Colour coded and clearly presented, the Blooms questions for cutting, laminating and putting on your wall as both a teacher resource and a students resource. I find these particularly helpful to stretch and challenge students and allow them to gain a greater depth of understanding.
A comprehensive Britpop lesson with key information, listening activities, online tasks/link to online tutorial and questions on Britpop.
Ideal for a live lesson or for students to do at home.
Full scheme of work to teach Country and Western Music using The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Can be taught on recorders, keyboards, percussion
1. 9-1 descriptors for The Good, The Bad and The Ugly assessment
2. Student work booklet including 4 listening activities/assessments - Rodeo, Ring of Fire, Magnificent 7 theme and Take Me Home with You Tube listening links
Starter activities
Information page,
3. Full Power point presentation for the topic
4. Country and Western Music wordsearch
5. Sibelius notated version of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Practical introduction to rhythm (crotchets, quavers, minims, semi-quavers)
Differentiated opportunities within performances and composition
Develops rhythm, performance, composition and listening skills.
Encourages group work.
Introduction to writing musical notation.
1. Lesson by lesson instructions
2. Grade descriptors 9-1 for topic
3. Power point presentation with lesson objectives for each lesson
4. Student work booklet
Instrument recognition quiz - ideal for KS3
Instruments of the orchestra
You tube video - has pictures of each instrument as the video plays which you can show to students. To make it harder just lay the video sound.
10 instruments in total