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Nichola Wilkin - Computer Science

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High-impact computer science resources that are based on sound educational psychological theories to help all pupils reach their full potential. I’m an experienced teacher/HoD and professionally create computing and computer science teaching resources through my company Nichola Wilkin Ltd. All these resources have been exclusively created by me. I’m an author who has written for both BBC Bitesize and Cambridge University Press. Quality teaching resources you can trust!




High-impact computer science resources that are based on sound educational psychological theories to help all pupils reach their full potential. I’m an experienced teacher/HoD and professionally create computing and computer science teaching resources through my company Nichola Wilkin Ltd. All these resources have been exclusively created by me. I’m an author who has written for both BBC Bitesize and Cambridge University Press. Quality teaching resources you can trust!
Python 2D Lists Programming Challenges

Python 2D Lists Programming Challenges

Do your students need a little extra help with creating and using 2D lists in Python programming? Are you looking for some ready to use programming challenges that can be easily incorporated into your lessons? This worksheet can be used as a classroom activity, for a homework task or as a ready-to-use task for quick finishers, making this an invaluable resource to have in your teacher kit. Download this ready to use worksheet now and take control of your workload. Use it immediately or simply keep it in reserve for when you need it. WHAT IS INCLUDED? This 2-page PDF printable handout includes: example code, a task to read code, a task to explain code and 3 practical challenges for them to practice writing Python code. . You even have a separate PDF with possible answers. The diversity of these 2D list challenges allow pupils to develop a variety of useful programming skills. This resource is perfect for established computer science teachers, non-specialist teachers or newly qualified teachers. What are you waiting for? Take action straight away and grab your copy of this wonderful worksheet today that will keep your pupils engaged and making real progress. Everything is done for you which will save you hours of preparation time. Please note: This resource is a non-editable PDF FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments. Click Here To See More Of My Great Python Challenges
Rubber Duck Debugging Display

Rubber Duck Debugging Display

Create an attractive display in your computer room to help explain to your students how to use the popular programming technique of rubber duck debugging. This resource includes all the elements required to create a main display and also includes handy, smaller posters to dot around the room as visual prompts to students and “flat ducks” that can be stuck to desks for pupils to talk to if you don’t have any 3D ducks available. Buy this ready-to-use resource now and instantly brighten up your classroom with a display that is both engaging and useful. HOW CAN YOU USE THIS DISPLAY? This display works well when all three sections are combined using: a display board in your room for the main display several smaller posters at eye level for use when pupils are sitting at their desks and a small “flat duck” stuck next to their computer on their desk (ideally so it looks like the duck is looking at the screen) . PREPARING THE DISPLAY You have colour and black and white versions. Print only the relevant pages you need. You may need to print some pages more than once (i.e. the rubber duck images). It is best to print the pages in colour if you can, but I have included a black and white version too. If you are printing in black and white you may wish to print them onto coloured paper/card to add a bit of interest in your classroom. I suggest printing the sections for the wall display on card or laminating each page before cutting out the sections to give a more professional finish. Carefully cut out all the sections and add them to your display space (making sure the letters are the right way up and in the correct order). I’ve also included a suggested layout to give you an idea of how you can arrange the main display. However, you may want to arrange it slightly differently to fit the space you have. Add the smaller individual posters at eye-level height as a prompt for the students when they are working. Finally, if you do not have any rubber ducks for your students to talk to you can use the printed “flat ducks” as a substitute. Cut out the smaller ducks and stick them to the desk (preferably facing the monitor) which students can talk to. What are you waiting for? Buy this resource now and add instant impact to your classroom, the easy way. Why not also download my FREE rubber duck debugging lesson? It includes an easy-to-follow PowerPoint presentation and 3 Python programs for the students to debug. Click here to find out more.
Von Neumann Architecture Lesson

