Highly experienced language teacher. AST, SLE, Lead Practitioner and Trust Director. All resources tried and tested and hopefully easily adaptable to your own classes.
Highly experienced language teacher. AST, SLE, Lead Practitioner and Trust Director. All resources tried and tested and hopefully easily adaptable to your own classes.
This rigorous PPT takes students through a range of techniques they could employ to help them remember their speaking and writing assessments for GCSE. They should be encouraged to try each method out with a few lines of their own texts to experiment and find which method (or combination of methods) works best for them. The PPT also prompts them to think about when and where they are going to learn their work. It is a thorough and self-explanatory presentation which takes about 1 hour to deliver fully.
This rigorous PPT takes students through a range of techniques they could employ to help them remember their speaking and writing assessments for GCSE. They should be encouraged to try each method out with a few lines of their own texts to experiment and find which method (or combination of methods) works best for them. The PPT also prompts them to think about when and where they are going to learn their work. It is a thorough and self-explanatory presentation which takes about 1 hour to deliver fully.
First in a series of resources to help students of German master the grammar of the language. This set deals with regular, irregular, strong, reflexive, modal and separable verbs.
Ideal for high ability GCSE and first year A-level students. The initial information sheet is accompanied by a practice sheet and test sheet making them ideal for homework and independent work as well as use in class.
Tried and tested - the students have found them very user friendly. Further resources will be published on TES which cover all the grammar aspects of A-level. The overview grammar sheet attached shows which aspects are covered by the resources in the series.
A student resource full of tips on how to use the last few weeks when the focus is totally on Reading and Listening and honing the skills necessary to get the best marks possible in the exam. There are tips on how to use exam papers, how to learn vocabulary, how to structure revision time and how to spot patterns in the types of error students make.
The attached resources support the presentation and give students resources to help make their independent revision more efficient and effective.
Ideas and resources to help teachers tackle the new MFL GCSE. This could be used individually or as a departmental resource to inspire staff to think about the challenges of the new GCSE; increasing spontaneity, grammatical accuracy and creativity. Some of the resources are attached and these are easily adapted to suit your own SOWs and languages including the translation maze, mood and thought board and an example of use of poetry.
A simple PPT game based on an idea shared years ago at a training session. Bring a pupil to the front and they have 10 or 20 seconds to name whatever comes up on the board. There is an inbuilt timer and sound effect. A great warm up activity or plenary. You can change the items they have to name according to what you have been teaching them. This one is based on health and subordinating conjunctions.
My students love to do this in teams and take it in turns to take the 'hotseat'. But sometimes we play it as a 'beat the teacher' or 'beat the FLA' game. Great to get discussion going after each slide too - students love to make suggestions about what their peers could have said in response.
Useful presentation about revision aimed mainly at GCSE students but could be easily adapted for use at KS3 or KS5. There are some handy study tips and advice on routine, attitude and organisation. I have used this as an introduction for discussion about aspects of revision that I sometimes take for granted as understood and am surprised to find are not part of students' routines. It useful to get them to think about the idea of
head, heart and courage in their revision - it sticks with them quite easily and is a useful reference point when they get stuck, or can't get started.
Get students to better understand where they could improve in their listening and reading exams. For each question the students work out where they lost marks so that the teacher and student can work together to improve performance. Identifying the type of question students struggle with can inform future whole class teaching. Identifying patterns can help individual students recognise what their personal targets for future learning might be. If students use this form when attempting past papers for independent revision it can help them revise more effectively.
Get your students to draft, redraft and perfect their writing skills using exam style tasks in an easy to use format. Could easily be adapted for other languages by changing the tasks.
Another translation maze this time focussing in on the past and present tenses. Instructions are on the PPT. All you need is a photocopy of the blank maze and you have a whole lesson's worth of material. My students absolutely love this - it is so simple to use and the discussion that comes out of the translation tasks is so useful for building confidence and awareness of tenses and sentence structure.
A lesson presentation and smartboard activities which explain the agreements and positioning of adjectives in French. I have included the lesson plan as this was produced for an Ofsted inspection (judged outstanding). The tasks are simple and intuitive and this is a tried and trusted lesson that has worked consistently well over the years. It carries on well from my Mr Men lesson also here on TES which introduces colours and extended reading.
Easily adaptable for your own purposes. In this pro-forma pupils translate sentences in differing tenses to create a path through a maze of their own creating. My pupils love this activity and get increasingly excited when the numbers are revealed and they get closer to creating a path. Great activity for focussing on grammatical accuracy and gives rise to productive discussion in class about points of grammar, sentence structure and spelling.
These ‘Something Old, Something New, Something to Read and Something to Do’ cards are great for ensuring interleaving of prior knowledge with current learning. They are designed for use with GCSE German classes. Each card gives students 20 words to revisit and revise, 20 new words, a reading activity and an exercise to carry out usually related to grammar or translation. The first batch of SoSnStRStD cards focus on Unit 1; family, relationships, future plans and technology. There will be more to follow for the other units. I give my students the cards for homework every 3 weeks and they annotate the German in their books. We discuss it in class but they are not allowed to write anything, then they do the tasks at home individually. I give them a vocab test on the new and old vocab to make sure they are learning it. Finally when we are done with them I stick the cards up in my classroom on the back wall in a plastic wallet - there is an answer sheet in there too so they can take a card home whenever they want and do some independent revision.
If your pupils are making the same literacy errors over and over again try giving them one of these A5 cards to help them understand the remedy. There is one for spelling, one for capitalisation, one for tenses, one for word order, one for adjective agreement and cases. Pupils use the card as a reading ruler with the next few pieces of work - checking each line of their work against the rules set out on the card. Over a short time it should help raise awareness of key errors and encourage students to check their work in a more productive fashion. When used consistently the cards help eliminate mistakes and increase independent checking of work. When students feel they have achieved their target to improve they stick the card in their book with a pupil comment about the impact it has had. These have proved so effective with my students they voted them the single most effective piece of support they were given all year last year.
Pupils play in teams and click on a square which reveals a number between 1 - 100. They must say the number correctly and spell it on the board for extra points for their team. Simples.
Easily adaptable for your own purposes. Using this pro-forma pupils translate sentences (this version involves the use of differing tenses) to create a path through a maze of their own creating. My pupils love this activity and get increasingly excited when the numbers are revealed and they get closer to creating a path. Great activity for focussing on grammatical accuracy and gives rise to productive discussion in class about points of grammar, sentence structure and spelling.