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End of Year Activities - Memory Book
16 worksheets with End of Year activites to keep your students busy!
Here I am!
My Teacher
My Classroom Assistant
These are a few of my favourite things!
My Hobbies
Special Memories
My Friends
A Message from my friends.
End of year Wordsearch (+ Answers)
School Trip
Sport's Day
Choose which activities you want your students and create a great Memory Book That kids can keep a a special keepsake of their time in your class!
Number Bonds 11 -20
This Pack contains up to 6 activities to go with each of the numbers from 11 to 20. it also includes a Addition Facts Poster for each number from 11-20.
The 6 activities are:
1. Find the Pairs to make...
2. Build an addition wall to make...
3. Part Part Whole Grids
4. Missing numbers
5. Addition and Subtraction Monsters ( record ways to add to ... and ways to subtract from... )
6. Fact Families
Subtracting two digit numbers without regrouping
Subtracting a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number without regrouping.
subtracting a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number without regrouping
Subtraction Story problems
Can you be the teacher? Correct the subtraction problems.
Change the horizontal subtraction problem to a vertical subtraction.
Find the missing numbers in the subtraction problems.
Time O'Clock and half Past
Telling the time in half hour and hour intervals.
Build a Clock
Cut and Stick activities
Transport Topic Key Stage 1
A wide variety of worksheets on the theme of Transportation.
Writing about forms of transportation
Labeling modes of transportation
sorting modes of transportation ( Air, Land, Water)
Graphing activities
Comparing modes of transportation
fractions - Thirds and Sixths
A variety of worksheets to reinforce learning of thirds and sixths of simple shapes.
Odd and Even Numbers
10 pages with a variety of activities on odd and even numbers.
Color to sort numbers
Cut and stick sorting odd and even numbers
Counting sets
Tens and ones
Great ideas for games!
2D and 3D shapes - Interactive book using Book Creator App
This interactive book is designed to be used in the Book Creator App on the iPad.
It explores both 2D and 3D shapes.
Children complete a variety of tasks within each page of the book. These include:
Drawing 2D Shapes
Colouring to sort 2D shapes
Writing descriptions of 2D shapes.
Matching 2D shapes to their properties.
Drawing 3D shapes
Matching 3D shapes and their propertiess.
Using the camera tool to take pictures of 3D shapes.
Creating 3D shapes posters
Inseting a video of talking about a 3D shape model.
Learning Log - Plenary.
Tens and Ones worksheet Pack
11 worksheets reinforcing knowledge of tens and units.
Commas in a List!
3 useful worksheets to reinforce teaching of the use of commas to separate items in a list.
Candy Stripes Digital Papers
37 colourful digital papers in both vertical and horizontal candy stripes.
Fractions - Halves and Quarters
A variety of worksheets supplementing teaching of fractions. Concentrating on halves and quarters of shapes and quantities.
Adding Two Digit numbers without regrouping
Adding two 2 digit numbers without regrouping.
Adding a 2 digit number and a 1 digit number without regrouping
Adding 2 digit numbers - Money - pence (UK)
Story Sums.