Von Neumann Architecture Lesson

How can you teach your students about Von Neumann Architecture in an engaging way? The key is to break up the theory into small manageable chunks and reinforce each section with a variety of activities. And that is exactly what this lesson does. Why spend hours making your own resources when it is all done for you? Download this lesson today and save yourself all that preparation. WHAT IS INCLUDED? Suitable for GCSE Computer Science pupils following either OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) or AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) syllabuses. This lesson includes: an attractive dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint presentation, differentiated lesson objectives, a video to change focus and break up the lesson, loads of individual and group tasks and questions, a printable ready-to-use worksheet for classwork, 3 differentiated exam-style questions which can be used either in the plenary or set for a homework task, a comprehensive 3-page teacher’s lesson plan including ALL THE ANSWERS. . WHAT DOES IT COVER? With virtually no preparation (apart from photocopying the single page worksheet) you will be ready to teach about your classes about: How cache memory is used by the CPU The three levels of cache memory The component parts of the CPU in the Von Neumann Architecture model How the component parts of the CPU work in the fetch-decode-execute cycle . DURATION: 1 lesson FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of my complete resources for which I usually charge full price but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just my little way of saying thank you to my valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments. Check out these other great resources by Nichola Wilkin (nwilkin): The purpose of the CPU CPU Performance Rom, Ram and Virtual Memory Embedded Systems Secondary Storage
Understanding Binary

Understanding Binary

A great introduction to understanding binary. These ready to use lessons will save you hours of preparation and can easily be adapted to meet your own requirements. WHAT IS INCLUDED? In this unit you have 2 ready-to-use lessons: Converting 5-bit binary numbers into denary Converting denary numbers into binary . Everything you need is included such as: a very high-quality accessible PowerPoint presentation for every lesson that effortlessly leads the teacher through the lesson and includes all the answers to the many questions and tasks the students need to complete a 2-sided editable worksheet for every lesson an easy-to-follow editable lesson plan for every lesson . PRIOR LEARNING This is the perfect introduction to binary and does not expect the students to have any previous knowledge of converting between denary and binary. EASY TO USE These ready to use resources are so straightforward that although I have included a lesson plan, most teachers can teach straight from the PowerPoint presentation without any further assistance. And best of all, the answers are included saving you time and energy. This makes these lessons suitable for experienced computing specialist teachers along with non-specialists and early career teachers (ECTs). EDITABLE RESOURCES I understand that teachers want to adapt their resources, so I’ve made the bold decision to make these resources editable. Therefore, if you need to use a particular template style for your school, you can change the PowerPoint presentation, worksheet and lesson plan to suit your needs. If you have students with specific educational needs, you can change the lesson to suit them. It gives you the flexibility to alter the lessons to suit your own particular needs. SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TEACHING TECHNIQUES These teaching resources have been specifically designed to aid pupils using educational psychology backed theories including dual coding, Mayer’s theory and the best techniques to alleviate cognitive load. Your students will have a higher retention rate, better and deeper understanding of the subject matter and will build their confidence in a natural way which reduces distractions and helps them focus on the learning. These lessons are highly interactive and engage students straight from the start. TEACHING TO THE TOP These lessons are designed to stretch all pupils. Instead of traditional differentiation which systematically underchallenges pupils, I raise the bar for everyone and then, as a teacher who knows your own students best, you can support individuals to reach their own full potential. Start reaping the benefits today of incredibly high-quality, professionally designed teaching resources that you can use with virtually no preparation. Just click on the BUY NOW button to download them straight away. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without them.
Data Representation Lessons

