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Scaffolded resources for primary schools. Maths resources...just better.




Scaffolded resources for primary schools. Maths resources...just better.
Roald Dahl PowerPoint 2024

Roald Dahl PowerPoint 2024

Find included a Roald Dahl PowerPoint suitable for primary school. Slides included: What is Roald Dahl day? Who is Roald Dahl? Roald Dahl’s childhood Roald Dahl’s famous stories
Pencil control activity cards (EYFS)

Pencil control activity cards (EYFS)

Enhance your young learners’ fine motor skills with my Pencil Control Activity Cards, tailored specifically for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). These engaging cards provide a series of fun and structured exercises designed to improve pencil grip, hand-eye coordination, and pre-writing skills.
Feelings Cup Activity colour in sheets

Feelings Cup Activity colour in sheets

Feelings Cup Activity This fun and creative activity is designed to help primary children explore and express their emotions in a colourful and engaging way! The Feelings Cup template features a simple cup outline with different sections labelled with emotions such as Happy, Sad, Confused, Angry, Sleepy, and Worried. Each child is encouraged to colour in the section of the cup that reflects how they’re feeling that day. Ideal for encouraging emotional literacy in young learners, this activity helps promote self-awareness and gives children an opportunity to express and discuss their feelings. It’s perfect for daily check-ins, morning starters, or during PSHE lessons about emotions and mental well-being. Suitable for children aged 4-7, this resource helps foster a positive and reflective classroom environment. Instructions: Hand out the Feelings Cup worksheet to each child. Go over the emotions on the cup and discuss what each one means. Ask children to colour in the section that best represents how they feel. Optionally, hold a class discussion or one-to-one conversations where children can talk about their feelings. This simple yet effective resource supports children in understanding and communicating their emotions while giving teachers useful insights into the well-being of their pupils.
Mental Health Conversation Starters for Primary

Mental Health Conversation Starters for Primary

Mental Health Conversation Starters for Primary This digital download is designed to support meaningful conversations about mental health with children in a gentle and approachable way. Each pack includes 4 conversation cards per A4 page, available in both PDF and PNG formats for ease of use. These cards are ideal for use in various settings such as at home, in classrooms, or during 1:1 counseling or therapeutic support sessions. The prompts encourage children to express their feelings, wishes, and thoughts without being too direct, allowing for open, honest communication in a safe environment. They provide a lovely way to help children open up about their experiences, especially when they may find it difficult to talk about their emotions directly. Perfect for fostering communication, reflection, and mental well-being in young learners.
Scaffolded SATs statistics PowerPoint meme edition 2024! (YR 6)

Scaffolded SATs statistics PowerPoint meme edition 2024! (YR 6)

Find included a hilarious scaffolded SATs statistics PowerPoint (meme edition!) This scaffolds the questions with funny meme images, suitable for primary school, year six. It will cover all key statistics concepts that typically appear in SATs, scaffolded with humor and memes to keep students engaged. Each day, the class will aim to get through a set of statistics questions in preparation for the SATs.
Scaffolded SATs ratio PowerPoint meme edition 2024! (YR 6)

Scaffolded SATs ratio PowerPoint meme edition 2024! (YR 6)

Find included a hilarious scaffolded SATs ratio PowerPoint (meme edition!) This scaffolds the questions with funny meme images, suitable for primary school, year six. It will cover all key place value concepts that typically appear in SATs, scaffolded with humor and memes to keep students engaged. Each day, the class will aim to get through a set of ratio questions in preparation for the SATs. Also includes detailed answers and working out at the end of the PowerPoint so that you can go through it as a class.
Scaffolded SATs Area and Volume PowerPoint meme edition 2024! (YR 6)

Scaffolded SATs Area and Volume PowerPoint meme edition 2024! (YR 6)

Find included a hilarious scaffolded SATs area and volume PowerPoint (meme edition!) This scaffolds the questions with funny meme images, suitable for primary school, year six. It will cover all key area and volume concepts that typically appear in SATs, scaffolded with humor and memes to keep students engaged. Each day, the class will aim to get through a set of area and volume questions in preparation for the SATs. Also includes a separate set of HA worksheets on volume and area with model answers. NC OBJECTIVES: Calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres (cm3) and cubic metres (m3), and extending to other units [for example, mm3 and km3]. Recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa Recognise when it is possible to use formulae for area and volume of shapes calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles
Maths games and starters bundle 2024!

