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Well-being Jigsaw
Well-being Jigsaw
Draw or write in the jigsaw pieces of all the things that you like to do that make you happy.
Explain in a few sentences why these things make you happy.

Contraction matching
Contraction Matching game. Children match the contractions with their original spellings, to develop fluency.

Mental Health Check in Station
Use this when children come in the morning, ask children to take a post it note, write their name on it and place it on the chart to visually show the teachers how they feel this morning.
Take a post it note, write your name on back and place it next to the rainbow that matches your feelings today.
Print it on A3 or A2 as a large poster on the door as they come in.
Please let me know what you think.
I was inspired by @makingastatementinsped check her Instagram.

Art Planning KS2
This is Art planning that will be useful if you are doing any history based learning on Ancient Egyptian as well as skill setting for Charcoal and Oil pastels.
Just to note the first lesson is about observing Artworks breaking it down for pupils to understand art.
Hope it helps

The Snow Dragon Comprehension
Here is an English Comprehension resource based on the story The Snow Dragon. There is video link to listen to the story, questions based on the video, a descriptive writing activity as well as an art activity for your children to do.

Pose Pause Pounce Bounce Display Poster
The resoure was inspired https://www.teachertoolkit.co.uk/ using their Pose Pause Pounce Bounce, I hope the resource is helpful. I think this is a helpful method when questioning children in subjects to gain a deeper understanding.

Drawer Template for Draper Organiser
This is a template for the Draper 12014 12 Drawer Organiser.
It is a fully editable publisher file.

Times table tests for year 2 to 4
This is a times table test template or ready to use for teachers who may want to use it in their weekly times table test. It has been designed so that it is clear which tests you are doing. Red means the test is in order and green means it is out of order. Also you can edit it to your liking.

LI: To know how we used play in the olden games
This is a KS1 leaning more towards year 1 than year 2 but it is adaptable if you are teachin this topic. It it a lovely lesson and fully adaptable as when needed, hope it helps.

Worry Butterflies
This is a mental health activity for children for who may need to express thier worries.
What would your worry look like if it was a butterfly?
Put your worry in a butterfly and let it fly away.
What would your worry look like if was a butterfly? Put your worry in a butterfly and let it fly away.
You could draw a pattern or a picture. You could even write something down that you are worrying about.