Data Representation Lessons

A great introduction to understanding how text, images and sound are saved as binary. These ready to use data representation lessons will save you hours of preparation and can easily be adapted to meet your own requirements. WHAT IS INCLUDED? In this unit you have 3 ready-to-use lessons: ASCII characters Bitmap images Sound . Everything you need is included such as: a very high-quality accessible PowerPoint presentation for every lesson that effortlessly leads the teacher through the lesson and includes all the answers to the many questions and tasks the students need to complete a 2-sided editable worksheet for every lesson an easy-to-follow editable lesson plan for every lesson . PRIOR LEARNING This unit does expect pupils to be familiar with binary and in particular know that: Computers store numbers using binary. Binary can only contain 1s and 0s. A single binary digit is a bit. They can translate denary numbers into binary and binary numbers into denary by working out the column headings. . If your students are unfamiliar with these concepts, I highly recommend purchasing my 2 lesson unit called “Understanding Binary” which covers all of these topics and will ensure your students are ready for this unit. Many teachers purchase both units (Understanding Binary and Data Representation) together and run them as a single 5 week unit as they complement each other so well. EASY TO USE These ready to use resources are so straightforward that although I have included a lesson plan, most teachers can teach straight from the PowerPoint presentation without any further assistance. And best of all, the answers are included saving you time and energy. This makes these lessons suitable for experienced computing specialist teachers along with non-specialists and early career teachers (ECTs). EDITABLE RESOURCES I understand that teachers want to adapt their resources, so I’ve made the bold decision to make these resources editable. Therefore, if you need to use a particular template style for your school,or if you have students with specific educational needs, you can change the lesson to suit them. It gives you the flexibility to alter the lessons to suit your own particular needs. SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TEACHING TECHNIQUES These teaching resources have been specifically designed to aid pupils using educational psychology backed theories including dual coding, Mayer’s theory and the best techniques to alleviate cognitive load. Your students will have a higher retention rate, better and deeper understanding of the subject matter and will build their confidence in a natural way which reduces distractions and helps them focus on the learning. These lessons are highly interactive and engage students straight from the start. Just click on the BUY NOW button to download them straight away. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without them.
Sorting and Searching Algorithms Lessons

Sorting and Searching Algorithms Lessons

A great introduction to understanding sorting and searching algorithms including bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, linear search and binary search. These ready to use sorting and searching algorithms lessons will save you hours of preparation and can easily be adapted to meet your own requirements. WHAT IS INCLUDED? In this unit you have 3 ready-to-use lessons: Bubble sort Insertion and merge sort Linear and binary search . These lessons include everything you need such as: a very high-quality accessible PowerPoint presentation for every lesson that effortlessly leads the teacher through the lesson and includes all the answers to the many questions and tasks the students need to complete an editable worksheet for every lesson an easy-to-follow editable lesson plan for every lesson . Not only have you got the complete lessons above but if you wanted to extend the unit I have made it extra easy by also including the Python programs (both with and without comments) for each of these algorithms. I have even created handouts for each algorithm written in pseudocode code using the specifics of OCR, AQA and Edexcel. You could use these Python programs to show the code to the pupils and ask them how it works and talk through the code with them comparing it to the algorithm, you could challenge them to add comments themselves to explain the code or use it to demo a working program. If you feel your pupils are able, you could set them the challenge of programming it themselves and use the completed programs as exemplar material to aid pupils who get stuck or even remove some of the code and ask them to complete key areas to make it work. PRIOR LEARNING This unit does expect pupils know what an algorithm is and be familiar with understanding written algorithms and flowcharts. EASY TO USE These ready to use resources are so straightforward that although I have included a lesson plan, most teachers can teach straight from the PowerPoint presentation without any further assistance. And best of all, the answers are included saving you time and energy. This makes these lessons suitable for experienced computing specialist teachers along with non-specialists and early career teachers. EDITABLE RESOURCES I understand that teachers want to adapt their resources, so I’ve made the bold decision to make these resources editable. Therefore, if you need to use a particular template style for your school or pupils with special educational needs, you can change the PowerPoint presentations, worksheets and lesson plans to suit your needs. These lessons are highly interactive and engage students straight from the start. Start reaping the benefits today of incredibly high-quality, professionally designed teaching resources that you can use with virtually no preparation. Just click on the BUY NOW button to download them straight away. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without them.
Computing Year 7 First Lesson

Computing Year 7 First Lesson

Planning you first lesson to welcome your new year 7 computing class? This lesson includes an attractive editable PowerPoint presentation which covers the following skills: Logging on to the school network Creating a strong password Searching the internet This allows you to get to your know classes a little easier, learn their names and make an initial judgment on their current ICT abilities. This resource also includes teachers lesson plan, teachers observation form and a worksheet and answers. FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.
Python Iteration Lesson

