Presentation for departmental CPD. Summary of key points from OfSTED findings relating to MFL lessons observed between 2007 and 2010. OfSTED comments relate to lessons observed in French, German, Spanish ... etc!
Interactive multi-choice activity for practising the various grammar points. 30 questions are embedded but the activity will select 20 items at random to practise each time it is opened. It will also arrange the questions and the multi-choice answers in random order. With any luck it will never be the same twice.
PS In response to the comments below I have de-bugged the original file. This one should be error-free. I've changed the background colour of the exercise too.
A set of comprehension questions relating to Episode 1 of the Channel 4 German Series 'Extra'. Once answered the questions provide the language to complete a writing task.
A sequence of slides featuring photos of celebrities. Pupils have to suggest what the pairs or groups of celebrities on each slide have in common. The final slide features all the photos used so far and pupils then have to suggest what they ALL have in common. To illustrate what they all have in common, show them the youtube video, accessed via the link below, in which every one of them uses a foreign language. There is a mini-script on the ppt.
Resources from a North Somerset workshop on MFL I ran with Karen Canham. The Powerpoint could easily be adapted for Departmental CPD. The first Word doc contains questions for the card sort on the Powerpoint, but could be done as a diamond nine. The second Word doc contains some work to mark. (!)
This resource features an edited-down review of the film, followed by a 'Find the phrase&' exercise and a manipulation exercise. Together they are designed to help students create the kind of language they will need to describe themes in the film.
Text about the world's first wind-powered car, with comprehension questions in German, and discussion questions which could also be answered in written form or used as a scaffold for oral work.
Batman describes a trip to Paris, using both the Imperfect and Perfect Tenses. Text is followed by True / False comprehension questions in French, explanation and exemplification of the use of the two tenses, plus three writing tasks for pupils to choose from. (I've now uploaded a second version of this with a small typo corrected.)
Text about bizarre, extraterrestrial pets, followed by a 'find the phrase' activity, a bit of grammar, a manipulation exercise and a creative writing task
A fairly dry worksheet containing three written exercises covering Grammar points covered in Year 8 at Gordano School. Used for revision in advance of a summative writing test.
Interactive drag and drop exercise. There are 100 different football words and phrases programmed into the game. The program will select ten items at random and shuffle the order of the items each time the game is opened. With luck, it will just about never be the same game twice. Will work on IW or PC.
A text about pupils in German and Austrian schools using mobiles in exams and the latest counter-measures that have been trialled. The text is followed by questions in English. PS Typo now fixed.
Table of the 20 most commonly used verbs in German, with examples of tenses and usage. Useful for students aiming for high GCSE grades. (Adapted from a more erudite version to suit GCSE students)
Two similar texts about the London Olympics, each with comprehension questions in English. The first is a Higher level text. The second is pitched at Foundation level, and is a simplified version of the first text with slightly fewer questions.