Maths games and starters bundle 2024!

19 Resources
Maths Games and Starters Bundle 2024 – KS2 Get ready for a year filled with fun, interactive, and educational maths activities with this Maths Games and Starters Bundle 2024! This comprehensive collection of maths puzzles, games, and starters is designed to captivate and challenge KS2 students while reinforcing key mathematical concepts. Included in the bundle: Maths Puzzles and Games from Around the World – KS2 (£2.00) Archer Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Black Hole Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Bunch of Grapes Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Connector Maths Starter (Primary) (Free) Cram Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Dominoes Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Dots and Boxes Maths Starter (Free) Hex Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Ladders Maths Starter (Primary) (Free) Magic Square Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Moons and Craters Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Nim Maths Starter (Primary) (Free) Reach 1000 Maths Starter (Primary) (Free) Sim Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) Space Algebra Maths Starter (Year 6) (Free) Square Maths Starter (Primary) (Free) Territories Maths Starter (Primary) (£2.00) The missing triangles starter (primary) Price: Free Starters £2.00 each for paid resources This bundle covers a wide range of topics, from algebra and geometry to logic puzzles and strategic games, making it perfect for daily starters or fun maths challenges throughout the year. Whether you’re looking for quick starters or full-length games, this bundle has you covered!
Nim maths starter (primary)

Nim maths starter (primary)

Find included the nim maths starter, suitable for primary school. Instructions: Nim is a very old game that is usually played with stones or tokens. But it’s also a game that can be played with pen and paper. Draw 1, 3, 5, and 7 marks (or tokens) in the shape of a pyramid as shown in the illustration. The objective is to force your opponent to cross out the last remaining mark. Players alternate turns crossing out as many marks as they wish on each turn. However, they can only cross out marks on one line per turn. The person who crosses out the last remaining mark loses
Space algebra maths starter (YR 6)

Space algebra maths starter (YR 6)

Find included a space algebra maths starter, suitable for year six. Included are instructions on how to play the game. Instructions: The first player throws two dice With the two numbers generated, they decide which number will represent ‘A’ and which number will represent ‘B’ Player one picks one of the six equations, using the two numbers generated to represent ‘A’ and ‘B’ Player one works out the answer and covers the correct answer with a counter Player two does the same Players take it in turns until one player has positioned three counters in a row and are declared the winner.
Dots and boxes maths starter

Dots and boxes maths starter

Find included a dots and boxes maths starter, suitable for KS2. INSTRUCTIONS: players take turns to draw lines between two adjacent dots. The person who draws a fourth and final line to create a 1 x 1 square wins that square (box). The person with the most boxes wins!
Addition and subtraction word problems (HA, YR 6)

Addition and subtraction word problems (HA, YR 6)

Find included addition and subtraction word problems (HA, YR 6), all real SATs questions from previous years. Great for SATs preparation! NC: solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why
Flashback cards (SATS – place value – YR 6)

Flashback cards (SATS – place value – YR 6)

Included is a set of Place Value Flashback Cards specifically designed for Year 6 students, featuring real questions from past SATs exams. These flashcards are an excellent tool for preparing students for the upcoming SATs, helping them revisit and reinforce key place value concepts. Each A4 page contains four flashback cards, making them easy to print, distribute, and use in the classroom or for independent revision. The use of actual SATs questions ensures that students are exposed to the type and format of questions they will encounter in the exam, boosting their confidence and readiness. Perfect for SATs preparation, these flashcards can be used as quick daily practice, in group activities, or as part of a more structured revision session. Whether in the classroom or at home, they provide a highly effective and focused way for students to sharpen their place value skills.
Flashback cards (SATs – geometry – YR 6)

Flashback cards (SATs – geometry – YR 6)

Included is a set of Geometry Flashback Cards specifically designed for Year 6 students, featuring real questions from past SATs exams. These flashcards are an excellent tool for preparing students for the upcoming SATs, helping them revisit and reinforce key geometry concepts. Each A4 page contains four flashback cards, making them easy to print, distribute, and use in the classroom or for independent revision. The use of actual SATs questions ensures that students are exposed to the type and format of questions they will encounter in the exam, boosting their confidence and readiness. Perfect for SATs preparation, these flashcards can be used as quick daily practice, in group activities, or as part of a more structured revision session. Whether in the classroom or at home, they provide a highly effective and focused way for students to sharpen their place value skills.