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I am a languages teacher who has, over the years, created many resources for teaching French and Spanish. I also produce resources in other languages: German, Italian, and more recently, Greek. Here I am sharing a few of these, in the hope it makes a hard-working teacher's life a little easier at a time when they need something quickly. Often adding more resources, so watch this space!




I am a languages teacher who has, over the years, created many resources for teaching French and Spanish. I also produce resources in other languages: German, Italian, and more recently, Greek. Here I am sharing a few of these, in the hope it makes a hard-working teacher's life a little easier at a time when they need something quickly. Often adding more resources, so watch this space!
The Future Simple Tense in French

The Future Simple Tense in French

A comprehensive visual guide to the future simple tense in French, including examples. Great for visual learners and can be used in conjunction with my other tense worksheets.
Allez 1 French Revision Booklet Unit 7 - Year 8 - excellent lockdown resource

Allez 1 French Revision Booklet Unit 7 - Year 8 - excellent lockdown resource

A comprehensive revision booklet based on Allez 1 Units 8 and 9, with 16 pages of activities including reading, writing, translation, grammar and vocabulary. An excellent lockdown resource. It does reference the text book in places although the resource as a whole does not depend on it. Also available as a bundle at a reduced price including booklets which cover units 1-4, Unit 6 and Units 8-9.
6 French tenses, Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

6 French tenses, Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

8 Resources
A bundle of 8 resources for the price of 5 - 6 French tenses, Direct Object Pronouns and Indirect Object Pronouns. All are available separately, too, in my shop. #frenchgrammar #frenchtenses #frenchconditional #frenchpresenttense #frenchfuturesimple #frenchfuturetense #frenchimperfect #frenchimperfecttense #frenchpluperfect #frenchpluperfecttense #frenchindirectobjectpronouns #frenchdirectobjectpronouns #frenchpassécomposé #frenchperfect #frenchperfecttense
Spanish 90-word writing mat - Foundation and Higher - any exam board

Spanish 90-word writing mat - Foundation and Higher - any exam board

A 3-page writing mat which includes a checklist of components to score top grades forthe 90-word writing tasks in the Spanish GCSE writing paper. Includes lists of present, past and future tense expressions and verb examples, as well as comparatives and superlatives, opinion phrases, connectives, adverbs and intensifiers. I also have a similar mat available in French, German and Italian, as well as 150-word mats in all four languages, in my shop. #spanish #gcsespanish #writingmat #spanishwritingmat #comparatives #superlatives #opinionphrases #connectives #spanishlanguage #spanishadverbs #spanishadjectives #spanishintensifiers
Spanish Higher GCSE 150 word writing mat - any exam board

Spanish Higher GCSE 150 word writing mat - any exam board

A writing mat to support the requirements of the 150 word writing task as part of Spanish Higher GCSE. It includes present and past tense opinions and contrasting opinions, direct object pronouns, adverbs, subjunctive phrases, comparatives and superlatives, idioms, and a checklist for items to include in this task. Students report to me that it is also very useful for the speaking exam - quick revision of it prior to taking speaking tests leads to more variety in their language and higher marks as a result. I also have similar mats for Italian and French available in my shop. #spanishwritingmat #spanishhigherGCSE #spanishwriting #spanishGCSE
5 French Tenses - A visual guide/reference resource

5 French Tenses - A visual guide/reference resource

A comprehensive, plain-English visual guide/reference resource for 5 French tenses - the present, perfect, imperfect, pluperfect and future simple. Includes examples. Great for visual learners. I also sell each tense worksheets individually. I have used this to create a tenses revision booklet and reference for classes and individual learners. Please note that the preview does not show pages in the order of the booklet - so whilst it may look confused, the booklet is ordered by tense.
The Imperfect Tense in French

The Imperfect Tense in French

A comprehensive visual guide to the imperfect tense in French, including examples. Great for visual learners and can be used in conjunction with my other tenses worksheets.
The Italian Subjunctive in the Present Tense - PowerPoint Presentation

The Italian Subjunctive in the Present Tense - PowerPoint Presentation

A PowerPoint presentation of the formation and use of the Italian subjunctive ‘mood’. 21 slides with explanation and examples, for a comprehensive overview of how to form it, including regular and irregular forms, as well as when and when not to use it. Perfect for presenting key points to a class or for self-study. The PowerPoint can be amended after use with no copyright. Please take a look at the other resources I have for Italian language learning in my shop.
German GCSE 150-word writing mat - Higher

German GCSE 150-word writing mat - Higher

A writing mat to support 150-word writing task practice for German GCSE. Contains words and phrase groups as well as an ‘ingredients’ list to ensure that students are able to gain the maximum marks possible in the task, including opinions, adverbs, intensifiers, phrases in different tenses, linking words, idioms, subjunctive phrases, comparatives and superlatives, complex sentence structures, contrasting opinions and direct object pronouns. I also have a 90-word writing mat available in German, and writing mats for Spanish, French and Italian GCSE as well.
French GCSE revision - Town and Home

French GCSE revision - Town and Home

Excellent French reading and writing revision resource for Years 9, 10 or 11 studying at GCSE level. This booklet focuses on town and home, and is one of four booklets in a series which help revise different topics at GCSE. All four available as a bundle at a discounted price. Perfect for extended home study.
French GCSE revision - School

French GCSE revision - School

Excellent French reading and writing revision resource for Years 9, 10 or 11 studying at GCSE level. This booklet focuses on school, and is one of four booklets in a series which help revise different topics at GCSE. All four available as a bundle at a discounted price. Perfect for extended home study.
French GCSE revision booklet - Les Vacances

French GCSE revision booklet - Les Vacances

Excellent, 50 page French reading and writing revision resource for Years 9, 10 or 11 studying at GCSE level. This booklet focuses on holidays, and is one of four booklets in a series which help revise different topics at GCSE. All four available as a bundle at a discounted price. Perfect for extended home study.
4 French GCSE revision booklets: Holidays; Town and Home; Media/Leisure and School

4 French GCSE revision booklets: Holidays; Town and Home; Media/Leisure and School

Set of 4 excellent French reading and writing revision booklets for Years 9, 10 or 11 studying at GCSE level. The 4 booklets focus on holidays; town and home, school and media and leisure and the bundle is available at a discounted rate from buying all four individually. Each one can be bought separately however through my shop. Perfect for extended home study.
Le professione - cosa manca? Italian vocab learning game - professions

Le professione - cosa manca? Italian vocab learning game - professions

A Powerpoint to help students learn Italian vocabulary related to professions. Useful as a starter for the classroom or any language lesson. 3 slides have vocabulary and a picture for each profession. These are then followed by a group of slides for each group of professions where each has a profession missing which the student needs to name. Highly versatile in terms of how it’s used and could be made more difficult for more able learners, e.g. by asking for the word in a sentence, in a sentence in a different tense, checking the gender, etc. Also available in my shop in Spanish, German and French.
Los oficios - ¿que falta? Spanish vocab learning game - professions

Los oficios - ¿que falta? Spanish vocab learning game - professions

A Powerpoint to help students learn Spanish vocabulary related to professions. Useful as a starter for the classroom or any language lesson. 3 slides have vocabulary and a picture for each profession. These are then followed by a group of slides for each group of professions where each has a profession missing which the student needs to name. Highly versatile in terms of how it’s used and could be made more difficult for more able learners, e.g. by asking for the word in a sentence, in a sentence in a different tense, checking the gender, etc. Also available in my shop in German, Italian and French.