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Small Steps to Mastery UKS2 - Place Value - Determine the value of each digit
Take small steps to mastery with some engaging, challenging problem solving opportunities with a wealth of activities.
Small Steps to Mastery - Approaches to problem solving and reasoning
Approaches to problem solving and reasoning.
Small Steps to Mastery - 5 minute Mastery lesson plan
5 minute Mastery lesson plan.
Small Steps to Mastery - Place Value chart
Place Value charts
David Walliams maths
Ideas to link maths and David Walliams together.
Small Steps to Mastery - Dive for Depth
Dive for Depth.
Small Steps to Mastery - Reasoning Mat
Reasoning mat.
Small Steps to Mastery - Stuck?
Resources that might help
Small Steps to Mastery - Ten frames
Ten frames.
Small Steps to Mastery - Time
Tried and tested resources based on teaching time. Accessible to Year 5 & 6.
Small Steps to mastery - Ratio
Tried and tested resources suitable for a Year 6 class.
Small Steps to Mastery - Algebra
Tried and tested resources covering using a formula and describing linear number sequences. Suitable for Year 6.
Small Steps to Mastery - Angles
A wealth of resources based on calculating missing angles. Perfect for Year 6 but could also be used in Year 5.
Small Steps to Mastery - Mean
Finding the mean. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving suitable for Year 6.
Small Steps to Mastery - Negative numbers
Tried and tested challenging resources to use when exploring negative numbers incorporating the key elements to mastery.
Small Steps to Mastery Year 6 - Position and direction
A wealth of challenging resources encompassing co-ordinates across 4 quadrants, translation and reflection. Suitable for Year 6 providing fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Fractions, decimals and percentages
A comprehensive document covering fluency, reasoning and problem solving with a wealth of tried and tested materials suitable for a Year 6 class.
Small Steps to Mastery - rounding whole numbers
Tried and tested challenging resources to use when exploring rounding whole numbers incorporating the key elements to mastery.
Small Steps to mastery - read and write, determine the value & compare and order to 10 mill
A comprehensive document with tried and tested resources linking to the national curriculum statement - Year 6 but can be adapted for Year 5.
Read and write numbers up to 10 million, determine the value of a digit and order and compare numbers
Small Steps to Mastery - Area, perimeter & volume
A wealth of resources (over 50) set to promote mathematical thinking and provide challenge.
Resources cover: Area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes; area of a triangle and parallelograms and calculating the volume of a cuboid.