My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
A comprehensive graphic organizer on the preterit and imperfect tenses in Spanish. It is very structured to allow students for easy note taking.
Plus, the uses of the two tenses are filled in for you along with clue words with English translation (Anoche: Last night, Cada dia: Every day etc)
Page 1: Cover page
Pages 2-12: Graphic organizer for students to take notes (Pages 2-8: Preterit tense / Pages 9-11: Imperfect tense / Page 12: Notes on verbs that change meaning)
Pages 13-24: Answer key for the entire organizer
Preterit questions: Irregular, Stem change and I-Y spelling change verbs
Part 1: Conjugation practice
*Irregular preterit verbs (I, U, J STEM) : For each infinitive write the irregular stem using the word bank provided.
Irregular preterit verbs (Dar, Ir, Ser, Ver)
*Complete the table with the correct conjugation using the word bank. (All 6 conjugations included)
I-Y preterit verbs (write the preterit conjugation for all 6 persons for 2 infinitives)
IR stem change preterit verbs (write the preterit conjugation for all 6 persons for 2 infinitives)
Answer each question in a complete sentence in the preterit by providing the information required. Do not answer any question with a yes or no.
*30 questions total (Combination of Irregular, -IR stem change, and I-Y spelling change verbs).
Answer key is included on pages 5-6 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary.
*Students can answer the questions orally in pairs . They can also be assigned for classwork, homework, review, or sub plans.
Irregular preterit verbs questions practice
Verbs included: hacer, querer, venir / andar, estar, tener, saber, poner, poder / decir, traer, conducir (12 total)
Write the letter of the correct answer to every question.
There are 4 questions per verb (48 total)
Hacer: to do / to make
____ 1. ¿Qué hiciste tú ayer? a. Fuimos a la casa de nuestra abuela.
____ 2. ¿Qué hizo Marcos anoche? b. Ellos no limpiaron la casa.
____ 3. ¿Qué hicieron Uds. el lunes? c. Él hizo los quehaceres.
____ 4. ¿Qué no hicieron Susana y Luis? d. Hice mi tarea.
Answer key is included on pages 3-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip (broken up into smaller sections).
Gustar verbs quick and easy questions and fill in practice
Part 1: Answer each question with the correct indirect object pronoun and verb conjugation.
Verbs included: Gustar, Encantar, Aburrir, Importar, Fascinar, Preocupar, Doler (7 total)
*For each verb, there are 3 questions all in the tu conjugation.
*A structured template is provided to write the answers.
¿Qué te gusta?
Template: Prepostional phrase (A mí)+ Indirect object pronoun ________ + Conjugation of Gustar ________________ + clase.
¿Qué no te gusta?
Template: Prepostional phrase (A mí)+ Indirect object pronoun ________ + Conjugation of Gustar ________________ + los videojuegos.
¿Qué no te gusta hacer?
Template: Prepostional phrase (A mí)+ Indirect object pronoun ________ + Conjugation of Gustar ________________ + limpiar la casa.
Part 2: Complete each set of sentences with the correct indirect object pronoun and the appropriate conjugation of the Gustar type verb.
*Verbs included: Gustar, Encantar, Aburrir, Doler, Fascinar
*There are 10 short sentences for each verb. A template is provided to write the indirect object pronoun and the verb conjugation.
Template: Prepositonal phrase + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of gustar + Rest
A mí _________ / _______________ la escuela.
A ti __________ / _______________tus amigos.
A él __________ / ______________ jugar en el parque.
Answer key is included on pages 7-12. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz / test, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugations matching with clue words practice
For each infinitive, write the correct letter of the conjugations. For the clue words, write the correct letter of the English translation.
