We are a team of teachers that have experience educating high school students in the field of Computer Science and Technology. Our goal is the integration of technology in the classroom. Technology is a valuable tool, however there is a void between technology and learning. Roombop aims to change that! RoomBop allows teachers to bring technology into their classrooms for any subject on any device, for all ages.
We are a team of teachers that have experience educating high school students in the field of Computer Science and Technology. Our goal is the integration of technology in the classroom. Technology is a valuable tool, however there is a void between technology and learning. Roombop aims to change that! RoomBop allows teachers to bring technology into their classrooms for any subject on any device, for all ages.
There are 3 web languages that web developers must learn. They are all interconnected.
HTML to define the content of web pages.
CSS to specify the layout of web pages.
JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages.
This unit is all about JavaScript! This Unit covers:
Including JavaScript
Dates & Time
Validate Forms
Daily Tasks
An Assignment + Assessment
There are 5 lessons in total for this Javascript unit and a final assignment. The whole package is in a Editable Google Slide. The page size is setup to be printed on a 8.5 x 11 page. This makes it easy to digitally or physically share the handouts with the students.
This resource is apart of a bundle which can be found here.
Web Design - HTML Unit
Web Design - CSS Unit
Web Design - JavaScript Unit
Web Design Bundle
Whether you are in a 1 to 1 classroom or have access to Chromebooks, laptops or iPads, this resource is a great way to have your students create a comic. Go paperless with this digital editable Google Slides. This resource includes 15 different blank comic book layouts. You can have the students print out their comic book once they finalize their digital version, as the resource is set to 8.5 x 11 paper size. Or you can pre-print the blank layouts with the included PDF and have the students draw on a paper copy. The choice is yours!
Another option for projects
Allows for a lot of creativity
Uses a familiar format
Can incorporate both visual and written information
Improve narrative writing skills
It’s fun!
Illustrate a concept from class, such as a property of science
Retell a story or a portion of a story they have read for class
Re-enact a famous scene from history
Students can tell about themselves with an autobiographical comic.
Students can make a comic that uses vocabulary words for that week.
There are 3 web languages that web developers must learn. They are all interconnected.
HTML to define the content of web pages.
CSS to specify the layout of web pages.
JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages.
This resource is apart of this bundle include:
Web Design - HTML Unit
Web Design - CSS Unit
Web Design - JavaScript Unit
This bundle covers all three with a total of 17 lessons and 3 assignments + assessment. The whole package is in a Editable Google Slide. The page size is setup to be printed on a 8.5 x 11 page. This makes it easy to digitally or physically share the handouts with the students.
Buying this bundle saves you $3.00!
*Note: This resource is in a ZIP file.
There is no one right way to conduct literacy circles. The approach may change from class to class, teacher to teacher, student to student and sometimes-even day to day.
What Are Literacy Circles?
• Small groups of students meet to discuss reading passages (poems, short stories, novels, fiction or nonfiction).
• The discussion is student directed and student centered.
• The discussion is guided by the students’ response to what they have read.
• The circles allow students to engage in critical thinking and reflection through reading, discussing and responding to literature.
• Students are enthusiastic, motivated and actively involved.
This package includes
• How to use it with Google Docs
• About Literacy Circles
• 10 different handouts
This package includes the following handouts:
• Discuss
• Connect
• Summarize
• Vocabulary
• Illustrate
• Fact Finder
• Timeline
• Connection
• Conflicts
• Character Traits
Pick and choose the literacy circle handouts you want to use based on your students readings and needs. Since this package comes in an editable Google Doc, you can also make changes where you feel is necessary. Print them out or use them digitally on Google Docs!
The first few weeks of school are challenging as everyone starts a new beginning. This Google My Map Ice Breaker will help ease the beginning of a new class. It will also help build a relationship with the students. It is a GREAT icebreaker for all SUBJECTS and GRADES!
Step by step instructions for the students to create a one point perspective for the word “HELLO”. They are then to create their name using one point perspective. Also included is a rubric.
This handy one-page reference presents the HTML basics. It is a great way to help students quickly reference and remember code. Make your students spend less time memorizing code and spend more time applying it.
This product is editable in Google Docs, so you are able to make your own changes to this handout. Make it work to fit your classroom. Alternatively you can just print out the provided PDF.
This resource is a simple to use “Think Sheet”. It includes may different use cases. Included is a printable PDF, so you can use it instantly. Also included is an editable Google Slide. If you want to change something, you can.
Programming enthusiasts can use a Sphero robot to introduce basic coding to learners and students. This resource includes:
Introduce what a Sphero is
10 Scaffolding Challenge Instructions for the students to follow with their Spheros.
These challenges work well with pairs and small groups of students.
Everything is fully editable on Google Slides.
The use of social media is a great way to engage and gain the interest of your students. Best of all, this resource is available in both printable pdf format as well as a Google Slides editable format. This Facebook template allows students to create an about page, a photos page and a friends page. Each page has text boxes for your students to change. The template is locked, so your students can’t mistakenly move or delete the background. If you choose to print the PDF, have your students draw the images and write up their own Facebook profile.
