
les externes - pupils that go home for lunch / un collège public = a state school
les cours = the lessons / une permanence = a free lesson / devoirs = homework
Ideal to reinforce vocabulary / for starters or homeworks
Work sheet 1 - match the synonyms
Work sheet 2 - match the words with the definitions and then fill the gaps in the sentences with an appropriate word.
Work sheet 3 - 20 higher level pieces of vocabulary to match with their definitions
Work sheet 4 - match the words with the definitions.
Crossword to practise putting times into German. Good homework / starter or consolidation
Includes the following times:
1 8.10
3 11.15
5 4.55
6 2.45
8 10.30
10 10.00
11 6.30
12 12.30
13 6.20
2 2.40
4 12.45
7 1.00
9 8.30
3 food matches - matching the German to English - 2 specifically break time foods and phrases
1 word search - searching for the break time foods in German
Very simple - quick starters or Homework/consolidation
A worksheet with 9 sentences to translate into English - translations also given but you need to use the page layout tab (on word) and choose the selection icon to hide the answers.
Also word list of vocabulary linked to smoking and alcohol - the vocab can be translated and then found in the accompanying word search, In German
3 resources:
1. A simple power point presentation of the key vocabulary
2. A town plan that needs to be labelled in French - challenge element to get the correct definite article.
3. A word search; gap fill and matching exercise and pictures for labelling in French.
2 resources:
1. Simple power point introducing the key vocabulary
2. A word search to search for the key words - no definite or indefinite article - just the word - good as a starter / consolidation or a homework
A power point including a starter and several reading texts, with comprehension - looking to identify the top grade criteria in German written work.
Challenging - whole lesson
L.O. To be able to recognise A/A*(Grade 8/9) criteria in a written text, linked to the topic of
media, with a view to incorporating them in your own tasks.
A reading comprehension sheet - highlighting the use of Ich würde + infinitive
A puzzle on free time where the students have to search for free time linked words and phrases:
Ich mag nicht / Klavier / Ich spiele am Computer / Ich besuche Freunde
Fussball / Ich gehe Schwimmen / Ich faulenze / Ich fahre Rad / Ich lese / Ich tanze
A matching exercise on free time activities - match the English and the German
Suitable as a starter / homework or consolidation for GCSE German or AS level
Includes these phrases to translate and fit in the crossword
1 fitter
3 an outsider
6 I smoked
7 I can't stop/quit
8 3 years ago
10 I started
12 healthier
2 to smoke
4 It doesn't taste nice
5 to stink
9 to smell
11 to cough
Solve the clues to get the correct sport and then translate into German and fit into the puzzle
Clues are:
3 Beckham
6 Wimbledon
8 Johnny Wilkinson
9 Kelly Holmes
10 The Tour de France
11 Lets boogie!!
1 Shoes with wheels!
2 Cod / Plaice / Haddock
4 The Harlem Globetrotters!
5 Bully off!
7 Fish like this activity!
Crossword requiring translation of phrases using the weil clause - then fit your answers into the crossword.
Phrases include:
1 because I drink water
3 because I like meat
4 because she goes on foot
5 because I am sporty
6 because I hate chips
7 because I don't like sport
8 because he plays football
9 because I eat sweets
10 because I love Tennis
2 because I always laze about
Challenging crossword in French based on unit 3 of Métro Red
Famille et Copains
Use Module 3 to solve the clues and fill in the puzzle in French
1 tablets
4 I would like
8 the mouth
9 my grandparents
10 coloured
13 our parents
15 he is the best singer
18 I like
19 stay in bed
21 I am more shy
23 she is taller
24 I have a cough
25 the shoulder
26 our mum
27 I'm cold
28 the skin
29 he is more handsome
30 cotton buds
31 she is more beautiful
32 teeth
33 he is more sporty
2 elegant
3 the back
4 I collect
5 she is funnier
6 I don't like it
7 teddy bears
11 tissues
12 My ears hurt
14 I measure
16 because
17 postcards
20 shampoo
21 I prefer
22 my dad
24 I'm hot
2 crosswords in German - based on school bag / pencil case vocabulary.
1st one basic translation of the English word.
2nd one harder as the German words are anagrams to start with and have to be solved before fitting them into the puzzle.
Good for starters or homework - consolidation of vocabulary
Quotes for inspirational people - for discussion
Inspirational links
Biographies of inspirational people
Lots of resources on this theme - ideal for tutor time / theme weeks
An assembly to inspire and motivate students to make the most of their talents. Katie Piper; Barack Obama and Jessica Cox - among others.
Also a notes sheet attached - giving more info on the famous people mentioned
A good starter or homework crossword to practise these basic phrases in French:
3 Hello
5 I am well
9 My mum is called
10 Goodbye
11 My name is (I'm called)
1 My birthday is the....
2 I live in (Ashford)
4 I am 13 years old
6 My sister is called...
7 I live in (England)
8 I have a sister