Python Iteration Lesson

This complete Python programming lesson teaches pupils about iteration, namely for loops and while loops. It also includes lots of practice with reading and drawing flow diagrams. Download this no-prep lesson now to help you take control of your workload. This teaching resource includes an attractive dyslexia friendly PowerPoint presentation including videos to teach the key skills and the easy to follow teachers lesson plan includes all the answers. This ready-to-use lesson is perfect for non-specialist teachers, newly qualified teachers and teachers who are teaching Python for the first time. Please note: This lesson does assume the pupils are familiar with using basic if and else statements in Python. (My ready to use lessons to teach those skills are available here: “If Statement Lesson” and “More If Statements Lesson” ) Duration: 1 lesson This lesson teaches pupils about: For loops using the range statement While loops The difference between count controlled and condition-controlled loops . What are you waiting for? Take action straight away and grab your copy of this wonderful lesson today that will keep your pupils engaged and making progress and save you preparation time. FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments. [Click Here To See More Of My Great Python Lessons] (https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=835903&q=Python Lessons&shop=nwilkin)
Christmas Computing Quiz – Year 8

Christmas Computing Quiz – Year 8

Are you ready for an exhilarating and festive end of term Christmas activity? Look no further than our electrifying Christmas Computing Quiz, tailor-made for your Year 8 students! Prepare to be dazzled with a captivating fusion of computing challenges specially crafted for Year 8, seamlessly intertwined with a medley of delightful and interactive Christmas activities that will leave both your SLT and your year 8 computing pupils in high spirits as the term concludes. HOW DOES THE CHRISTMAS COMPUTING QUIZ WORK? Once you’ve purchased the resource you get a PDF which contains a link. Share the provided link with your students and watch as it whisks them away to an enchanting digital realm filled with engaging questions and intriguing tasks. Your year 8 computing students can embark on this journey of knowledge and fun on their own, or, for an added dose of excitement, encourage pairs of students to team up and tackle the quiz together. The joy multiplies as collaboration ignites their enthusiasm. And the best part? The quiz is a self-guided adventure. As your students conquer each challenge, the next one automatically beckons, providing you with invaluable time to support those in need or attend to the myriad of other holiday season tasks tugging at your attention. Fear not, for we’ve thought of everything. All the answers are readily available in the comprehensive teacher’s guide, ensuring you can rescue any students who find themselves in a puzzling predicament. This captivating experience is designed to last between 30 to 40 minutes so you may need to provide a second activity for particularly speedy early finishers. WHAT IS INCLUDED? You get a single PDF file which contains the link to the activity and the answers to the quiz. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity! Grab your copy of the Year 8 Christmas Computing Quiz – a timeless gem that you can deploy year after year with a new wave of Year 8 computing students. Let the festivities begin! COMPUTING TOPICS INCLUDE: Computer networks Scratch programming Computer jargon (missing words) Computer systems . Click here to check out this amazing bundle to get all 5 Key Stage 3 Computing and GCSE Computer Science quizzes at a knock down price. IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to run the quizzes there are a few activities which require links to external websites. Here are the external sites that you will need to have unblocked on your school network. view . genial . ly jigsawexplorer . com PLEASE NOTE: This game is intended to be used on a desktop or laptop computer and some of the features will not be available on an iPad or other mobile device.
Producing Robust Programs OCR GCSE Computer Science Workbook (J277)

Producing Robust Programs OCR GCSE Computer Science Workbook (J277)