Verbs included: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Empezar, Entender, Preferir, Volver, Almorzar, Dormir, Buscar, Jugar, Leer, Construir, Pedir, Dar, Ir, Ser, Ver, Hacer, Querer, Venir, Estar, Andar, Tener, Saber, Poner, Poder, Traer, Decir, Conducir (30 total)
Each infinitive includes all 6 persons and 2 clue words (one preterit and one imperfect)
_____ 1. Hablar (Yo) a. Every day
_____ 2. Hablar (Tú) b. hablan, hablaron, hablaban
_____ 3. Hablar (Él / Ella / Ud.) c. hablamos, hablamos, hablábamos
_____ 4. Hablar (Nosotros) d. Yesterday
_____ 5. Hablar (Vosotros) e. habláis, hablasteis, hablabais
_____ 6. Hablar (Ellos / Ellas / Uds.) f. hablas, hablaste, hablabas
_____ 7. Ayer g. habla, habló, hablaba
_____ 8. Cada día h. hablo, hablé, hablaba
Answer key is included on pages 11-20.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review before exams, study guide, quiz / test, entry or exit slip (broken into smaller sections).
Irregular preterit fill in practice worksheet (I, U, J stem verbs)
For each infinitive, write the stem and the irregular preterit ending in the template provided. Then, complete the fill in the blanks with the correct conjugation.
12 Verbs included:
I stem: Hacer, Querer, Venir
U stem: Andar, Estar, Tener, Saber, Poder, Poner
J stem: Decir, Conducir, Traer
Note: The irregular stem is listed next to each infinitive. A table with irregular preterit endings is included for reference.
Hacer: to do / to make (Stem: hic)
Template (Row 1): Write the stem for all 6 persons
Template (Row 2): Write the appropriate preterit ending
Yo __________ mi tarea.
Tú __________ la cama.
Él ___________ su proyecto.
Nosotros _____________ los quehaceres.
Vosotros ______________ cola para el concierto.
Uds. _______________ una investigación en la biblioteca.
Pages 1-6 are the practice and pages 7-12 are the answer key.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, test, entry or exit slip
For each verb, complete the tiny conversations with the correct verb conjugation using the word bank provided. Note: Some conjugations may be used more than once.
*There are 4 tiny conversations for each verb.
Verbs included: Hacer, Querer, Venir, Andar, Saber, Estar, Tener, Poner, Poder, Traer, Decir, Conducir (12 total)
HACER: to do / to make (I stem)
Word bank: hicieron / hice / hizo / hiciste / hicimos / hicisteis
¿Qué _______________ tú ayer?
Yo ___________ mi tarea.
¿Qué ____________ Marcos anoche?
Él ____________ su proyecto.
¿Qué _______________ vosotros el sábado?
Nosotros _________________ los quehaceres de casa.
¿Qué ________________Tomás y Carlos esta mañana?
Ellos _________________ su cama.
Answer key is included on pages 6-10.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Irregular Yo verbs graphic organizer with practice
*Students will create their own organizer and practice with the verbs.
For each infinitive, write the yo conjugation using the word bank. Then, write the remaining present tense conjugations.
11 infinitives included: hacer, poner, caer, salir, venir, tener, oir, valer, traer, saber, conocer
A template is provided to write the verb conjugations.
Complete each blank with the correct conjugation from the word bank.
Word bank: sé / hago / oigo / conozco / salgo / tengo / vale / pongo / vengo / caigo/ traigo
Yo ______________ mi tarea por la tarde.
Yo _______________ a Luis.
As an added bonus, on the last page there is a section with irregular present tense verbs: Ser, Estar, Ir, Dar, Ver
Part 1: Complete the verb table using the word bank (All 6 persons included)
Part 2: Complete each blank with the correct conjugation from the word bank.
Word bank: estoy / veo / voy / soy / doy
Yo ______________ la tele por la noche.
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, note taking, study guide, quiz / test, entry or exit slip.
