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PT Computing

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Welcome to the Shop for PT Computing! We're thrilled to have you here. Explore a wide range of resources in computing, business, relevant law, and media studies. With over 34k views and 20k downloads, our customers love the quality of our work. Take a look around, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. Happy shopping!




Welcome to the Shop for PT Computing! We're thrilled to have you here. Explore a wide range of resources in computing, business, relevant law, and media studies. With over 34k views and 20k downloads, our customers love the quality of our work. Take a look around, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. Happy shopping!
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 14: Investigating Customer Service  (All Learning Aims A-C)

Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 14: Investigating Customer Service (All Learning Aims A-C)

This resource for Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 14: Investigating Customer Service (All Learning Aims A-C) includes PowerPoints for all of the learning aims covering criteria for; A - Explore how effective customer service contributes to business success B - Investigate the methods used to improve customer service in a business C - Demonstrate customer service in different situations, using appropriate behaviours Also included in this resource are exam style questions and worksheets, answer sheets for teachers to ease marking. As well as all of the above there are kahoot style multiple choice quizzes than are created on interactive PowerPoints as well as SWOT analysis fact sheets and student worksheets.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 3: Personal Business and Finance (All Learning Aims A-F)

Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 3: Personal Business and Finance (All Learning Aims A-F)

This resource includes teacher created PowerPoints for each and every learning aim A-F. A - Understanding Personal Finance Management B - Explore the personal finance sector C - Understand the purpose of accounting D - Select and evaluate different sources of business finance E - Break-even and cash flow forecast F - Complete statements of comprehensive income and financial position and evaluate a business’s performance Also included is a range of student worksheets on the following topics Role of money, borrowing, insurance, savings and investments and as well as all that there is student work books.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign (All Learning Aims A-C)

Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign (All Learning Aims A-C)

This resource includes teacher created PowerPoints for all learnings A, B and C. A - Introduction to the principles and purposes of marketing that underpin the creation of a rationale for a marketing campaign B - Using information to develop the rationale for a marketing campaign C - Planning and Developing a Marketing Campaign This resource bundle also includes worksheets for market research, marketing, primary research, second research, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis and more.
Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 12 - IT Technical Support (Learning Aim B&C)

Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 12 - IT Technical Support (Learning Aim B&C)

Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 12 - IT Technical Support (Learning Aim B&C) These resources cover all the material for all activities including; I have created two differing examples of work, one for your more standard PC friendly monitoring performance of an IT System and then a revamped version that is focused on Raspberry Pi hardware/software. B.P3/M2/D2 Complete at least six routine IT support activities safely, using some appropriate processes and behaviours. B.P4/M2/D2 Monitor the performance of the IT system safely against the client’s requirements, using some appropriate processes and behaviours. The following template documents are included for students to us - I have written a new assignment brief that I’d recommend editing very slightly just to localise and to meet your students needs. Business Continuity Plan, Capacity Plan, Acceptable Use Plan, Disaster Recovery Plan, Floor Plan there is also a IT Support and Management Plan - Review for students to peer assess each others work for quality assurance. C.P5 Produce an IT support and management plan that adequately meets most of the client’s requirements. C.P6 Review the IT support and management plan with others to identify and inform improvements. C.M3 Justify, using feedback from others, the decisions made for an IT support and management plan, explaining how it will meet the client’s requirements and be fit for purpose. C.D3 Evaluate, using feedback from others, the refined IT support and management plan, justifying how it fully meets the client’s requirements and is fit for purpose.
Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information (Learning Aim A)

Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information (Learning Aim A)

7 PowerPoints with activities for teachers to go through focusing on the Theory for the following; Purpose Normalisation SQL Relational Data Structures Relationships Keys Which covers the material from A1 Relational database management systems A2 Manipulating data structures and data in relational databases A3 Normalisation Also included are worksheets for students as well as a scaffolded report writing frame for students to demonstrate their knowledge before progressing to the next learning aim. Updated 02/10/2024 I have uploaded a practice database that has tasks for students for table creation, relationships, query design, using validation and more. I have also uploaded a complete step by step guide on performing those tasks with screenshots for every step of the way.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 9: Team Building In Business (All Learning Aims A-C)

Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 9: Team Building In Business (All Learning Aims A-C)

This resource includes the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 9: Team Building In Business (All Learning Aims A-C) and includes PowerPoints for delivery for each of the learning aims. A - Examine the benefits of teams in a business setting B - Investigate techniques and theories used for the development of an effective business team C - Develop effective team skills through practical activities other included resources include assignment preperation, leadship styles presentations, criteria guidance and lots of activities for students to patrticipate in.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 7: Business Decision Making (All Learning Aims A-H)

Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 7: Business Decision Making (All Learning Aims A-H)

This resource included teacher created PowerPoints for all the learning aims in the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 7: Business Decision Making (All Learning Aims A-H). A - Business plans B - Decision Making in Business C - Use of research to justify the marketing of a business D - Efficient operational management of the business E - Understand the importance of managing resources F - Creation and interpretation of financial forecasts G - Viability of a business H - Demonstrate business skills IT skills I have included a range of activies that fit in with the theory of the unit such as break even tasks, a range of assessment practice questions and more.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 10: Recording Financial Transactions ( All Learning Aims A-D)

Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 10: Recording Financial Transactions ( All Learning Aims A-D)

This resource for the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 10: Recording Financial Transactions ( All Learning Aims A-D) includes teacher led PowerPoints for all learning aims A-D including. A - Undertake the accurate recording of financial transactions using the double entry accounting system B - Carry out bank reconciliation as a function of accurate financial control C - Construct control accounts for debtors and creditors for accurate financial control D - Examine the correction of errors in accounting records for financial control This also includes question sheets for students, card matching games, class quizzes in a similar style to Kahoot and a scavenger hunt challenge. All student questions come with teacher copies including the answers for quick marking.
DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim C & D

DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim C & D

Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim C & D Subject: Computing & DIT Learning Aim C: The Wider Implications of digital Systems - C1 - Responsible Use C2 Legal & Ethical. Learning Aim D: Planning and Communication - D1 Forms of Notation Teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim C for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson. Included Files 8 Teacher PowerPoints 8 Student worksheets/PowerPoints Lesson Plans Peer Review form Debate Task 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 8: Legislation

T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: core element 8: Legislation

This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 8: Legislation. It includes teacher PowerPoint for the following criteria; R8.1 Legislation and regulation requirements applied across sectors in a digital context. R8.2 The role of criminal law, industry standards and professional codes of conduct in a digital context. R8.3 Where to access industry standards and professional codes of conduct in a digital context. R8.4 The importance of keeping up to date with UK and international legislation and regulations and potential consequences to businesses across sectors of being non-compliant. There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers. As well as all of the above, there are multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 8: Legislation.
DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim B

DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim B

B Cyber security Learners must understand how the increased reliance of organisations on digital systems to hold data and perform vital functions presents a range of challenges and dangers. They should understand the nature of threats to digital systems and ways that they can be mitigated through organisation policy, procedures and the actions of individuals. They should be able to apply knowledge of cyber security to a range of vocational contexts. Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim B Subject: Computing & DIT Learning Aim B: Modern technologies - B1 - Threats to Data B2 Prevenetion Management and Threats to Data B3 - Policy 8 teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim B for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson. 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 16: Cloud Storage and Collaboration  (Learning Aim A)

Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 16: Cloud Storage and Collaboration (Learning Aim A)

A complete resources and guide for the Level 3 BTEC IT - Unit 16: Cloud Storage and Collaboration (Learning Aim A). This includes teacher led PowerPoints for the all the learning aim A criteria including. A1 - Cloud computing in organisations A2 - Cloud computing models A3 - IT requirements of an organisation A4 - Impact of cloud services A5 - Legal requirements This also includes question sheets for learners, answer sheets for teachers for ease of marking. Also included are card matching games and sorting activies as well as a Assignment A Writing Frame for the first assignment learners must complete for learning aim A.
DIT L1/2 Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques

DIT L1/2 Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques

DIT Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award - Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques I great resource to help you plan for delivery of this unit - what is included are example User Interfaces and guides on how to make them (different scenarios), templates that help you structure written tasks and even example answers. This resource covers in depth examples and how to guides for every task in the controlled assessment. 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class. 16/10/2024 - added a small presentation covering key milestones and task dependencies for task 1A/1B 21/10/2024 - added a wireframe design for task2 example 08/11/2024 - added a marking template for all practical tasks 1B, 2 & 3.
DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim  A

DIT Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices - Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim A

Learning Aim A: Modern technologies - A1 - Modern Technologies and A2 Impact of modern technologies. 8 teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim A for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson. Updated 18/01/24 to include answer sheets for all questions in PPTs. 02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
BTEC LEVEL 3 - Unit 1 - Information Technology Systems (132 Exam Questions and Answers)

BTEC LEVEL 3 - Unit 1 - Information Technology Systems (132 Exam Questions and Answers)

Please check out the sample image to see a sample of the purchase. I have created 132 exam questions for EVERY SINGLE Criteria point of the Specification with answers using the following COMMAND WORDS: COMMAND WORDS Define: 1 mark question requiring only definition of concept. Describe: 2 marks, 1 for identification and 1 for description. If multiple descriptions are required,follow same rule/ Explain: 1 mark or more, depending on total marks of the question. If multiple explanations are required, allocate 1 mark per explaination point. Give: 1 mark per point asked, based on the number of pieces of information requested. Identify: This will always have 1 mark per identification. If multiple identifications are required, follow same rule. State: (1 mark) per based on the number of pieces of information requested. 7. Evaluate: (6) Introduction (1 mark): Begin your response by introducing the topic or scenario you’re evaluating. Provide a brief context or background information to set the stage for your evaluation. Positive Aspects (2 marks): Identify and discuss the positive aspects or advantages of the topic or scenario. Explain why these aspects are beneficial and provide examples or evidence to support your points. Negative Aspects (2 marks): Next, discuss the negative aspects or disadvantages of the topic or scenario. Explain why these aspects are problematic or challenging and provide examples or evidence to support your points. Conclusion (1 mark): Summarize your evaluation by reiterating the main points from both the positive and negative aspects. Offer a balanced conclusion that reflects your overall evaluation of the topic or scenario.
T Level Technical Qualification: Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 5: Legislation & Regulati

T Level Technical Qualification: Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 5: Legislation & Regulati

T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 5: Legislation & Regulation This resource includes 10 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria. 5.1.1 Health and Safety at Work etc Act. 1974 (including The Work at Height 5.1.2 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988: 5.1.3 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998: 5.1.4 Data Protection Act 2018: 5.1.5 employment legislation ensures all employees are treated fairly including: 5.1.6 Environmental Protection Act 1990: 5.1.7 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006: 5.1.8 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018: 5.1.9 Defamation Act 2013: 5.1.10 implications of non-compliance There are also 10 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification: Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 4: Audience

T Level Technical Qualification: Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 4: Audience

T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 4: Audience This resource includes 7 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria. CK4.1 Key factors and importance of audience and customer research Students should be able to: CK4.2 Demographic, geographic and psychographic considerations to support CK4.3 Methods that may be used to measure the impact of products, services or content on an audience or customer. There are also 7 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification: Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 3: Cultural Context & Voc

T Level Technical Qualification: Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 3: Cultural Context & Voc

T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 3: Cultural Context & Vocabulary This resource includes 7 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria. Content area 3: Cultural context and vocabulary CK3.1 The influence of external factors on the emergence and evolution of style, tastes and trends within the creative industries CK3.2 Common risks and impacts of cultural appropriation within the creative industries CK3.3 The contextual vocabularies used in the principles of storytelling Students should be able to: There are also 7 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.