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Persuasive letter - Year 5
A 2 week talk 4 writing unit based on persuasive letter writing.
We covered:
for and against arguments
cohesive devices
formal language
emotive language
opinion phrases
during the unit in preparation for writing our own piece letter.
Model text is included

Year 5 - Warning Tale ppt
Year 5 warning tale powerpoint.
Slides contain all activities (differentiated by outcome)
Follows the talk for writing process to a certain extent.
Hope its some use to you!

Journey to Jo-burg - 2 weeks of planning
Two weeks of planning on the first part of the book and then a few chapters in.
Perfect if you are doing a reading unit looking at different extracts like we did.
Links perfectly to any unit on Africa.
– I have included the three other weeks we used. The front cover of each book is on the slides - hopefully you will be able to make use of these ; if not - who doesn’t love a freebie!
We also completed a writing unit alongside this whereby we wrote a letter as if we were Naledi writing to Mma.
Worked really well.
I hope this helps.
All money raised from these resources is used to buy more books for my year 6 class.
Thanks for reading.

7wks planning Explorer - KatherineRundell - reading
7 weeks of whole class reading powerpoints based on the text Explorer by Katherine Rundell.
This was done with a mixed year 5/6 class.
Slides include a range of skills taught over the 7 weeks with matching activities.
Some slides also include teacher modelling activities to support learning prior to the independent task.
page numbers are listed for each lesson.
Due to the way we carry out reading - the first 4 days are based on non-fiction (still with a focus linked to the book).
Hope these are of some help to you and save someone hours of planning.

Floodland - Marcus Sedgwick - 6 Weeks Reading Planning
6 week reading planning based on the book Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick.
Brilliant book!
We follow a set plan for reading but we cover lots of different skills.
Some activities are differentiated to the point where the LA children will do a slightly simpler task with a different LI but still based on the same part of the text.
Green star - Working below expected/ different year group (LA/EAL/SEND)
Blue - Working at age expected (MA)
Purple - Above expected (HA)

Year 5 Characterisation
3 week unit on Characterisation based around THE GREATEST SHOWMAN.
Completed in a ‘Talk 4 writing’ Style.
includes model text, various activities and learning aids.

Yr5, Once - Morris Gleitzman - 6 Week Whole Class Reading
6 week unit based on the book
Once by Morris Gleitzman
Variation of tasks from retrieval, prediction, inference (type 1 and 2), analysis of text to facts and opinions.
All tasks appear on the slides along with what pages to read etc.
first few days are based on non-fiction to break the unit up and give a slight insight to other information related to the unit.

Instructions Unit Year 5/6
Full lesson powerpoints for 2 or 3 week unit on writing instructions.
GPS included within the lessons!

Comparative report - WW2 vs African Slave Trade
Comparative report writing
Comparing WW2 to the African Slave Trade.
Both of these units were taught in history, so our writing was formed from previous knowledge.
Prior knowledge of these events is needed to access these lessons.
I have included the grammar hammer work we do before each lesson.
Also attached is the sorting task I gave the children to do.
I gave no instructions for this and just asked them to sort them in a way that they felt made sense. We then discussed as a class - it definitely sparked conversation of similarities and differences.

Lego Builder
Full powerpoint based on Lego Builders.
We have ran this both with classes in KS1 and KS2 as well as whole school.
The idea of the game is that you have 6 people in a team.
2 planners
2 suppliers and
2 builders.
the planners go and observe 4 different models (made from lego).
each one is harder than the previous.
they then report back to the suppliers as to what bricks are needed.
the suppliers then go to the lego shop to purchase the bricks.
they must then deliver to the builders who will construct and then take back to the lego shop to redeem the value of the build.
as the game goes on, property value decreases therefore stock market value changes.
at the end of the game, each team totals up their earnings.

Newspaper Report 5/6 Char & choc factory
Newspaper report based on iconic film / book - Charlie and the Chocolate factory

Wow Words - Improving Vocabulary - Yrs2 - Yr6
Wow words for each year group.
Individual documents per year group.