This “producing robust programs” workbook is perfect for students studying for the OCR GCSE (9-1) in computer science and has been updated to completely cover the new specification J277. It can be used in the classroom as a teaching aid, for self-study or as a revision tool. In this resource you will receive an interactive PDF workbook so your students can either print it out and complete the activities by hand or fill it in electronically making this an ideal workbook for use in school or for students studying at home. The answer booklet is provided as a separate PDF file so you can assign your students the workbook without including the answers. This 21-page workbook completely covers the new specification J277 2.3 producing robust programs theory. Table of Contents: Defensive Design Considerations Input validation Maintainability (sub programs, naming conventions, indentation, commenting) The purpose of testing Types of testing (iterative, final/terminal) Identifying syntax and logical errors Selecting and using suitable test data Refining algorithms . You may also be interested in these workbooks which have also been written to cover the J277 specification: Systems Architecture Memory and Storage Computer networks, connections and protocols Network Security Systems Software Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Impacts Algorithms Programming Fundamentals Boolean Logic Programming Languages and IDEs
OCR GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277 Workbooks

OCR GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277 Workbooks

11 Resources
Looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-use resource to help your students excel in OCR GCSE J277 computer science? Look no further than our complete set of workbooks! Written specifically to match the requirements of the OCR GCSE Computer Science exams, these workbooks ensure that you cover the entire specification and provide your students with all the information they need for successful revision and exam preparation. But these workbooks are more than just a standard handout or textbook. They’re interactive and engaging, combining the best of both worlds to create a powerful addition to your teacher’s toolkit. With everything at their fingertips, your students will be able to focus on learning and achieving their best. What is included? Our interactive PDF workbooks make it easy to focus on specific sections of the OCR J277 GCSE in Computer Science syllabus without overwhelming your students. Each workbook is designed to cover a single topic in depth, using student-friendly language and clear explanations of key terminology to help your pupils digest the knowledge and retain it for longer. Throughout each workbook, tasks are included to reinforce learning and allow you to monitor your students’ progress. Answers are provided in a separate PDF workbook, giving you the option to issue workbooks without answers for assessment purposes. To help your students take ownership of their learning, each workbook also includes a student checklist. This tool allows students to track their progress and identify areas where they may need more work, helping you make the most of the time you have with your students. This bundle includes all of the following OCR workbooks: Systems architecture Memory and storage Computer networks, connections and protocols Network security Systems software Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology Algorithms Programming fundamentals (using Python) Producing robust programs (using Python) Boolean logic Programming Languages and Integrated Development Environments (IDE) The total individual price for all the computer science workbooks is £177.87 but when purchased as a bundle you can get all this for only £150 a saving of over £25. How can they be used? Our OCR J277 GCSE in Computer Science workbooks are the perfect complement to your classroom teaching. They offer the flexibility to be completed either on-screen or printed and completed manually on paper, ensuring continuity both in the computer room and when your classroom is being used by another subject. In addition, our workbooks can also be given to students as homework or self-study projects to complete on their own at home. This is a great option for students who may need extra practice or who want to reinforce their understanding of a particular topic. The best part? When you purchase our workbooks, you’ll receive a PDF file that can be reused time and time again with no further costs or ongoing subscription fees. This means that you can continue to use them year after year, saving time and money in the process. So whether you’re looking for an in-class supplement, a homework option, or a comprehensive revision tool, our OCR JS22 GCSE in Computer Science workbooks are an excellent choice.
Algorithms Bundle

