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Adam Up Maths

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Hi, my name is Samuel Kordan - the co-creator of Adam Up Maths. The Adam Up Maths shop is a collection of carefully crafted resources designed to help support children in learning the fundamentals of mathematics. There has been no AI involved in making these, just a lot of hard graft! We also have a website. To access lots of free resources, including songs, games and visual aids, please visit www.adamupmaths.com.

Hi, my name is Samuel Kordan - the co-creator of Adam Up Maths. The Adam Up Maths shop is a collection of carefully crafted resources designed to help support children in learning the fundamentals of mathematics. There has been no AI involved in making these, just a lot of hard graft! We also have a website. To access lots of free resources, including songs, games and visual aids, please visit www.adamupmaths.com.
Addition Facts to 20 Number Facts Practice Worksheets

Addition Facts to 20 Number Facts Practice Worksheets

Here is a collection of worksheets which will help children to practice and memorise addition facts to 20. It uses the ‘look, cover, write, check’ approach used in spellings. The sheets have been carefully arranged into specific skills such as ‘adding 1’, ‘doubles’ and ‘near doubles’ to help children master all of the facts.
Subtraction within 20 Number Facts Practice Worksheets

Subtraction within 20 Number Facts Practice Worksheets

Here is a collection of worksheets which will help children to practice and memorise subtraction facts within 20. It uses the ‘look, cover, write, check’ approach used in spellings. The sheets have been carefully arranged into specific skills such as ‘subtracting 1’, ‘doubles’ and ‘near doubles’ to help children master all of the facts.
Times Tables Number Facts Practice Worksheets

Times Tables Number Facts Practice Worksheets

Here is a collection of worksheets which will help children to practice and memorise times tables facts from 0x0 to 12x12. It uses the ‘look, cover, write, check’ approach used in spellings. The sheets have been carefully arranged so that students begin by practising the times tables in order before trying them mixed up.
Division Facts Practice Worksheets

Division Facts Practice Worksheets

Here is a collection of worksheets which will help children to practice and memorise division facts. It uses the ‘look, cover, write, check’ approach used in spellings. The sheets have been carefully arranged so that children can practice the facts in order before trying them mixed up.
Adam Up Maths Master Level 1 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master Level 1 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master is an engaging and fun way of practising key mental maths skills. In Level 1, the student plays as Adam Up. They must defeat the ‘Multiguys’ by practising number skills before taking on King Calc where they will be given a mixture of questions based on the skills they have previously done. Adam Up Maths master includes a logbook to record progress and certificates to award once the student has ‘defeated’ King Calc. The skills covered in Level 1 are: Writing numerals to 5 1 more (up to 5) 1 less (up to 5) Writing numerals to 10 1 more (up to 10) 1 less (up to 10) Writing numerals 11 - 20 1 more (up to 20) 1 less (up to 20) Number bonds to 5 For more detail, make sure to download ‘Adam Up Maths Master Details’ from the Adam Up Maths store.
Adam Up Maths Master - A mental maths intervention program (all levels)

Adam Up Maths Master - A mental maths intervention program (all levels)

7 Resources
Adam Up Maths Master is an engaging and fun way of practising key mental maths skills. In each level, the student plays as a different character. They must defeat the ‘Multiguys’ by practising number skills before taking on King Calc where they will be given a mixture of questions based on the skills they have previously done. Adam Up Maths master includes logbooks to record progress and certificates to award once the student has ‘defeated’ King Calc. Included in this bundle are excel documents which can be used to generate additional worksheets.
Number Vocabulary Posters

Number Vocabulary Posters

Here is a collection of number vocabulary mats. Each mat has a student friendly definition of what the word means as well as examples and non-examples of the word. These can be used to introduce new vocabulary in the class as well as being a useful revision tool.
Statistics Vocabulary Posters

Statistics Vocabulary Posters

Here is a collection of statistics vocabulary posters. Each poster has a student friendly definition of what the word means as well as examples and non-examples of the word. These can be used to introduce new vocabulary in the class as well as being a useful revision tool.
Multiplication and Division Bricks - A tool for memorising number facts

Multiplication and Division Bricks - A tool for memorising number facts

Number Facts Bricks are designed to help children memorise key number facts. They work like a spelling test. Here is a set of multiplication and division number fact bricks. Teachers/parents/caregivers can sit with the child and work through the carefully constructed order of calculations to see which facts they know and which ones they still need to learn.
Addition and Subtraction Bricks - A tool for memorising number facts

Addition and Subtraction Bricks - A tool for memorising number facts

Number Facts Bricks are designed to help children memorise key number facts. Here is a set of addition and subtraciton number fact bricks. Teachers/parents/caregivers can sit with the child and work through the carefully consturcted order of calculations to see which facts they know and which ones they still need to learn.
Geometry Vocabulary Posters

