I am a Mathematics teacher, 22 years experience in KS3, IGCSE and IB Diploma, Studies, Standard Level and Higher Level.
You will find many resources for different levels
I am a Mathematics teacher, 22 years experience in KS3, IGCSE and IB Diploma, Studies, Standard Level and Higher Level.
You will find many resources for different levels
Power Point presentation, 9 slides, Explaining how to work out the indefinite integral for the function f(x)=1/x; f(x)=e^x; functions that are compositions with the linear function ax + b. Show some examples to work, based on IB Standard Level Syllabus. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser:
Power Point presentation, 10 slides, Explaining how to use the derivative of displacement to calculate the instantaneous velocity. How to use the derivative of velocity to calculate the instantaneous acceleration, based on IB Mathematics Standard Level Syllabus. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlWGxNRUdQbF9MNlk/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 9 slides, Explaining with examples what is a relative minimum and an absolute minimum, also what is a relative maximum and an absolute maximum, based on IB Mathematics Standard Level Syllabus. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlNkpfUDdxc0Y0TW8/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 7 slides, explaining the relationship between two variables and what correlation is. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlTktmbFo2NHp4M2M/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 9 slides, Explaining with examples how to convert from one currency to another. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlSmhOQksxOUUxTDg/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 8 slides, explaining with animation how to rotate a shape. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser:
Power Point presentation, 15 slides, Explaining the vocabulary and symbols used for sets, based on IGCSE Extended syllabus. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlQlRPdnlmb0ZQZk0/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 8 slides, explaining how to enlarge a shape using positive, negative and fractional scale factors. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser:
Power Point presentation, 16 slides, Explaining what limits are, based on IB Mathematics Higher Level Syllabus. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlU2lMVUV4V3pLNzQ/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 12 slides, Explaining with examples what surds are and how to simplify expressions using surds. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlUjZSWTlTcmpTTlk/view?usp=sharing
Set of 10 worksheets 20 question each, along with the answers, to be used to revise with the student. All the sheets have past paper questions. Good resource for the students to revise most of the topics:
Algebraic manipulation,
Expanding brackets and factorising,
Speed, distance and time,
Gradient and equation of the straight line,
Algebraic fractions,
Area and perimeter of 2-D shapes,
Pythagoras' theorem
Probablity - Tree diagrams
Compound interest,
Volume and surface area,
Cylinder, cone and sphere,
Standard form,
Simultaneous equations,
Rearranging formulae,
Area of a sector and length of an arc.
They are zipped in a file, so you will need a software to unzip it. For a preview of the homework sheets, copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlcDJZTDU1R2xmdGM/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 9 slides, Explaining with examples how to use the distance, time formula. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlTG1vRklBT19HQzQ/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 6 slides, Explaining with examples how to use travel graphs to calculate information. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7Olb21RRlowQk9UaXM/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 8 slides, Explaining with examples how to calculate compound percentage. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlNkhSYUxtcVpZNXc/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 8 slides, Explaining with examples the meaning of powers, indices or exponents. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlWGEyUklTODhscEk/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 12 slides, Explaining the meaning of the basic concepts used in set theory, based on IB Mathematical Studies Syllabus. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlTTBZaDNtNUlfOTg/view?usp=sharing
Power Point presentation, 11 slides, Explaining the vocabulary for logic, based on IB Mathematical Studies Syllabus. For a preview of the power point copy the following link on your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8z00qLZV7OlRWNvSHJwTUV6NU0/view?usp=sharing
Power point presentation explaining how to stretch a shape, knowing the stretch facto and the invariant line.
Keywords: Stretch, transformation, transformations, invariant
This is a suggestion to break down the syllabus over the two years.
You may allocate time for the Exploration and assessments.
Click on the Topic to get resources for the lesson