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MFL Resources
El odioso y letal mosquito

El odioso y letal mosquito

Resource tailored to work with the TED Talk about mosquitoes that you can find in that web or youtube. The sheet contains differentiated activities to work on word formation, reading, listening, translation and synonyms. Answers and space for marking are provided.
Free time activities and weather

Free time activities and weather

El tiempo libre y el tiempo This is a full PPT (almoto teach weather, free time activities, opinion verbs, Jugar and hacer, Present tense and Near Future with hobbies. With able classes, th Class 1 includes opinions and hobbies in infinitive, with match up, fill in the gap exercises, and a link to blooket. Class 2 revises that the concept of infinitive verb has been understood, there are activities like anagrams, a listening task with transcript, a trap door exercise and a 3 en raya to practice talking skills. Class 3 introduces the weather. There are slides for listening exercises from Viva 1 and with transcripts, wordwall games linked for revision, and a writing task. Class 4 brings together the three topics: free time activities, opinions and weather. It also introduces some more free time activities. There are different tasks, anagrams, wordwall interactive games, and a listening task from Mira express 1. Answers are provided to do the listening if you do not have access to this resource. Class 5 Revision of the three topics. Crack the code as a starter, introduction of the three groups of infinitive verbs. Listening from Mira express, answers and transcript provided to do on your own if you do not have access to the listening tracks. The last slide gives you the chance to decide whether to do a writing task out of the 6 questions, or practice talking (or both!) Class 6 Introduction of jugar vs hacer. Wordwall starter, introduction of new vocabulary (sports) in the Present tense. Display of the verb Jugar and Hacer conjugated. Listening with opinions from Viva (answers provided in case you have no access to the listening track). If your class is a very able class like mine, extensions with blookets provided. Class 7 introduces reasons why you like or dislike hobbies. There are reading and writing activities (tangled translation) and introduction to Present Tense with activities. Class 8 introduces adverbs of time and free time activities in the Present Tense. The slides provide pronunciation time, pointer games and short sentences to practice translation SP - EN. After they feel comfortable with the content, they are exposed to a whole text in Spanish with some conditional tense verbs and Near Future. You can ask higher order questions to answer in English to get a first approach to the tenses without seeing them yet. At this stage, I reorganise the following slides as I feel the class needs or not for revision. I also use some of the last slides as starters if I do not want to use wordwall. The following slides include: Organise the time adverbs in order of frequency. Revision of topics they saw before. Mira express listening. Write in the correct order the sentences. Rock climbing exercise. Reading tasks. Put in order the sentences to make a coherent paragraph. Mind reading game to practice pronunciation. Match up the pronouns. Last slides introduce the Near Future tense with several more slides to practice it.
Higher Spanish Reading - Culture El pais vasco frances

Higher Spanish Reading - Culture El pais vasco frances

Preparing pupils for Reading assessments about Culture. (SQA, GCSE, IGCSE, IB…) This resource includes a detailed reading comprehension activity focused on Basque culture, language and traditions, and how it differs from French or Spanish cultures. It provides a series of crafter questions that assess the student’s understanding of the text, along with a comprehensive marking scheme. The marking scheme evaluates comprehension, language accuracy, clarity and depth of response, making it perfect for teachings looking to assess reading comprehension skills in an engaging and informative context. The answers to the questions in English have been added, so that the teacher can decide whether or not they will be using the marking scheme or accepting more simple answers. This resources is suitable for intermediate to advanced learners and offers a balanced approach to evaluating both content knowledge and English language proficiency.
Sports and Opinions Reading tasks

Sports and Opinions Reading tasks

In this set you will find: A vocabulary sheet completed with sports A worksheet with different activities to work on Reading skills and basic sports vocab. An extension task for fast pupils Worksheet: The first task is to underline different word categories (opinion verbs, sports and description words). If your pupils have not seen personality adjectives you can delete the third command. The following tasks are a true or false, find the Spanish, order the letters to find the word and translation tasks to consolidate the vocab.
Wage gap, Irene Montero. Higher / Advanced Higher.

Wage gap, Irene Montero. Higher / Advanced Higher.

Irene Montero habla sobre la brecha salarial. En este set encontrarás: 1 Reading: La biografía de Irene Montero con actividades como: Verdadero o falso Match up Find the Spanish for Translation Answers 1 Listening: Irene Montero habla en el Congreso. Dos videos, uno a velocidad normal y uno a velocidad ralentizada Transcript Answer the questions Translation Answers
El tiempo / Talking about the weather in Spanish

El tiempo / Talking about the weather in Spanish

Two PowerPoints to learn about the weather in Spanish. Two worksheets with extended vocabulary (level 1 -differentiated- and 2) PPT 1 includes: Pronunciation practice with pictures and vocabulary words Pointer / find the picture which disappears from the board Vocabulary grid Activity for research Spanish cities. Vocabulary test about the weather. PPT 2 includes: Project “Create your own weather forecast” to choose a country/city and describe the weather with coordinates.
Why learning languages, Spanish, Higher

Why learning languages, Spanish, Higher

¿Por qué deberíamos aprender idiomas? A resource produced to help pupils practice reasons to learn languages. The variety of reasons produce a good bank of words to support their writing. This resource counts with five short texts to discuss in class / improving talking skills, or use for translation purposes. There is a slide with expressions (se debe, se puede, querria + INF, etc). There is a translation exercise EN - SP with answers.
Mi familia - Class resources

Mi familia - Class resources

This set includes: Vocabulary sheet to print A filled in vocabulary sheet A worksheet to practice family members with scaffolded exercises (complete the words and match up with their meaning, spot the spelling mistakes, translate Eng-Sp and Sp-Eng, true or false and writing tasks to consolidate the vocabulary) A worksheet based on siblings with exercises to match up, translate and write.
El Mercado laboral y la brecha salarial

El Mercado laboral y la brecha salarial

This sheet contains short readings about the wage gap and equality between men and women in Spain. The different texts you will find come from different sources and has been adapted to the Scottish Curriculum. Answers provided. The activities you will find are: Find the Spanish for Translation tasks Open and closed questions Fill in the gaps