Algorithms Bundle

3 Resources
A great introduction to understanding computational thinking, algorithms and sorting and searching algorithms. Pupils learn about, decomposition, pattern recognition, writing algorithms, flowcharts, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, linear search and binary search algorithms. These ready to use lessons will save you hours of preparation and can easily be adapted to meet your own requirements. WHAT IS INCLUDED? In this unit you have 9 ready-to-use lessons: 3 lessons on computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition and abstraction) 3 lessons on understanding algorithms (creating an algorithm, flowcharts, selection and iteration) 3 lessons on sorting and searching algorithms (bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, linear search and binary search) . These lessons include everything you need such as: a very high-quality accessible PowerPoint presentation for every lesson that effortlessly leads the teacher through the lesson and includes all the answers to the many questions and tasks the students need to complete an editable worksheet for every lesson an easy-to-follow editable lesson plan for every lesson . Not only have you got the complete lessons above but if you wanted to extend the searching and sorting algorithms unit I have made it extra easy by also including the Python programs (both with and without comments) for each of the searching and sorting algorithms along with the pseudocode covering the AQA, OCR and Edexcel syntax. PRIOR LEARNING Pupils do not need any prior learning for the first of these units “Computational thinking”. After the computational thinking unit pupils can progress immediately to “Understanding Algorithms” unit or you may want to split it up and use these units in separate year groups. Older pupils who are more familiar with Python will enjoy the “Sorting and Searching Algorithms” unit. EASY TO USE These ready to use resources are so straightforward that although I have included a lesson plan, most teachers can teach straight from the PowerPoint presentation without any further assistance. And best of all, the answers are included saving you time and energy. This makes these lessons suitable for experienced computing specialist teachers along with non-specialists and early career teachers. EDITABLE RESOURCES I understand that teachers want to adapt their resources, so I’ve made the bold decision to make these resources editable. Therefore, if you need to use a particular template style for your school or pupils with special educational needs, you can change the PowerPoint presentation, worksheet and lesson plan to suit your needs. These lessons are highly interactive and engage students straight from the start. Start reaping the benefits today of incredibly high-quality, professionally designed teaching resources that you can use with virtually no preparation. Just click on the BUY NOW button to download them straight away. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without them.
ROM RAM and Virtual Memory Lesson

ROM RAM and Virtual Memory Lesson

How can you teach your students about ROM, RAM and virtual memory in an engaging way? The key is to break up the theory into small manageable chunks and reinforce each section with a variety of activities. And that is exactly what this computer science lesson does. Why spend hours making your own resources when it is all done for you? Download this ROM, RAM and virtual memory computing lesson today and save yourself all that preparation. WHAT IS INCLUDED? Suitable for GCSE Computer Science pupils following either OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) or AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) syllabuses. This lesson includes: an attractive dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint presentation, differentiated lesson objectives, videos to change focus and break up the lesson, loads of individual and group tasks and questions, a printable ready-to-use worksheet for classwork, 3 differentiated exam style questions which can be used either in the plenary or set for a homework task, a comprehensive teacher’s lesson plan including ALL THE ANSWERS. . WHAT DOES IT COVER? With virtually no preparation (apart from photocopying the worksheets) you will be ready to teach about your classes about: The difference between ROM and RAM The need for virtual memory and identifies a disadvantage of using virtual memory The types of RAM technology available (DRAM and SRAM) . DURATION: 1 lesson Download this fantastic, ready to use lesson now and take back control of your workload. FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of my complete resources for which I usually charge full price but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just my little way of saying thank you to my valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments. Click here to see some more computer science lessons
Network Hardware Lesson

Network Hardware Lesson

How can you teach your students about network hardware, in an engaging way? The key is to break up the theory into small manageable chunks and reinforce each section with a variety of activities. And that is exactly what this lesson does. Why spend hours making your own resources when it is all done for you? Download this lesson today and save yourself all that preparation. WHAT IS INCLUDED? Suitable for GCSE Computer Science pupils following either OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) or AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) syllabuses. This lesson includes: an attractive dyslexia friendly PowerPoint presentation, differentiated lesson objectives, 2 videos to change focus and break up the lesson, loads of individual and group tasks and questions, 2 printable ready to use worksheets for classwork, 3 differentiated exam style questions which can be used either in the plenary or set for a homework task, a comprehensive 3-page teacher’s lesson plan including ALL THE ANSWERS. . WHAT DOES IT COVER? With virtually no preparation (apart from photocopying the worksheets and taboo cards) you will be ready to teach about your classes about: Transmission media (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, coper cables and fibre optic cables) Routers Switches Hubs Network Interface Cards (NIC) Wireless Access Points Bridges Wi-Fi channels . Please note: network topologies and protocols are not covered in this lesson as that is covered in a separate lesson. DURATION: 1 lesson FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments. Check out these other great lesson by Nichola Wilkin (nwilkin): What is the internet? Network Topologies
Memory and Storage Worksheets

