When I trained to be a teacher, I taught French and Spanish in a mainstream setting. However I went into special needs education after a short while. My resources are a mixture of old French lessons and more recently autism friendly resources that aim to provide structure and support in various subjects.
When I trained to be a teacher, I taught French and Spanish in a mainstream setting. However I went into special needs education after a short while. My resources are a mixture of old French lessons and more recently autism friendly resources that aim to provide structure and support in various subjects.
My aim was to bring in a bit of my modern foreign languages background when teaching my special education class. It is Autism friendly - as there is a clear sequence/structure and lots of visual support. The idea is to ‘visit’ countries around the world, learning facts - using English skills for reading, comprehension and writing; learn some simple language, and sample the culture. This is an example - I hope you like it - if you do, check out my bundles, Europe and Asia!
My aim was to bring in a bit of my modern foreign languages background when teaching my special education class. It is Autism friendly - as there is a clear sequence/structure and lots of visual support. The idea is to ‘visit’ countries around the world, learning facts - using English skills for reading, comprehension and writing; learn some simple language, and sample the culture. This is a bundle of all the European countries including passport & board pass templates, sensory ideas, and other general resources and then it includes the following countries:
China, Japan, India, Thailand, Russia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines & Vietnam.
If you’re not sure, check out my example lesson in France and if you like this, check out my other bundle of European countries.
My aim was to bring in a bit of my modern foreign languages background when teaching my special education class. It is Autism friendly - as there is a clear sequence/structure and lots of visual support. The idea is to ‘visit’ countries around the world, learning facts - using English skills for reading, comprehension and writing; learn some simple language, and sample the culture. This is a bundle of all the European countries including passport & board pass templates, sensory ideas, and other general resources and then it includes the following countries:
France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Poland, Scotland & Turkey. If you’re not sure, check out my France resource to give you a feel, and if you really like it, check out my Asia bundle.
This is a group of resources I made (I used some ideas from other places, but I made the things myself) in order to use as many Maths related exercises with the final aim of creating their own theme park. Some of the skills covered are:
Shapes, co-ordinates, symmetry, speed, line graphs, pictograms, bar graphs, perimeter, area, percentages, tally, problem solving, survey, money, budget and time.
As part of Jamie Oliver's Home Cooking Skills B-tech, I created a resource which talks though what products we get from cows, not including dairy products (that's another lesson).It is for a year 10 class of SEN students.
Expo 3 vert module 6\nUnit 1 - Apprendre, c'est vivre\nUnit 2 - Au Travail, Les Jeunes!\nUnit 3 - Combattre la faim\nUnit 4 - Les droits et la religion\nUnit 5 - Les grands défenseurs des droits\nRevision based on the end of unit test provided by expo\nIncludes a powerpoint and a worksheet for each unit of module 6
Unit 1 - le sport et les jeux
Unit 2 - tu joues d'un instrument?
Unit 3 - Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?
Unit 4 - Au centre de loisirs
Unit 5 - Vive les vacances!
There are bits copied from other presentations, if you recognise something that you would like taken down, please let me know!
Unit 1: La page des copains
Unit 2: L'argent de poche
Unit 3: Technofolie
Unit 4: Present, passe et futur
There are bits copied from other presentations, if you recognise something that you would like taken down, please let me know!