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Petermorris2001's Shop

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Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.


I've piggybacked a load of Foundation Reading Comp questions from my other resources onto the Trivial Pursuit template created by Helen Wolfenden. Worked well with students who are getting a bit worn out and revision-averse just as they should be hanging on my every word ...
Stille Nacht DIALOG

Stille Nacht DIALOG

Nativity scene based on words and phrases from the german Christmas carol "Stille Nacht". Also includes a little bit of practice of the date.
Raketen über der Mietwohnung LONDON 2012

Raketen über der Mietwohnung LONDON 2012

(i) Extended text about the surface to air missiles deployed in East London for the Olympics, followed by comprehension questions in German, and (ii) a selection of opinions about the security measures, based on internet blogs, followed by a comprehension task, a speaking task, and two writing tasks, one pitched at AS level and one pitched at A2 level. (Typos spotted and now fixed.)
Quelle heure est-il, Igor?

Quelle heure est-il, Igor?

Simple playscript in which Dracula repeatedly wakes up too soon, asks Igor the time and has to go back to sleep again, until finally it is midnight. Perform it with a colleague or the FLA to your class, or play both parts yourself, then get them to practise it in pairs, and finally ask them to develop the dialogue using the extra vocab and phrases supplied.
Blog: ce que j'aime, ce que je n'aime pas

Blog: ce que j'aime, ce que je n'aime pas

Text based on internet threads about what (some) young french teenagers like and dislike. The text is followed by comprehension questions in English, a grammar point, a toolkit for saying 'I like ...ing' and two writing activities
Key events in 'Der Tunnel'

Key events in 'Der Tunnel'

Reading comprehension activity relating to the film 'Der Tunnel'. Students must read the jumbled set of events and put them into the correct chronological order to reconstruct the plot. Solution provided.
Taschengeld und Nebenjobs

Taschengeld und Nebenjobs

A set of activities on the topic of pocket money and part-time jobs: (i) a stimulus text (ii) comprehension questions in English (iii) a find the phrase activity (iv) a gap-fill task (v) pair work and (vi) a writing task
"Die Welle" : Activities

"Die Welle" : Activities

A sequence of activities to accompany the film "Die Welle" (i) Comprehension questions in English about the first scenes in the film (ii) a picture-based Who's who? activity (iii) sentence patterns and vocab to help students describe characters in the film (iv) sentence patterns to help students describe key relationships in the film (v) a text-based Who's who? activity.
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

PPT which acts as a stimulus for speaking about free time. The first slide acts as a homepage for the whole activity. Students choose an image on the homepage and are hyperlinked to an images of a celebrity with an empty speech balloon. Students can say as much or as little as you want them to say.
Mein Traumberuf

Mein Traumberuf

4 short texts based on internet threads, in which teenagers blog about their dream job or uncertainty about their dream job. Texts are followed by comprehension questions in English, a 'find the phrase' activity, plus a 'now manipulate the phrase you found' activity.
KS4 German - What job is it?

KS4 German - What job is it?

Powepoint for practising jobs and careers. Pupils are shown a severely cropped image os someone at work, from which they have to identify the job. A click reveals the full image and another click reveals the German word. (This is an expanded version of something I uploaded previously.)
Wallace and Gromit's Past Tense Workout

Wallace and Gromit's Past Tense Workout

Extended multi-choice grammar exercise, practising (i) the selection of haben or sein with verbs in the Perfect and (ii) the selection of singular or plural endings with verbs in other tenses. On completion students will also have model texts for describing holidays.