A one off lesson to help celebrate reading and literature with a focus on magic and the development of the history of magic. The session focuses on the role of stage magic and the development of it, including a focus on 4 key individuals and their significance in magic.
A revision and consolidation tool for the second topic of the GCSE topic: Germany and the Depression
The resource covers:
The impact of the Depression: growth in support for the Nazis and other extremist parties (1928–1932), including the role of the SA; Hitler’s appeal.
The failure of Weimar democracy: election results; the role of Papen and Hindenburg and Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor.
The establishment of Hitler’s dictatorship: the Reichstag Fire; the Enabling Act; elimination of political opposition; trade unions; Rohm and the Night of the Long Knives; Hitler becomes Führer.
This resource works really well in conjunction with the CGP revision guide.
Revision worksheets to support independent revision for the AQA GCSE History topic: Germany 1890-1945.
This resource was key to the department securing a significantly positive P8 score in 2023.
This resource covers all areas as outlined in the specification.
These worksheets are great as an end of topic consolidation activity and work well with the CGP revision guide.
This is an introductory session for any student studying the Titanic disaster. It can be used as an in-class reading activity or as a homework activity. From this students will have an effective overview of the disaster, as well as developing reading and literacy skills.
An overview of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle that covers the core parts of the story of the struggle for control in England 1066 but also develops students literacy skills.
This can be used as part of a full lesson and has been used for a range of abilities of students. For example, it can be read as whole group with LA students and can be more left to students who are more able as an independent task that can be talked about as the group later.
A revision and consolidation tool for the first topic of the GCSE AQA topic: **Germany and the growth of democracy. **
This resource covers:
Kaiser Wilhelm and the difficulties of ruling Germany: the growth of parliamentary government; the influence of Prussian militarism; industrialisation; social reform and the growth of socialism; the domestic importance of the Navy Laws.
Impact of the First World War: war weariness, economic problems; defeat; the end of the monarchy; post-war problems including reparations, the occupation of the Ruhr and hyperinflation.
Weimar democracy: political change and unrest, 1919–1923, including Spartacists, Kapp Putsch and the Munich Putsch; the extent of recovery during the Stresemann era (1924–1929): economic developments including the new currency, Dawes Plan and the Young Plan; the impact of international agreements on recovery; Weimar culture.
This resource works really well in conjunction with e CGP revision guide.
A revision and consolidation tool for the third topic of the GCSE AQA topic: The experiences of Germans under the Nazis
This resource covers:
Economic changes: benefits and drawbacks; employment; public works programmes; rearmament; self-sufficiency; the impact of war on the economy and the German people, including bombing, rationing, labour shortages, refugees.
Social policy and practice: reasons for policies, practices and their impact on women, young people and youth groups; education; control of churches and religion; Aryan ideas, racial policy and persecution; the Final Solution.
Control: Goebbels, the use of propaganda and censorship; Nazi culture; repression and the police state and the roles of Himmler, the SS and Gestapo; opposition and resistance, including White Rose group, Swing Youth, Edelweiss Pirates and July 1944 bomb plot.
An introduction and overview of the Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus for students of a range of abilities and ages. Built around the VIPER technique for developing literacy skills.
The resource can be used in a range of different settings and can be delivered as an independent reading task or as a group reading activity.
A free sample of the blank knowledge organisers/revision mats for the AQA GCSE Germany, 1890-1945 topic.
These can be used at the start or end of a topic for students to help consolidate learning, but also as a great revision tool prior to exams.
Individual topic areas are available and the complete topic is sold as a bundle.