Use this to:
Have your students discuss a character or setting in a novel
Focus on a historical person
As an art activity
Using Google Classroom and Google Drive is a great way to engage your students.
Google Forms is a great way to deliver quizzes digitally to students. You can have Google Forms grade the quizzes automatically!
This package comes with:
• Cover page
• About Google Forms
• 5 step by step guide on creating a self grading quiz (with pictures)
• Options (with pictures)
• Viewing responses/grading question by question
This Media Permission Form records parent consent for children’s photo to be taken for classroom use and also records consent for photos to be posted on your Google Classroom website. Don’t have or use Google Classroom? Edit this Media Permission Form in Google Docs to your liking.
Included is a printable PDF file as well as an editable Google Doc. You can add/remove words and synonyms as you feel best suits your class.
Google Search, commonly referred to as Google Web Search or simply Google, is a web search engine developed by Google. It is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, handling more than three billion searches each day.
Despite being such a simple search box, there are a ton of ways you can use Google Search. This resource can help you and your students learn how to use Google Search more efficiently. Each page in this resource contains information about a search method or topic. Most also have an activity for your students to try after they’ve learned about the search item.
Topics covered:
Exact phrase
Multiple phrases
Variable words
Subtract words
File type
Website keywords
Local places
Food nutrition
Menu System
Search by image
Gif search
Images by color & size
Search news
Easter Eggs
I’m feeling lucky
Google doodle
Google search stats
These Exit Tickets Student Activity Cards/Slips is a great closure activity/strategy to any lesson. Students can reflect on their learning. These exit tickets are designed to work with ALL SUBJECTS and with ALL GRADES!
• 6 Digital Exit Ticket Styles
• Guide on how to use it with Google Slides
• 20 Printable Exit Tickets
• Guide on how to print
Everything is editable via Google Slides!
This is a simple to use Weekly lesson planner. It is created using Google Slides and fully editable. This package comes with 10 weeks ready to be planned. You can add additional weeks easily. Included is also a “How To Guide”.
Scratch is a visual programming language that makes coding simple and fun.
It can be used to create all sorts of programs. This is the basic starting package that explains what and how Scratch works, plus setting up your account and getting the software ready to program. This is a bundled package that include 5 of my Scratch Basic guides. It also includes one tutorial on creating a simple game. Great for students just starting out with scratch.
Buying this bundle saves you $4!
**Note:This package is in a ZIP file.
This is a bundle of the following items:
• Starting from Scratch (Basics #1) [FREE]
• Scratch: Interface (Basics #2)
• Scratch: Sprites (Basics #3)
• Scratch: Colored Blocks and Scripts (Basics #4)
• Scratch: Cat vs Dragon - Game Programming (Basics #5)
All these resources are also apart of a bigger bundle, which includes Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. You can find that [here](Scratch Bundle: Basics, Intermediate, Advanced (Super Value: 242 pages)).
Scratch is a visual programming language that makes coding simple and fun.
It can be used to create all sorts of programs. This package is a great resource to have your students follow. It will teach them about saving their projects in Scratch as well as working with the interface.
What You Get:
• Saving your work
• The interface
• Menu bar
• Stage area & Sprites
• Block Palettes
• Scripts Area
• Next steps
My Scratch Resources:
This resource is part of a numbered set. It can be used separately or in conjunction with my other Scratch resources. You can also get this resource part of my bundled Scratch Basics package here.
• Starting from Scratch (Basics #1) [FREE]
• Scratch: Interface (Basics #2)
• Scratch: Sprites (Basics #3)
• Scratch: Colored Blocks and Scripts (Basics #4)
• Scratch: Cat vs Dragon - Game Programming (Basics #5)
• Scratch Bundle: Basics To Your First Game (Value Pack)
Learn how to create QR Codes for your classroom with this resource. It includes a one page, easy to follow, 3 steps to create your own QR code. The poster comes in 4 colors.
Scratch is a visual programming language that makes coding simple and fun.
It can be used to create all sorts of programs. This is the basic starting package that explains what and how Scratch works, plus setting up your account and getting the software ready to program. This resource is great for your students who are just starting out with Scratch.
What You Get:
• What is Scratch
• Why is it called Scratch?
• A typical program
• Getting Started - User accounts
• The Scratch Software
• Next steps
My Scratch Resources:
This resource is part of a numbered set. It can be used separately or in conjunction with my other Scratch resources.
My Scratch Resources:
This resource is part of a numbered set. It can be used separately or in conjunction with my other Scratch resources. You can also get this resource part of my bundled Scratch Basics package here.
• Starting from Scratch (Basics #1) [FREE]
• Scratch: Interface (Basics #2)
• Scratch: Sprites (Basics #3)
• Scratch: Colored Blocks and Scripts (Basics #4)
• Scratch: Cat vs Dragon - Game Programming (Basics #5)
• Scratch Bundle: Basics To Your First Game (Value Pack)
This is a super simple unit plan template. It is setup for 15 lesson plans and you can easily add more. Each lesson plan includes the essentials:
Student goals