Text about the decision of Germany's Young Liberals to support nuclear power. Text is followed by comprehension questions in German and an exercise in the use of the subjunctive. (NB Typo removed following comment below!)
Simple playscript in which Dracula repeatedly wakes up too soon, asks Igor the time and has to go back to sleep again, until finally it is midnight. Perform it with a colleague or the FLA to your class, or play both parts yourself, then get them to practise it in pairs, and finally ask them to develop the dialogue using the extra vocab and phrases supplied.
A sequence of activities to accompany the film "Die Welle" (i) Comprehension questions in English about the first scenes in the film (ii) a picture-based Who's who? activity (iii) sentence patterns and vocab to help students describe characters in the film (iv) sentence patterns to help students describe key relationships in the film (v) a text-based Who's who? activity.
This interactive presentation is designed to elicit a range of questions from pupils at the start of a topic. It incorporates Ian Gilbert's 8 Way Thinking ideas (based on Gardener's Multiple intelligences) to ensure breadth of thinking. Within each of the 8 intelligences the questions are sequenced to ensure depth of thinking too. The questions pupils generate can be used to inform your planning and / or provide direction for pupils who finish the work you have set and / or ideas for homework.
This interactive activity will randomly select 10 jobs from an embedded list of fifty and create a match-up exercise to be completed against the clock. You can use it repeatedly and it will never quite be the same activity twice.
A number of short texts based on an internet discussion about how best to celebrate a birthday. The texts are followed with comprehension questions, 'find the phrase' activities, manipulation activities, mini grammar points, and culminate in a writing activity.
24 questions about DLdA. Used for revision with Year 13. Students choose a letter from A to W on th homeslide and are hyperlinked to a question about the film.
Interactive drag and drop exercise, practising French Easter vocabulary. The file will present a different selection of ten items each time it is opened and will shuffle the order of the items each time too. Will work on PC or IW.
Materials to accompany the film 'Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei'. A chronological sequence of stills on Powerpoint provides a focus for summary of the plot and / or discussion. Ideas can then be written up on the storyboard.
Plenary tool to help students reflect on the level of thinking that has been required of them in the lesson. The first slide acts as a homepage for the plenary. Ask students to choose a number. Click on one of the numbers and it will hyperlink you to a plenary question. Click on the 'back' button to return to the homepage.
Playscript. An unlikely dialogue in which Belletrix Lestrange from Harry Potter and Bella from Twighlight discuss their differing approaches to health and fitness. A disagreement ensues about Voldemort's nose. Having practised and performed the playscript, students could (i) devise a dialogue in which two different fictional characters discuss the issue of health and fitness or (ii) devise a dialogue in which Bella and Belletrix take on a different GCSE topic.
Text based on internet threads about what (some) young french teenagers like and dislike. The text is followed by comprehension questions in English, a grammar point, a toolkit for saying 'I like ...ing' and two writing activities