Geometry Vocabulary Posters

Here is a collection of geometry vocabulary posters. Each poster has a student friendly definition of what the word means as well as examples and non-examples of the word. These can be used to introduce new vocabulary in the class as well as being a useful revision tool.
Adam Up Maths Master Level 6 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master Level 6 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master is an engaging and fun way of practising key mental maths skills. In Level 6, the student plays as Auntie Clockwise. They must defeat the ‘Multiguys’ by practising number skills before taking on King Calc where they will be given a mixture of questions based on the skills they have previously done. Adam Up Maths master includes a logbook to record progress and certificates to award once the student has ‘defeated’ King Calc. The skills covered in Level 6 are: 1 more and 1 less (decimals) 10 more and 10 less (decimals) Number bonds to 1 (decimals) Doubles (decimals to 10) Halves (decimals to 10 ending with an even digit) Multiples of 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5 Times tables mix Division mix Division with remainders 50% of a number 25% of a number 10% of a number Square numbers For more detail, make sure to download ‘Adam Up Maths Master Details’ from the Adam Up Maths store.
Adam Up Maths Master Level 5 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master Level 5 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master is an engaging and fun way of practising key mental maths skills. In Level 5, the student plays as Perrie Mata. They must defeat the ‘Multiguys’ by practising number skills before taking on King Calc where they will be given a mixture of questions based on the skills they have previously done. Adam Up Maths master includes a logbook to record progress and certificates to award once the student has ‘defeated’ King Calc. The skills covered in Level 5 are: 100 more and 100 less (up to 10,000) 1,000 more and 1,000 less (up to 10,000) Number bonds to 1,000 Doubles up to 10 (numbers ending in .5) Halves up to half of 20 (odd numbers) Multiples of 25, 50, and 75 6x table 7x table 9x table 11x table 12x table ÷6 ÷7 ÷9 ÷11 ÷12 For more detail, make sure to download ‘Adam Up Maths Master Details’ from the Adam Up Maths store.
Adam Up Maths Master Level 4 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master Level 4 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master is an engaging and fun way of practising key mental maths skills. In Level 4, the student plays as Anne Gull. They must defeat the ‘Multiguys’ by practising number skills before taking on King Calc where they will be given a mixture of questions based on the skills they have previously done. Adam Up Maths master includes a logbook to record progress and certificates to award once the student has ‘defeated’ King Calc. The skills covered in Level 4 are: Writing numbers to 1,000 (words) 10 more and 10 less (up to 1,000) 100 more and 100 less (up to 1,000) Number bonds to 100 Addition facts to 20 Subtraction facts to 20 Doubles to double 50 Halves up to half of 100 (even numbers) Multiples of 20, 50, and 100 3x table 4x table 8x table ÷3 ÷4 ÷8 For more detail, make sure to download ‘Adam Up Maths Master Details’ from the Adam Up Maths store.
Adam Up Maths Master Level 2 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master Level 2 - A mental maths intervention program

Adam Up Maths Master is an engaging and fun way of practising key mental maths skills. In Level 2, the student plays as Millie Metre. They must defeat the ‘Multiguys’ by practising number skills before taking on King Calc where they will be given a mixture of questions based on the skills they have previously done. Adam Up Maths master includes a logbook to record progress and certificates to award once the student has ‘defeated’ King Calc. The skills covered in Level 2 are: Writing numbers to 20 in numerals Writing/saying numbers to 20 in words 1 more (up to 100) 1 less (up to 100) Number bonds to 6 Number bonds to 7 Number bonds to 8 Number bonds to 9 Number bonds to 10 Doubles to double 5 Halves up to half of 10 Doubles to double 10 Halves up to half of 20 Counting in 2s Counting in 5s Counting in 10s For more detail, make sure to download ‘Adam Up Maths Master Details’ from the Adam Up Maths store.
Maths Games for Families Vol.2 - A collection of 10 maths games to play at home

Maths Games for Families Vol.2 - A collection of 10 maths games to play at home

Maths Games for Families Vol.2 is a collection of maths games created/adapted by Samuel Kordan. They are slightly more complex than those in Vol.1 but should still be easy to learn and quick to play. The intention of the games is to help children learn and practice basic maths skills whilst having fun with the family. The games included in Vol.2 are: Target (Place Value) Numboozle (Combining the four operations) Bleep Test (Adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers) Please leave me any feedback - positive or negative, it is always appreciated. I hope you enjoy this book!
Sharing in a ratio: Step-by-step guide (Robot Maths)

Sharing in a ratio: Step-by-step guide (Robot Maths)

Robot Maths is designed to give students clear example of maths skills whilst reducing the amount needed to be written down. There is space for the teacher to write an example and to guide the student/class through the process step-by-step. This Robot Maths resource helps students to understand sharing in a ratio.
Adam Up Maths Master Details

Adam Up Maths Master Details

Adam Up Maths Master is an engaging and fun way of practising mental maths skills. There are 6 levels of difficulty. In each level you play as a different character in an attempt to defeat King Calc! Here are the details of the program to guide you through this groundbreaking resource.
Algebra Vocabulary Posters

Algebra Vocabulary Posters

Here is a collection of algebra vocabulary mats. Each mat has a student friendly definition of what the word means as well as examples and non-examples of the word. These can be used to introduce new vocabulary in the class as well as being a useful revision tool.