Text about awful holiday souvenirs, why we buy them, and what reaction they get. The text is followed by questions in German, a speaking activity and a writing task.
PPT practising the use of 'mit' with a personal pronoun. The first slide on the PPT acts a homepage for the other slides. Students must select a letter on the homepage and are then hyperlinked to a multiple choice question.
Text about a trip to Peru organised by a swiss 'fair holidays' company. The text is followed by a true / false / not in text exercise and a writing task.
An activity practising language for saying what pets you used to have and what happened to them. There is a grammatical focus on gender and the use of the correct pronoun for 'it'. The first slide acts as a homepage with hyperlinks to other slides. Students then use the linked slides to create grammatically accurate sentences about the deceased and departed pets.
Toolkit to help students produce grammatically accurate sentences about their dead and departed pets. Grammatical focus is on the correct use of pronoun for 'it'.
A dialogue written for my Year 7 beginners. Lady Gaga tries to throw off the attentions of someone who has recognied her by claiming to be someone else. Lots of practise of the singular form of sein.
Cloze exercise in which all the missing words are past participles. One complete, the text provides an improbable account of the relationship between Harry Styles and Taylor swift.
An activity in which students muss match the descriptions of Elves, Orks, Hobbits etc to the appropriate type of being. Practice of physical description and character traits.
Chat show interview in which Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer is interviewed about how he gets on with Santa, Mrs Nicholas and the other reindeer. Lots of practice of 'Ich verstehe mich gut mit&' and adjectives for describing personality.
Powerpoint in which characters from the Hunger Games are presented with empty speech bubbles. The teacher specifies a topic or asks a question and the students have to answer on behalf of the characters. Can be used with any topic.
Interactive PPT for practising numbers and personal description. The first slide acts as a homepage with links to nine hidden images. These images can be used as a stimulus for practising (or getting the pupils to request) language relating to personality, mood and appearance.
Playscript in which Simon Cowell is interviewed and extols the physical attributes of Simon Cowell. Students could practise the dialogue as it stands and then adapt the text in bold type.