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Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.




Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.
Edexcel A Level Business 1.1.1 The Market complete updated lesson 111

Edexcel A Level Business 1.1.1 The Market complete updated lesson 111

This complete lesson includes a worksheet and a PowerPoint and is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation and includes the following topics: a) Mass markets and niche markets: characteristics market size and market share brands b) Dynamic markets: online retailing how markets change innovation and market growth adapting to change c) How competition affects the market d) The difference between risk and uncertainty
Edexcel A Level Business 1.2.1 Demand (complete lesson) 121

Edexcel A Level Business 1.2.1 Demand (complete lesson) 121

This lesson includes a PowerPoint and a worksheet and covers: a) Factors leading to a change in demand: changes in the prices of substitutes and complementary goods changes in consumer incomes fashions, tastes and preferences advertising and branding demographics external shocks seasonality Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
Edexcel A level business 1.3.3 Pricing strategies complete lesson 133

Edexcel A level business 1.3.3 Pricing strategies complete lesson 133

This is a genuine Revisionstation resource written by Sarah Hilton This is the blue front slide version This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and student worksheet This lesson covers: a) Types of pricing strategy: cost plus (calculating mark-up on unit cost) price skimming penetration predatory competitive psychological b) Factors that determine the most appropriate pricing strategy for a particular situation: number of USPs/amount of differentiation price elasticity of demand level of competition in the business environment strength of brand stage in the product life cycle costs and the need to make a profit c) Changes in pricing to reflect social trends: online sales price comparison sites
Edexcel A level Business 1.3.5 Marketing strategy complete lesson 135

Edexcel A level Business 1.3.5 Marketing strategy complete lesson 135

This is a genuine Revisionstation resource written by Sarah Hilton This is the blue front slide version This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and student worksheet This lesson covers: a) The product life cycle b) Extension strategies: product promotion c) Boston Matrix and the product portfolio d) Marketing strategies appropriate for different types of market: mass markets niche markets business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) marketing e) Consumer behaviour – how businesses develop customer loyalty
Edexcel A Level Business 1.3.2 Branding and Promotion complete lesson 132

Edexcel A Level Business 1.3.2 Branding and Promotion complete lesson 132

This is a genuine Revisionstation resource written by Sarah Hilton This is the blue front slide version This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and student worksheet This lesson covers: a) Types of promotion b) Types of branding c) The benefits of strong branding: added value ability to charge premium prices reduced price elasticity of demand d) Ways to build a brand unique selling points (USPs)/differentiation advertising sponsorship the use of social media e) Changes in branding and promotion to reflect social trends: viral marketing social media emotional branding
Edexcel A Level Business 1.3.1 Product service design complete lesson 131

Edexcel A Level Business 1.3.1 Product service design complete lesson 131

This is a genuine Revisionstation resource written by Sarah Hilton This is the blue front slide version This is a complete lesson with a teacher PowerPoint and student worksheet This lesson covers: a) Design mix: function aesthetics cost b) Changes in the elements of the design mix to reflect social trends: concern over resource depletion: designing for waste minimisation, re-use and recycling ethical sourcing
Edexcel A Level Business 1.4.1 Approaches to staffing complete lesson

Edexcel A Level Business 1.4.1 Approaches to staffing complete lesson

A complete lesson written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation. This lesson includes the following topics: a) Staff as an asset; staff as a cost b) Flexible workforce: multi-skilling part-time and temporary flexible hours and home working outsourcing c) Distinction between dismissal and redundancy d) Employer/employee relationships individual approach collective bargaining This is for unit 1.4.1. in Edexcel A level business
Edexcel A Level Business 1.4.2 Recruitment 142 complete lesson

Edexcel A Level Business 1.4.2 Recruitment 142 complete lesson

Written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation, this is a complete lesson for the Edexcel A Level business course: and it covers these topisc: a) Recruitment and selection process: internal versus external recruitment b) Costs of recruitment, selection and training c) Types of training: induction on-the-job off-the-job This is a new improved and greatly updated version with a blue front slide which replaces the version with the black front slide.