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Introduction to Sequences

Introduction to Sequences

Starter on hand out (included). Discussion of what sequences are builds to term-to-term rule. Pupils required to find next to terms for sequences and add answers together to generate 3 digit code to unlock combination lock. Moves on to dominoes activity which develops understanding of position-to-term rule. Plenary with questions of varying difficulty.\nPlease Rate
Calculus: Optimisation

Calculus: Optimisation

The presentation begins with a review of quadratics and presents students with an optimisation question which they are expected to solve using quadratics. The concept of optimisation is then explored in more detail by asking students to find the maximum volume that can be made from a 12cm x 12cm square (in the context of for instance minimising production costs). This site provides a useful platform through which to launch into a discussion about finding the maximum volume. There are then a selection of questions which I printed out and placed around the room for students to tackle, in pairs. For the plenary, the students are presented with a similar (but note not identical) problem to the one at the start of the lesson and are asked to solve using calculus before checking their answer using quadratics. Please Review
Behaviour for Learning - Research Paper

Behaviour for Learning - Research Paper

The following document outlines the principles that should predicate an effective Behaviour Management System and seeks to reconcile these with existing obstacles, to put forward a revised framework that is clear, coherent and can easily be shared with, and understood by, pupils, teachers and parents.
Feedback Policy - Research Paper

Feedback Policy - Research Paper

This document seeks to draw on evidence informed principles within educational research to establish a framework for effective feedback across all subject areas, in accordance with the findings of the most recent ISI Report (ISI, 2022), in order to improve pupil progress.
Introduction to Bearings

Introduction to Bearings

The lesson begins with revision of measuring angles before introducing bearings and considering similarities. AfL mini-plenary leads on to 8 examples to complete in books before activity which involves pupils finding bearings to fly on between different cities and potentially discovering reciprocal bearings. Plenary has 5 quick questions and additional challenge questions if required. Please rate.