Gustar verbs guided speaking practice
Verbs included: Gustar, Encantar, Aburrir, Fascinar, Interesar, Importar, Doler (7 total)
For Gustar verbs with nouns: There are 2 questions for each Gustar type verb (one affirmative and one negative) *14 questions total
*For Gustar verbs with infinitives: There are 2 questions for each Gustar type verb (one affirmative and one negative). Verbs included: Gustar, Encantar, Aburrir
There are four sets total (separated by subjects)
Set 1: Pages 1-3: Subect is Tú
Set 2: Pages 4-6: Subject is Él / Ella
Set 3: Pages 7-9: Subject is Vosotros
Set 4: Pages 10-12: Subject is Ellos / Ellas
Answer each question orally in a complete sentence. Use the guided answer formula. Note: The Gustar type verb has to agree with the noun that follows, not the person
For your answers:
*The indirect object pronoun will be “me”. (me: to me)
*The gustar type verb should be conjugated in the 3rd person singular (Él / Ella / Ud.) for a singular noun.
*The gustar type verb should be conjugated in the 3rd person plural (Ellos / Ellas / Uds.) for a plural noun.
Gustar: to like, to be pleasing
¿Qué te gusta?
Guided answer: A mí + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of Gustar + Rest
¿Qué no te gusta?
Guided answer: A mí + no + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of Gustar + Rest
For your answers:
*The indirect object pronoun will be “me”.
*The gustar type verb should be conjugated in the 3rd person singular (Él / Ella / Ud.) before an infinitive: -ar, -er, -ir
Gustar: to like, to be pleasing
¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Guided answer: A mí + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of Gustar + Infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir)
¿Qué no te gusta hacer?
Guided answer: A mí + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of Gustar + Infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir)
Irregular preterit structured sentences practice
Write a complete sentence by conjugating the verb in the preterit. Note: Irregular preterit conjugations do not have accents. Each irregular infinitive has its own irregular stem. In order to form the conjugation, attach the irregular preterit endings to the irregular stem for each infinitive.
*There are 6 sentences for each infinitive (72 total)
*Irregular preterit stems and verb endings are included.
Verbs included:
Pages 1-2: Hacer, Venir, Querer
Pages 3-6: Andar, Estar, Tener, Saber, Poner, Poder
Pages 7-8: Decir, Traer, Conducir
Hacer: to do, to make (Irregular stem: hic / hiz for Él , Ella, Ud.)
Yo / hacer / mi tarea ayer
Tú / hacer / los quehaceres el sábado pasado
Marcos / hacer / cola para el concierto anoche
Juan y yo / hacer / el proyecto de arte la semana pasada
Vosotros / hacer / el almuerzo para los invitados hoy
Tomás y Elena / hacer / las decoraciones para la fiesta
Answer key is included on pages 9-16. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Regular preterit verbs: Practice with Yes / No questions
Answer each question with a sí (yes) and a no (no) in a complete sentence using the preterit tense in the template provided.
*For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir), there are 10 questions (30 total)
*A structured template is provided for student answers.
*Preterit -ar, -er, -ir verb endings are included for reference.
¿Hablaste tú con tu amigo ayer? (hablar: to speak)
Template for Sí:Sí + Yo + conjugated verb + Rest
Template for No: No, yo + no + conjugated verb + Rest
Pages 1-3: -AR verbs / Pages 4-6: -ER verbs / Pages 7-9: -IR verbs
Answer key is included on pages 10-18. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Gustar verbs simple sentence writing practice
Verbs included: Gustar, Encantar, Aburrir, Doler
For each subject (person) write a sentence in the template with the required elements.
*For each Gustar type verb, there are 12 sentences.
*A table with prepositional phrases and indirect object pronouns is included.
*The template is very structured for student answers.
Yo / gustar / el libro
Template: Prepostional phrase + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of Gustar + Rest
Tú / gustar / los carros
Template: Prepostional phrase + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of Gustar + Rest
Verbs and pages:
Pages 1-3: Gustar / Pages 4-6: Encantar / Pages 7-9: Aburrir / Pages 10-12: Doler
Answer key is included on pages 13-24. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Imperfect tense practice packet (conjugations and clue words)
For each infinitive type, write the correct conjugation in the imperfect tense.
Part 1: -AR (10 sentences total)
Yo ___________________ con mis amigos cada día. (jugar)
Part 2: -ER (10 sentences total)
Yo ___________________ muchos dulces generalmente. (comer)
Part 3: -IR (10 sentences total)
Yo ___________________ en una casa pequeña de niño. (vivir)
Part 4: Reflexive verbs (Students will conjugate 4 reflexive verbs for all 6 persons in a template provided).