Memory and Storage Worksheets

Here are 6 ready to use memory and storage worksheets you can immediately use with your class, with absolutely no preparation necessary. You even have a separate copy of each handout that contains the answers, making these a brilliant easy to use addition to your teacher toolkit. These worksheets can be printed out or completed on-screen as they comprise of PDF files with editable areas for students to enter their answers. You can even assign these worksheets as learning tasks using a VLE for students working at home. HOW CAN I USE THEM? These worksheets are ideal for An easy grab-and-go classroom activity, homework tasks and cover worksheets. . These engaging worksheets are perfect for computer science teachers, non-specialists and new teachers. WHAT IS INCLUDED? The 12 PDF worksheets included: ROM and RAM – This worksheet asks pupils to describe the differences between Rom and RAM and then tick is statements are true or false. A great in-class activity or homework task. Types of Memory – Students show their understanding of memory, secondary storage, virtual memory and disk thrashing. Great to use to assess your student’s understanding. Storage Device Comparison – Students need to do some research and answer several questions of difference secondary storage devices. A lovely homework or plenary task. Secondary Storage Media – A 2-page worksheet comparing magnetic, optical and solid-state secondary storage devices. A great assessment activity. Pick The Correct Media – A lovely activity where pupils pick the correct device for the given scenarios and then explain their choices. A lovely plenary or in-class activity Data Units crossword – A quick activity, idea to use as a starter where students name the correct data unit from the given clues. Don’t forget the answers to each worksheet are included meaning you can use the answers yourself or give them to students for self-marking. These 6 worksheets will quickly become an essential tool in your teacher toolkit. They are a great way to break up the lesson, reinforce the learning and check your pupils’ understanding of memory and storage. What are you waiting for? Buy them now and use them straight away to enhance your lessons whilst saving yourself hours of preparation. FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.
Build Your Own Paper Computer

Build Your Own Paper Computer

This highly engaging series of 3 lessons can be run with no student computers so is suitable for lessons in a standard non-ICT classroom, in a computer suite or when pupils are self-isolating at home. Each lesson comes with a dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint presentation that includes all the instructions and takes the teacher and class through each lesson making this resource suitable for specialist and non-specialist teachers. The students have a workbook they fill in each lesson as they progress, extending their knowledge and helping you monitor their progress. An answer book is provided which can be used by the teacher or issued to students as a self-marking aid. This is a hands-on enjoyable series of three lessons that help pupils understand the hardware in a computer along with common software. Written for KS3 this is suitable for years 7 to 9 and can even be used with GCSE groups if you wish. Equipment needed: pupils should have access to a pair of scissors, a glue stick and a sheet of colourful A4 (or letter sized) paper along with a print-out of the 7-page template and 13-page workbook each (oh, and they will also need a pen). FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.
Binary Challenge

Binary Challenge

This digital activity is entirely self-marking and helps re-enforce converting from binary to denary and denary to binary. It consists of 4 challenges each with progressively harder challenges where students complete against each other to see who can complete the challenges in a given amount of time. Ready to use with absolutely no preparation and this is a must have activity for the busy computer science teacher. The next question will only appear once the previous one has been completed correctly and students are given a clear “Correct” or “Try Again” message to tell them if they have the answer correct. WHO IS IT FOR? This activity if suitable for any students who has learnt how to convert from binary to denary and denary to binary and wants to practice those skills. It starts of with converting 5-bit numbers but progresses to 8-bit numbers and the challenges progress. Ideal for a “Teaching to the top” teaching methodology. WHAT IS INCLUDED? This resource includes an Excel spreadsheet that the students access which contains an instruction page and the 4 challenges. It also includes a second Excel spreadsheet which contains the answers for the teacher’s reference if needed. The competitive element where students are completing against their classmates means this is a fun and challenging activity that your students are sure to enjoy. Grab it now and add it to your teacher’s toolkit.
History of Computing Card Game

