Koala Fractions is the ultimate fractions workbook with more than 50 pages and 150 fractions questions suitable for Grades 2, 3, 4 and perhaps a struggling Grade 5--Years 3, 4 and 5, (Lower KS2) would benefit from:
1. Big, bold, child-friendly sentences
2. Simple instructions on the first page to allow your Higher Ability or stronger kids to get on with their independent learning
3.. More than 50 pages of cute koalas, zebras, horses, monkeys, penguins, boys and girls and more for endless colouring in--I mean 'extension work'!
Perhaps you have taught fractions this way or if you need a new way of approaching fractions, Koala Fractions Workbook is for you! This fractions workbook could take a week to complete!
Comprehension, One Page Reading with questions to be answered in full sentences. Perfect for Years 3-5. Makes for a good link with Science topics Healthy Eating or Teeth.
Bright, Colourful 'n Cute Number Lines, featuring the fairytale, The Three Little Pigs. There are 25 number lines (counting from 1-10) in total on a 5 page print out. Great for desks or hand held on the carpet for whole class maths lessons. Print out in colour, on sticky paper, contact paper or laminate to keep as a forever-'n-ever-resource.
This product contains a total of 21 bright and handmade BINGO cards.
The cards are different colours such as orange, light blue, royal blue, red, pink, green, brown, black, purple and pink.
Each card has 8 colourful squares with single letters or double letters.
Preferably the game is played when the teacher calls out a word. Children then listen for the first letter sound and place the counter on that letter and square if their card has this letter. The double letter sounds are for the double letter sound heard for example, in words like book, seen or tooth. Further, If the BINGO card shows the letter ‘t’ and the double ‘oo’, then a counter is placed on each square.
The game can also be played to strengthen final letter sounds too if the teacher prefers. When 6 counters, or however many you choose have been placed on the card, the winner shouts out, “BINGO!” Have the child read out their letters to ensure that he or she really does have BINGO.
BINGO Phonics is meant to strengthen letter sound recognition and possibly improve spelling.
I hope this BINGO game will make for a useful group or whole class activity and also help to make learning more fun.
Leo's Luck is one page of 8 Word Problems suitable for KS2. Some are time questions, others addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
Your pupils are to copy the questions into their maths book and work independently or in pairs to
1. Help each other solve Leo's problems
2. Show their working out
3. Write a short sentence answer
Simple Questions!
This worksheet features the well-known characters from the fairytale Jack & the Beanstalk to illustrate some comical Word Problems for your pupils to solve.
There are 7 questions in total, best suited for KS2 or 8 - 12 years of age.
The children are meant to:
1. Copy the questions carefully into their maths books
2. Work in mixed ability pairs independently to find key words to help them solve these Beanstalk fairy problems
3. Show their working out
4. Write a simple and short sentence answer to complete their work
Bright, colourful n' cute Number Lines (counting from 1-20) for desks to provide learning support or whole class maths carpet sessions for Nursery, REC, Year 1 and Year 2.
There are 25 Number Lines here (on a 10 page print out). Print out in colour, on sticky paper, contact paper or laminate as a keep-forever-n-ever resource.
This product contains over 80 high-quality, original, hand-drawn festive graphic images.
This resource is perfect for creating cards, newsletters, worksheets and for decorating your classroom.
There are 38 Black & White images
There are 38 matching images in Colour
There are 5 extra images of variations of Elves holding signs.
Fun Faces contains more than 50 high quality, original, hand drawn graphic images.
There are 14 girls' faces in Black and White and also in Colour = 28
There are 13 boys' faces in Black & White and also in Coour = 26
Fun Faces is perfect for personalising labels, groups, trays, bins, worksheets, newsletters and more.
This product enhances and supports your classroom preparation.
This product contains over 100 high quality, original and hand drawn graphic images.
There are 12 girls in Black & White and also in Colour = 24
There are 14 boys in Black & White and also in Colour = 28
There are also:
6 ties
6 blazers
6 coloured shirts
6 white shirts with coloured ties
6 pairs of trousers
6 sweaters
6 vests/waistcoats
6 skirts
Middle School Mania can be used for newsletters, pamphlets, worksheets, classroom decor and all kinds of classroom prep.
Good Luck!
Heads Up contains:
29 boys and girls faces in Black & White and also in Colour
All images are original, hand drawn, bright, colourful, quality graphics.
These are perfect for creating worksheets, newsletters, classroom prep, personalizing your classroom with coat hooks, labels, name tags and more.
Classroom Clip Art contains
14 girls' faces in Black & White and in Colour
14 boys' faces in Black & White and in Colour
All of these are original, hand-drawn bright, colourful graphic images.
Perfect for classroom prep, creating your own worksheets, personalising coat hooks, name tags, labels, newsletters and more.
The Uniform Shop contains more than 60 original, hand drawn graphic images of boys and girls in uniforms.
13 girls in Black & White and in Colour
18 boys in Black & White and in Colour
These bright, colourful, happy images are perfect for classroom prep, worksheets, printables, personalizing your classroom environment, newsletters and more.
This product contains 66 original hand drawn graphic images of entertainers in Ancient Egypt
There are 31 girls in total
7 Musicians in Black & White and Colour
24 Dancers in Black & White and Colour
There are also 2 boys, musicians in Black & White and Colour
This product is meant to support preparation for learning in History.
This Clip Art product contains
11 girls' faces in Black & White and also in Colour, which makes a total of 22 girls.
21 boys' faces in Black & White and also in Colour, which makes a total of 42 boys.
These graphic images are bright, colourful, fun and engaging. Perfect for classroom decor, preparation of worksheets, newsletters, labels and more.
All graphic images are hand drawn originals.
All graphic images are the sole copyright of the seller.
Back 2 Skoolio contains a total of 62 smiling classroom faces for your prepping-pleasure. There are:
18 Girls faces in Black & White and their matching faces in colour
13 Boys faces in Black & White and their matching faces in colour as well
These are perfect for worksheet prep, newsletters, notices and more.
Zippy Zebra contains 20 original, hand drawn graphic images of whimsical, frolicking zebras.
There are 10 Black & White Zebras and their matching BOLD Black & White Zebras to match.
These Zippies are perfect for classroom prep of the decorating kind, worksheets, notices, newsletters, labels, coat hooks and more.
They can also be enlarged for a personalized and fun classroom door.
Doggie Do contains a total of 110 original, hand drawn graphic images.
We have puppies and dogs running, playing, snoozing, barking, bathing, yapping, napping, frolicking and dog-housing.
There are 55 Black & White images and their matching 55 images in Colour.
Fun Faces Clip Art Pack contains 54 Original, Diverse, Fun Faces.
Perfect for Printables, Worksheets, Newsletters & More!
There are 14 Girls in Black & White with Matching Colour Images
There are 13 Boys in Black & White with Matching Colour Images
Enjoy and Thank You for Choosing Really Rhonda!