In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul
In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul
A 675-word model answer to the question 2018 AQA A-level French Paper 2 question 13.1 “Analysez la représentation de la banlieue et des banlieusards dans ce film et combine cette représentation est réaliste”
The model answer includes an introduction, 3 clear main paragraphs with point, evidence and evaluation, as well as a conclusion.
The language used also ties into the La Haine writing framework resource available in my shop.
Model 630-word answer to the AQA A-Level French Paper 2 writing question. Very useful as an exemplar following possible mock writing paper reviews using the 2018 series, or simply to dig into for good structures, language and verb-tense recognition tasks.
I have used these writing and speaking support frameworks with the new AQA GCSE specification to help pupils produce more accurate and varied written ideas, and to support with answering target language questions spontaneously with greater confidence.
The foundation framework includes key verbs in past, imperfect, present, near future tenses as well as key time markers, adverbs and conjunctions.
The higher framework includes a wider range of both regular and irregular verbs in past, imperfect, present, near future tenses, future and conditional tenses as well as a range of time markers, adverbs and conjunctions. They also have reflexive verbs in the tenses listed above, as well as complex structures, including passive voice, subjunctive mood, perfect subjunctive, perfect infinitives, present participles, the conditional perfect and si clauses.
These are very popular with the pupils, and can be laminated on A3 or used as A4 inserts in exercise books.
Two useful insert for pupils to keep at the back of their books and/or to laminate on A3 for pupils to use when responding to 40, 90, and 150-word GCSE writing tasks.
The foundation sheet has key verbs in past, present and future, as well as some common connectives and time phrases. This can be used by pupils to create simple and accurate responses to 40- and 90-word writing tasks in conjunction cognates and near-cognates and foundation level topic-specific vocabulary. I have even used this for my able KS3 Y8 classes.
The higher sheet is double-sided and alongside a wider range of categorised verbs in past, present, future and conditional, it also includes examples of generic complex structures which could be incorporated into written responses to 90- and 150-word tasks.
Feedback from pupils has been wholly positive, and these have also been useful in encouraging greater verbal responses from pupils in speaking tasks.
A concise yet comprehensive & colourful resource for French students between KS3 to KS4 which can easily be made into a personalised booklet which summarises all of the key French tenses, including Pluperfect, Perfect, Imperfect, Present (Regular & Irregular), Near Future, Future, Conditional & Conditional Perfect. My pupils find the tense summaries really useful and they have also been enlarged and put onto A3 and laminated by other staff to use as classroom wall display support.
Two useful insert for pupils to keep at the back of their books and/or to laminate on A3 for pupils to use when responding to 40, 90, and 150-word GCSE writing tasks.
The foundation sheet has key verbs in past, present and near future, as well as some common connectives and time phrases. This can be used by pupils to create simple and accurate responses to 40- and 90-word writing tasks in conjunction cognates and near-cognates and foundation level topic-specific vocabulary. I have even used this for my able KS3 Y8 classes.
The higher sheet is double-sided and alongside a wider range of categorised verbs in past, present, future, near future and conditional, it also includes examples of generic complex structures which could be incorporated into written responses to 90- and 150-word tasks.
Feedback from pupils has been wholly positive, and these have also been useful in encouraging greater verbal responses from pupils in speaking tasks.
A 618-word response to Q8.2 in the AQA’s recently published November 2020 A-Level French Paper 2 resource based on the novel Kiffe kiffe demain.
« Ce qui rend la vie supportable pour les personnages dans ce roman, c’est la qualité des rapports qui existent entre eux. » Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement ?
The essay contains 3 main paragraphs, as well as an intro and conclusion. Each paragraph contains a clear point linked to the title itself, as well as specific evidence and then developed evaluation.
This model can be explored in a variety of ways to look at essay structure, in particular the weighting of point-evidence-evaluation within paragraphs, grammatical structures or vocabulary.
Useful resource I created for all my GCSE French classes and also my KS3 top sets. Key verbs in 3 tenses and also time markers and conjunctions. These phrases are the high frequency type of expressions used in speaking and writing and it now includes phonetics for each one.
My own model response to the new-style AQA A-level Paper2 question "Wie ändert sich das Leben für Alex nach dem Fall der Mauer? Inwiefern wird alles besser für ihn?". The essay also includes a comprehensive vocabulary list which has been drawn from the essay itself. Many of these phrases and expressions are generic and could be used for other essays.
The essay can be accessed in many ways, including:
- Asking pupils to highlight the Point, Evidence and Evaluation in each of the main body's paragraphs. They could summarise these in English which is a useful precursor from them to write their own plan in English following the Point, Evidence and Evaluation model.
- Highlighting certain sections, phrases or passages for translation to consolidate on grammar structures which may have already been taught.
- Asking pupils to read the essay and then consulting the mark scheme they could give the essay a mark and then justify why they chose the mark when discussing with peers. This would help to familiarise pupils with what is needed in order to score the higher marks.
I hope you find this resource useful!
Phonics-focused lesson geared towards GCSE-level pupils on the topic of Music. Includes a retrieval practice starter which can easily be adapted to suit prior learning/topics.
Activity based around a Stromae song which includes examples of the phonics.
There are then some modelling and repetition of vocab from the topic of Music, TV & Cinema from the AQA spec, as well as a differentiated listening and transcribing task with answers and suggested WWW/EBIs.
A 522-word model essay responding to the 2022 A-level Paper 2 question on La Haine entitled “Analysez les moyens par lesquels Kassovitz présente le thème du conflit dans le film. Comment jugez-vous son traitement de ce thème ?”. The piece includes a wide range of vocabulary and structures to exploit as a model, and sticks loyally to the point, evidence, evalutaion/analysis model.
This makes for a useful model essay resource in preparing A-level pupils for the Paper 2 exam.
A 598-word model essay based on the 2018 A-Level French AQA Paper 2 title : “Analysez comment les différents aspects de l’amour sont présentés dans Kiffe Kiffe Demain”. This includes an introduction, three main paragrapghs using point evidence and analysis as well as a conclusion to definitively answer the question. This can be exploited in a variety of ways with students to explore structure, new vocabulary, grammar and so on.