History of Computing Card Game

A top card game to teach the history of computing. This fun, familiar and easy to play card game reinforces the rich history of computing since the early electronic computers to the modern day. Students play to see who can trump their partner by finding the top value in different categories. Buy these 36 colourful and enlightening playing cards today. Your class will enjoy playing this highly interactive card game, so much they won’t even realise they are learning at the same time! Makes an excellent end of topic plenary or use them as a starter classroom activity which can lead into interesting whole group discussions about the history of computing. SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS Print out the cards in colour and laminate them before cutting them out. You will need enough copies for one set between 2 people, so for a class of 30 students you will need 15 complete sets of cards. It is a good idea to keep each set of cards in a separate plastic bag so the sets don’t get muddled together. There are 36 ready-to-use cards in each set. PLAY INSTRUCTIONS Split the class into pairs but if there is an odd number, one group can play as a three. Shuffle and deal out all the cards in a set, face down equally between each person in the pair/three. Players look at their top card only. Player 1 chooses and calls out their best category and value (e.g. “Weight – 544 Kilograms”). The other player(s) look at their own top card to check if they can beat the value for the same category (highest value wins). The player with the highest score for that category wins all of the cards that are being played and adds them to the base of their pile. The winner of the round chooses the category for the next round. The first player to collect all of the cards wins! Help your students learn how computing technology has changed over the years. Download this history of computing card game now to add this easy-to-use activity to your teacher’s toolkit and use it for years to come. FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of my complete resources for which I usually charge full price but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just my little way of saying thank you to my valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.
Computer Room Display BUNDLE

Computer Room Display BUNDLE

6 Resources
Here are all the packs needed to create 5 attractive displays in your computer room to instant impact and interest for your students. Buy this bundle of 6 display packs now and instantly brighten your computer room and get a free BONUS pack of word wall posters too. HOW CAN YOU USE THESE DISPLAY? This display works well when positioned: on a display board in your computer room in the corridor leading to the classroom or arranged in any other available space on your walls . PREPARING THE DISPLAYS There are 6 complete displays included in this bundle: Word wall of technical terms Computer Science room lettering Computer room rules posters Who’s who is computing timeline Rubber duck debugging What does your digital footprint say about you? . You have colour and black and white versions. Print only the relevant pages you need for your computer room display. Some pages may require more than one copy. It is best to print the pages in colour, if you can, but I have included black and white versions too to help you save on printing costs. If you are printing in black and white you may wish to print them onto coloured paper to add a bit of interest in your classroom. I suggest printing the pages on card or laminating each page before cutting out the sections to give a more professional finish. Carefully cut out the sections and add them to your display space (making sure the letters are the right way up and in the correct order). I’ve include suggested layouts to give you an idea of how you can display these sections in your computer room however you may want to display it slightly differently to fit the space you have. What are you waiting for? Buy these ready to use computer room display packs now and get your FREE bonus pack of word wall posters too. They are sure to brighten your classroom.
Data Representation Knowledge Organiser

Data Representation Knowledge Organiser

This visually appealing knowledge organiser is a quick summary to recap binary representation. It can help pupils revise for end of unit tests or GCSE computer science exams by including small straightforward facts that can be learnt in minutes. A powerful revision aid that your students will love. What are you waiting for? Grab your copy now and together we can boost your pupil’s confidence in understanding data representation. WHAT IS INCLUDED? This PDF knowledge organiser includes the important facts and a separate PDF document includes revision tips and an exam style question including a possible answer. HOW CAN I USE IT? This resource makes an ideal homework task, can be used as part of a lesson or given to pupils to help them with their revision. WHAT DOES IT COVER? This knowledge organiser includes easy to digest facts on the following topics: Data units Converting denary whole number to binary Add binary numbers Use binary shifts Convert binary into hexadecimal numbers The use of check digits Representing characters Character sets Representing images in pixels Metadata Colour depth Resolution Calculating the size of an image Sound sampling Sample size Bit rate Lossy and lossless compression . Get your copy of this fantastic knowledge organiser now. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments. Click here to see my other computer science knowledge organisers