Part 5: Irregular verbs (Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation in the imperfect tense)
*18 sentences total (6 with Ser, 6 with Ir, and 6 with Ver)
Part 6: Clue words matching (Write the correct letter of the English translation) *24 total
q. Always / u. When I was a child
_____ 1. Cuando yo era niño(a)
_____ 3. Siempre
Note: A table with -ar, -er, -ir imperfect tense endings and the conjugations of Ser, Ir, and Ver is included for reference.
Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test , review, entry / exit slip (broken into smaller sections), or sub plans.
Irregular preterit verbs questions practice
12 Verbs included:
Hacer, Querer, Venir
Andar, Estar, Tener, Saber, Poner, Poder
Traer, Decir, Conducir
Answer each question using the word bank provided. Write your answers in the template.
*There are 4 information questions for each verb
Word bank: hiceron el proyecto / hice mi tarea / hicimos los quehaceres / hizo la cama
¿Que hiciste tú?
Template: Subject (Yo)+ Conjugation of hacer + Rest
¿Qué hizo Marcos?
Template: Subject (Marcos)+ Conjugation of hacer + Rest
¿Qué hicisteis vosotros?
Template: Subject (Nosotros)+ Conjugation of hacer + Rest
¿Qué hicieron ellos?
Template: Subject (Ellos)+ Conjugation of hacer + Rest
Answer key is included on pages 9-16. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Reading: El pueblo de mi niñez (Imperfect tense)
Marcos lives in New York. He is writing a memoir about his life. Read the chapter below on what life was like in his village in Mexico during his childhood. Complete the blanks using the imperfect tense. Then, answer the comprehension questions that follow.
Note: The reading is in the imperfect tense except for the last paragraph which is in the preterit. The reading does not link to any particular theme or vocab.
After every section a table with the English translations of unfamiliar words is provided. (Ex: monedas: coins / regatear: to bargain etc)
Yo nací en Soledo, un pueblo en el norte de México. Yo __________ allí por seis años con mi familia. (vivir) ___________ cuatro personas, mis padres, mi hermano mayor y yo. (haber) El pueblo ___________ alrededor de ciento cincuenta personas. (tener) Nuestra casa ___________ pequeña como las otras casas en el barrio. (ser)En las tardes yo ____________ con mis mejores amigos en la calle o cerca del lago. (jugar)Mis mejores amigos _______________ Carlos, Juan, y Tomás. (llamarse) Ellos ___________ en mi pueblo y nosotros ______________ a la escuela primaria juntos. (vivir, asistir)
The 20 comprehension questions are multiple choice (A or B)
____ 1. ¿De dónde es Marcos?
a. México b. Perú
____ 2. ¿Dónde vivía Marcos?
a. en un apartamento b. una casa pequeña
Pages 1-5 are the reading and comprehension questions. Pages 6-10 are the answer key. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, reading practice, or as part of your sub plans.
This packet includes 21 pages of sub plans for second, third, and fourth year Spanish classes. All assignments involve application of grammar with clear guidelines.
Topics include; present tense, -go and stem change verbs, reflexive verbs, gustar type verbs, preterit and imperfect tenses.
Students will answer personal questions, create original questions and answer them, or write original sentences.
Brief overview of the sub plans
Pages 1-2: Present tense personal questions
Pages 3-4: Present tense personal questions
Pages 5-7: Original questions with the present tense (students create and answer their own)
Pages 8-9: Personal questions -go and stem change verbs present tense
Pages 10-11: Personal questions with reflexive and gustar type verbs
Pages 12-14: Original sentences and questions with stem change verbs, -go verbs, gustar and reflexive verbs
Pages 15-17: Personal questions with preterit tense (regular, irregular, spelling and stem change verbs)
Pages 18-19: Personal questions with imperfect tense
Pages 20-21: Original questions with the preterit and imperfect tenses (students create and answer their own)
Realidades 2: Para empezar (Vocab and grammar practice)
Note: Every matching section is followed by practice (application).
