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Physical Education non participant worksheet
Designed to aid secondary school PE teachers in giving non participants a productive worksheet to complete if they are unable/it is not relevant for them to coach/umpire during the lesson. The worksheet is generic for any activity and will develop the analytical skills of the pupil. The worksheet will ask the pupil to explore the lesson objectives, the warm up, the coaching points of the skill being taught and to analyse two students of differing abilities. Furthermore, there is a differentiated additional task of designing a new drill/activity with options to increase/decrease the difficulty of the exercise.
** An Ofsted inspector was very impressed with the content of the sheet when questioning a non participant in my group and stated 'an excellent and challenging PE resource for all capabilities' . **
Furthermore, we all have students who like to make up excuses/convince their parents they are too ill for PE so hand you a note to be excused. When they realise there is writing involved in PE each time they manage to be excused from participating they may decide that taking part in the lesson is the a more sensible option! Which is what an outstanding PE teacher should want- all their students to be actively involved if possible.

Teacher Curriculum Vitae template
Modern, eye catching and creative teacher CV template. I conducted a significant amount of research on how to make the most effective CV for a teacher and would therefore like to share the design template with others. UK schools generally do not require a CV in this modern day, however anyone wishing to teach internationally will know this is a necessity. And, an old, disorganised and unattractive CV may cost you the Head Teacher's attention and consequently gaining an interview. I have left the majority of my own CV content on the template for people to use, edit or generate ideas for themselves to write.
** Two schools in Dubai in 2014 complimented me during my interview regarding how 'eyecatching and modern' my CV was which influenced their decision heavily to offer me an interview. **

Calories burned during exercise worksheet
A competitive and engaging resource to be used in KS3, KS4 or GCSE PE lesson informing pupils of the importance of burning off calories of unhealthy foods when eaten. There's only so much us a PE teachers can do from preventing kids from eating unhealthily, but if it can be in moderation like one or two chocolate bars a week they need to have the motivation to ensure the calories consumed are burned off that day.
This worksheet offers a dozen exercises labelling the intensity and duration required in order to burn off a set amount of calories. The aim of the worksheet is for the pupils, in pairs to try to burn off the calories of at least 1 chocolate bar (6 of these are Listed on the sheet) over the course of 1-2 PE lessons.

Cricket front foot drive/hexagon cricket resource-Ideal for interview/observation lessons
Eye catching and easy to understand cricket resource focussing on front foot drive shot. Also includes rules of 'hexagonal cricket' and lesson objective cards.

Kwik & Pairs Cricket Modified games
Differentiated and resource cards for modified versions of Kwik Cricket and Pairs cricket games. These new versions make the game far more competitive and inclusive. Available in pub. and PDF format. Ideal to leave for cover lessons/supply teacher.

Also includes 6 page worksheet that summarises all of these topics- Ideal summer holiday/half term homework to set.

Volleyball 'DIG' resource & adapted game- Ideal for interview lesson
A simple coaching resource for fundamental 'DIG' shot in volleyball. For use in KS2 or KS3 & includes modified volleyball rules and lesson objective sheets which are ideal for an interview/observation lesson.

GCSE PE- participation pyramid, roles in sport & NGB's work sheet
GCSE PE- participation pyramid, roles in sport & NGB's work sheet

GCSE PE- Circuit & Fartlek training homework sheet.
GCSE PE- Circuit & Fartlek training homework sheet. Interactive as uses youtube clip for pupil to analyse to answer questions from.

KS3/2 Gymnastic Routine Resource Cards
An independent resource card that provides pupils with a set criteria of what their routine must include in addition to a series of pictures of basic shapes to remind pupils of what the shapes should look like when performed properly. The resource can be made 2 sided with a note section of the group creating their routine over a series of lessons. There is one resource for a paired routine and one for a group of 4.

Relay downsweep video changeover coaching resource
Relay Coaching video. Upload to ipad or tablet and use for peer assessment /non participant in lessons.
Video is based around amazing change overs of Mens GB team 4 x 100m relay GOLD winning race in Athens, 2004.

'Sprint Technique' coaching resource video
'Sprint Technique' coaching resource video. Upload to ipad or tablet- Perfect for peer assessment or non participant activity.

Simple guide to Welsh Baseball
Teach your pupils Welsh Baseball! I've taught Welsh Baseball in England to pupils for 10 years and 99.9% of boys have voted they prefer the game to rounders or softball. Give it a go!

Touch Rugby rules- simplified
Touch rugby is a summer sport. Teach your pupils this fun, fast competitive game that keeps them fit during the summer term.