Powerpoint with audio to teach pupils to count up to 12 in French.
Each number is presented on a separate slide with the word and the audio. Slides that can be printed and used as flash cards.
Video-presentation (MP4 and pptx versions ) with sound to teach pupils the letters of the Greek Alphabet.
Each of the 24 letters is presented in a different slide accompanied by a sound recording of the way it is pronounced in Greek.
This resource can be used in MFL classes for teaching modern Greek, or as part of teaching the topic of ancient Greece and the Greeks.
All the vocabulary you need to achieve CEFL A2 Level in French in one resource.
Powerpoint presentation of with vocabulary revision mats that can be used as sentence builders.
This resource consists of 25 slides covering the following subjects:
-Family and family relations-parents, children and siblings
-School and school life -teachers, school subjects and preferences
Food and cooking
Where we live, places in town, things to do to protect the environment
Holidays and traveling
Internet and social media
Futur plans, jobs, studies and personal qualities and qualifications
Very suitable for students who pass the DELF A2 exams can be used as well for GCSE level speaking and writing.
Boost your students’ French grammar skills with this Powerpoint presentation, on the perfect tense of the indicative.
Presentation on the French Perfect tense.
Τhis resource covers
-how to form the tense using the auxiliary verb and the past participle
verbs with avoir & verbs with etre
-past participles for different verb groups and irregular verbs
Boost your students’ French grammar skills with this set of 2 Powerpoint presentationς, on the present tense of the Ιndicative.
Powerpoint 1 (Acive Voice)
16 slides covering
-when to use present tense
-how to conjugate (infinitve, endings)
-present tense conjugations of all 3 verb groups, including 1st group verbs ending in -ger, -yer, -cer, -eter -eler
-List of most common verbs for each group
Powerpoint 2 (Reflexive verbs)
6 slides covering
-the different types of reflexive verbs (passifs, réfléchis, réciproques, subjectifs)
-reflexive pronoun
-how to conjugate reflexive verbs
Powerpoint presentation (6 slides) with revision writing and speaking mats on the topic of family and family relationships.
This is to help student to revise their vocabulary and learn to build sentences and paragraphs on the following topics
It can be used for GCSE, AS or DELF preparation
Family members descriptions (CEFR A1)
Parents-children relationship (CEFR A2)
Brothers and sisters relationship (CEFR A2)
Children and their attitudes (CEFR A2-Β1)
Generations and stages of life, characteristics (CEFR B1)
Family relationships (CEFR B1)
Boost your students’ french grammar skills with this Powerpoint presentation which explains everything about the noun, τhe genders and the singular/plural forms
29 slides that can be used to teach students
-to guess the gender of a word by its ending
-to form the feminine nouns
-to say the masculine or the feminine for family members
-to say the masculine or the feminine for animals
-to form the plural form of a noun
-to spot exemptions like words with no singular form etc.
The rules are presented with the use of different colours for different endings or articles to make understanding and memorisation easier. Blue is for masculine nouns, Red is for feminine nouns, Green is for plural
The last slide is a table presenting how the endings change in plural and can be used as a revision mat or a cheat-sheet for activities.
Boost your students’ french grammar skills with this powerpoint presentation which explains everything about the articles in French.
12 slides that can be used to teach students the articles
Τhis resource covers
-definite articles
-indefinite articles
-partitive articles
-contracted articles (with place, nouns or verbs)
-how to choose between using a definite or an indefinite article
-how to choose between using an indefinite or a partitive article
This resource is an e-book. It consists of a 40 pages guide to western culture for teachers and students, plus a reading list of important books on Greek and Roman philosophy, Christian thought, the Enlightenment, the ideas of the individual, reason, liberty, democracy, and liberalism.
It is also about Western literature.
Definition of Tragedy & The three important greek tragic poets. Αeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and their most famous quotes in Greek with translation
Conjugation of french verbs. Present tense, Perfect tense, Imperfect tense, Future tenses. Conditionnal. Un petit "bescherelle" pour le TBI, idéal pour initier ou réviser la conjugaison des verbes français dans la classe FLE.
This is a presentation to help you make your students learn the school subjets in french and practice how to say what school subjets they like, they love, they don't like or they hate. (J'adore, j'aime, je déteste etc)
Presentation to put up an one-session classroom investigation about zodiac signs and to teach KS2 students personality description adjectives in masculin and feminin form and make them practice the dates.
A two steps resource for practising role plays in French, GCSE level.
It consists of two presentations: The first is for preparation and can be used to introduce or revise words and expressions that students need to know in order to perform different speech acts:
-exprimer ses préférences
-demander/commenter le prix et payer
-demander des informations
-réserver une table etc.
-exprimer des opinions et des sentiments
Can be printed and used as referrence cards for practising conversations.
Τhe second presentation includes some sample conversations that students can complete and practise role-playing.
Good for GCSE level exam preparation or for practising everyday communication in French at KS3 or KS4 .
Long term planning for KS2 French. Can be used as a point of reference for structuring weekly teaching and planning in KS2. Six topics (units) for each Year (Y3-Y6) that cover learning objectives for communication, grammar, vocabulary, culture and provide opportunities for cross curricular links. Powerpoints to support the teaching of each unit available in my TES shop.