PowerPoint presentation
What to cover sheets for students to assess progress and highlight their areas of strength and what needs revising
Topic test
Resources to support lesson
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
The current layout of the tracker gives a whole class overview on one sheet and the master copy can be duplicated for each individual student.
Whole Class
This sheet gives an overall growth comparison for the class, showing a breakdown for Paper 1, Paper 2, Coursework and Practical Assessment.
Each of the four key sections is designed to monitor progress and highlight any particular areas of strength or concern.
Master Copy
This sheet is intended to be duplicated for each student to show their individual progress and can be printed to show all graphs on a single page.
Each of the four key sections is designed to show 2-3 scores in order to monitor progress and highlight any particular areas of strength or concern.
**** This tracker can be fully customised for your personal use. **
This tracker will be downloaded as an Excel document but was created with Google Sheets so can be used across both platforms
Power Point Presentation - data may need to be updated based on examples used with students
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
PowerPoint presentation
What to cover sheets for students to assess progress and highlight their areas of strength and what needs revising
Topic test
Resources to support lesson
PowerPoint presentation
What to cover sheets for students to assess progress and highlight their areas of strength and what needs revising
Topic test
Resources to support lesson
GCSE PE OCR - Doughnut Formative Assessment Tracker
Each lesson provides the lesson title and learning targets for which each formative assessment is based.
The assessment is based on the 9-1 grading system and is coded bronze, silver, gold and platinum.
Each student achieving over a grade 4 is calculated towards the over mastery percentage.
This is done for classwork, homework and grade.
Once the grade is added, the conditional formatting will colour code this and self calculate your percentage.
This tracker can be fully customised for your personal use.
**** This tracker can be fully customised for your personal use. **
This tracker will be downloaded as an Excel document but was created with Google Sheets so can be used across both platforms
Best used with Google Sheets
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test
Power Point Presentation
What to cover sheet for the unit allowing students to monitor their own progress and highlight areas to revise
Resource sheets to go alongside the presentation
Topic test