Part 1: Matching (Adjectives of nationality) Write the correct letter of the translation. (22 total)
Part 2: For each subject (person) write the correct conjugation of Ser and the appropriate nationality from the word bank. Note: Nationality must agree with the subject (person) in number (singular / plural) and in gender (masculine / feminine). (21 total)
Part 3: Matching (Adjectives of personality and physical characteristics)
Write the correct letter of the translation. (18 total)
Part 4: Complete each blank with the correct adjective from the word bank. Note: Be sure that your adjective agrees with the subject in number (singular / plural) and in gender (masculine / feminine). (12 total)
Part 5: Matching (Infinitives -ar, -er, -ir) Write the correct letter of the translation. (23 total)
Part 6: Write the present tense conjugation for the 3 infinitives. Then, complete each blank using the correct conjugation from the word bank. (14 fill in the blanks total)
Part 7: Matching (Question words) Write the correct letter of the translation. (11 total)
Part 8: Complete each blank with the appropriate question word. (11 total)
Answer key is included on pages 8-14. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
If not using with Realidades 2, this packet can be used to practice Ser, adjectives, present tense or -ar, -er, -ir verbs, and question words.
Present tense all verbs mini conversations practice
Verb types included: Regular, Irregular, -Go, Stem change, Reflexive
Write the correct conjugation of each infinitive in the present tense. Make stem changes (e-ie, o-ue, e-i, u-ue), where needed. For reflexive verbs, use the appropriate reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se). Note: For each mini conversation, use the same infinitive for both blanks.
There are 4 sets. Each set has 20 mini conversations.
Set 1
¿Con quién _______________ tú? (hablar)
Yo ________________ con mis amigos.
¿Qué _____________ tú hoy? (comer)
Yo _____________ una pizza.
¿Dónde ______________ tú? (vivir)
Yo ______________ en Nueva York.
Verbs included:
*Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Ver, Saber, Conocer are included in every set along with the verbs below. There is one mini conversation with each verb.
Set 1: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Pensar, Almorzar, Entender, Poder, Pedir, Dormir, Hacer, Poner, Lavarse, Despertarse
For each conversation: Subject of the question is tú
Set 2: Comprar, Leer, Escribir, Empezar, Querer, Contar, Jugar, Preferir, Repetir, Salir, Caer, Acostarse, Vestirse
For each conversation: Subject of the question is Él / Ella / Name of person
Set 3: Trabajar, Aprender, Recibir, Cerrar, Volver, Sugerir, Servir, Venir, Tener, Seguir, Cepillarse, Sentirse, Quedarse, Traer
For each conversation: Subject of the question is Vosotros / Vosotras
Set 4: Mirar, Vender, Decidir, Comenzar, Devolver, Costar, Resolver, Perder, Competir, Decir, Oir, Pintarse, Afeitarse
For each conversation: Subject of the question is Ellos / Ellas / Names of persons
Answer key is included on pages 8-14. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, test, entry or exit slip (broken up into sections). It can also be used as part of your sub plans. Students can also practice with the mini conversations orally.
Irregular preterit matching and mini conversations
Verbs included:
Pages 1-3: I stem (hacer, querer, venir)
Pages 4-9: U stem (andar, estar, tener, saber, poner, poder)
Pages 10-12: J stem (traer, decir, conducir)
Each page has one verb. For each verb, there are 6 conjugations (matching) and 5 mini conversations.
Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation)
*All 6 persons included.
____ 1. Yo a. hicieron
____ 2. Tú b. hicisteis
Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation in the preterit tense.
*There are 5 mini conversations per verb. (See example below)
¿Qué ___________ tú ayer?
Yo __________ mi proyecto.
¿Qué ___________ Marcos una vez?
Él ___________ cola para ver un concierto.
¿Qué _____________ vosotros anoche?
Nosotros ____________ nuestra tarea.
Answer key is included on pages 13-24.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz (broken up into sections), or entry / exit slip.